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The 1950s 10 29 2013 i Economic Prosperity o Economic expansion o U S Gross Domestic Product grew rapidly Economic Boom Increased federal spending Defense and federal aid Marshall Plan Money to spend Industrial economy evolving Suburbia Levitttown Standardization of suburban living 1960 in single family homes more people living in suburbs than cities Population Growth Baby boom Marriage rates increased 22 for men 20 for women 30 million population rose during 1950s couples had more children ii Conformity and differences iii The Anxiety of Affluence iv Emergence of the Civil Rights Movement Kitchen Debate 1959 Vice President Richard Nixon Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev Connections to the Cold War Kitchen Debate and superiority of American way of life GI Bill 1944 Highway system LANDMARK CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT FROM THE 1950s Brown v Board of Education o NAACP Thurgood Marshall Emmett Till 1955 white woman o funeral was huge Montgomery Bus Boycott o 14 year old boy from Chicago was lynched for whistling at a o Rosa Parks o 381 days did not use buses until supreme court ruled that segregation on public transportation is unconstitutional CONTRADICTIONS Expansion of prosperity was connected to the cold war but consumer freedom created superficial values Growth of mass consumer society rested on the same ideas as the Pressure to conform Freedom of speech was restricted as it was in Soviet Union the Soviet Union Critics Southern Manifesto 1955 KKK 3rd Citizen s Council Surge of private schools in South Counter Intelligence Program 1956 1971 1968 Presidential Race Johnson not running Three way race o Hubert Humphrey D o Richard Nixon R law and order o George Wallace State s Rights traditional values Fallacy 1 The Civil Rights Movement began in 1954 with Brown v Board of Education Fallacy 2 The Civil Rights movement was the product of superheroes Martin Luther King Jr Mass Movement o Long time activists o Churches o Young people AMERICA S LONGEST WAR 1950 1975 CONNECTIONS Cold War o NSC 68 o Truman Doctrine Civil Rights Movement 1960s STAGE 1 Background 1945 1963 France s Asian Empire Japanese invasion WWII Vietnamese independent movement o Ho Chi Minh o US Supports France o Geneva Conference Northern District Ho Chi Minh COMMUNIST Southern District Ngo Dinh Diem U S involvement Vietnam Cong 1958 Diem assassination STAGE 2 Escalation 1964 1968 Tonkin Gulf incident o Tonkin Gulf Resolution Viet Cong attack American air base 1965 STAGE 3 Vietnamization 1969 1975 HOME FRONT 50s early 60s Support for war Late 60s opposition o My Lai 1968 1969 o Students for a Democratic Society o Robert Kennedy Martin Luther King Jr Mohammad Ali a good boxer Refused induction into the army thrown in jail wouldn t fight a white man s war 10 29 2013 10 29 2013

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UD HIST 206 - The 1950s

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