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1 What is manslaughter a The willful killing of one person by another 2 What is interpersonal violence a The attempt threat use of force physical or non physical abuse that results in the physical harm of 1 or more persons 3 What is justifiable homicide a Killing of dangerous armed persons by citizen or police officer 4 What is 1st degree murder 5 What is 2nd degree murder a The most serious malice aforethought premediated a Death in which serious harm was intended but not murder 6 What is voluntary manslaughter a Killing in tense emotional state fear anger 7 What is involuntary manslaughter a Committed because acted recklessly 8 What geographic location has the highest rates of homicide Why a South because of the culture of honor 9 What is the culture of honor a Set of norms whose central idea is people usually men should be ready to use violence 10 What are some possible reasons as to why southern people are more likely to use violence to defend their honor culture of honor a History of violence in south higher temperatures gun owner rates are higher 11 What age range and gender has the highest rates of homicides a Men 15 24 both murder murderers 12 Homicide violence is more likely to occur a Intra racially such as black on black white on white 13 What are some reasons that explain high rates of homicide a Economic inequality higher handgun ownership violence in American culture social disorganization and masculinity 14 What is strain theory a Part of social disorganization population overcrowding living conditions contribute to violence ie Conditions of environment crime 15 What is the Code of the Streets a By Anderson to explain masculinity and violence b Willingness to use violence insult to gain power and status 16 What were the 2 types of families in Code of the Streets a Decent families mainstream live according to norms in house but use street norms in public to avoid being targeted b Street families use violence 17 What is assault a Unlawful attack of one to another for purpose of inflicting severe bodily injury 18 What is simple assault a No weapon no serious injury 19 What is aggravated assault a Use weapon to inflict serious injury does NOT result in death 20 What are the patterns of assault a Has decreased since 1990s Men and Youth such as teenage boys are more likely to be victims higher in south 21 What is usually the offender victim relationship in assault cases a Taking attempted taking of anything of value from care custody of another person by a Similar to assault Victims are typically Men younger than 25 occurs in urban areas and a Most knew the victim 22 What is robbery force of threat violence or fear 23 What are the patterns of robbery south more often 24 What are the 4 types of robbers a Professional opportunist addict alcoholic 25 What is a professional robber a Careful planning location big score exits weapons b Usually part of group 26 What is an opportunist robber a Little planning vulnerable targets elderly disabled get little out of it usually committed by young males on their own 27 What is an addict robber 28 What is an alcoholic robber a Rob to get money for illegal drugs some plan but usually in less detail a Commit while intoxicated rarely planned usually no weapons are involved 29 What are some explanations for robbery a Economic gain innovation Merton s Anomie Theory social disorganization theory poverty routine activities theory crime out of opportunity code of the street 30 What are the 3 key elements of routine activities theory a There is a Motivated Offender Suitable Target Absence of a Guardian 31 What is multicide a Multiple murder b More than 1 murder in same incident at same time 32 What are some general requirements for mass murders a One location 2 or more victims 33 What are some reasons for committing mass murder a Retaliation for harassment perceived injustice outrage 34 True or False Mass Murderers are usually planned with use of a weapon a True 35 What is serial killing a Taking of human life 1 at a time over period of days weeks or years 36 Who is usually the target of serial killings a Strangers high risk individuals ie Prostitutes homeless 37 What are the 6 types of serial killers a Hedonist lust thrill comfort power control mission and visionary 38 What is a hedonist lust killer a Commit for sexual pleasure 39 What is a thrill killer 40 What is a comfort killer a Kill for financial gain 41 What is a power control killer a Commit for sexual pleasure pleasure comes from torture humiliation a Committed by dominate group against others because of race ethnicity etc a Receive pleasure out of dominating their victim 42 What is a mission killer 43 What is a visionary killer 44 What are hate crimes a Kill to end the lives of those seen as inferior or immoral a Kill because of mental illness psychotic hear voices 45 Why do men and women tend to commit hate crimes a Men commit because of racism b Women commit for social reasons ie Bonding fitting in 46 How common are work hate crimes 47 What are the 2 types of violence against children a Very common a Physical sexual 48 Know there is a thin line between abuse and discipline 49 What are the characteristics of violence against women a Many victims are college aged know their offender usually committed by intimate partners 50 What are the conviction rates for rape cases a Less than 5 out of 100 51 What is genital mutilation a Permanent or temporary changes to female sex organs 52 What are dowry deaths a Groom kills wife and usually her family because they cannot pay her dowry 53 What is femicide 54 What is rape a Killing of women to obtain dominance a Any forced sexual intercourse any penetration with any object 55 What is the difference between inebriation and intoxication Inebriation over the legal limit cannot give consent Intoxication have had a few drinks consciously aware a b 56 What I context specific victim blaming a Victim is only blamed if victimized while doing risky behavior b Example Victim is blamed for the attack if she is wearing inappropriate clothing or drinking but not if she is simply walking home after work wearing appropriate clothing 57 What is domestic violence a Physical emotional abuse by intimate partner 58 Know the Power and Control Wheel 59 What is the cycle of violence 60 What are the patterns of battering a Younger females 20 24 more likely to be victims transcends social classes 61 What is the gender inequality approach to battering a Patriarchy male

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