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GERO 14029 Review for Semi Cumulative Final Exam New Course Topics Topic Mental Health Be able to Describe how factors such as SES and poor nutrition are associated with the risk for mental health disorders in later life Describe the reasons why depression may be under diagnosed in older adults Identify the settings where depression may be more prevalent in later adulthood Describe distinguish between physiological and social causes of late life depression Describe depression treatments including types of psychotherapy and drug treatments Identify gender differences in suicide in later life Higher prevalence for women Identify the risk factors for late life suicide Physical illness chronic pain Depression and alcoholism Unmarried widowers recent losses Identify the challenges associated with identifying older adult alcohol abuse Resembles other medical conditions Medical problems may mask alcoholism Still elderly alcoholics respond well to treatment Describe how medications and alcohol interact in later life Can mask alcohol abuse Identify the types of prescription drugs that may be abused in later life Question 12 prescription drug abuse is the second most common form of addiction among older adults TRUE Main drug abuse involves tranquilizers opiates oxycontin Percocet Describe how sensory loss is associated with paranoid disorders in later life Sensory loss common trigger of paranoid thinking Correct compensate for sensory loss ex Hearing aides Describe symptoms and potential causes of delirium Condition in which experience a confused mental state and changes in behavior Problems with attention thinking awareness and emotion memory muscle control sleeping waking Occurs suddenly is often temporary and can be treated o Common causes of delirium Fractures Infections fever Medications Electrolyte imbalance Pain Head trauma Other brain disease Nutritional deficits Lack of exposure to sunlight Move to new surroundings Alcohol Stress Describe barriers to older adults using mental health services Question 15 more of the aged use mental health services than do younger person FALSE older adults receive fewer mental health services Barriers expense stigma of mental illness skepticism of benefits fear of losing Identify the two most common types of dementia independence Alzehimers Describe what are the biological pathological changes in the brain involved in Alzheimer s disease including how it is definitely diagnosed Describe the factors that may prevent Alzheimer s disease Topic Stress and Coping in Later Life Be able to Identify the different types of stressors Poverty Chronic disease Arguments Friends illness Different stressors at different ages Experience different life events Different types of chronic stressors Have daily hassles build up Describe age differences in exposure and reactivity to stressors Distinguish between problem focused and emotion focused coping Problem focused coping doing something directly related to the problem Emotion focused coping dealing with ones feelings situations that are difficult or impossible to tackle Describe the strategies older adults use to cope with stressors Social support Depends on personality ability cognitive status self esteem Describe how the physiological stress response changes with age Can feel stress before it happens just by thinking about stress Describe whether or not stress accelerates the aging process Those under excessive stress Topic Successful Aging Be able to Describe the SOC model of successful aging i e each part examples of each certain domains of activities EX Difficult driving at night select social events that performance through practice and new technologies EX pianist practices Optimize Select occur during the day more before a concert Compensate seems likes he s playing faster for age related declines EX Pianist slows down before fast segments Describe the 7 keys to aging well from Vaillant study Happy Well vs Sad Sick 1 Not smoking or quitting early 2 Ability to takes life ups and downs in stride 3 Absence of alcohol abuse 4 Healthy weight 5 A solid marriage 6 Physical activity slows down aging 7 Years of education more years more successful aging Describe the importance of lifestyle factors for health and aging Previous Course Topics Topic The Demography of Aging Challenges Opportunities Be able to Describe changing age structure of the population Changes in physical environment family structure work retirement social insurance healthcare Identify the 3 factors related to the changing age structure of the U S 1 2 Ethnic and racial variations 3 Gender variations Increased life expectancy Topic Ageism Myths Stereotypes about Aging Be able to Define describe ageism including the components of ageism Ageism Systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against people because they o Not wanting to be put in their own community force are old similar to racism or sexism Attitudinal behavioral Describe the outcomes of ageism Isolation from the community Inadequate housing income o Want to work but aren t allowed Unnecessary institutionalization Untreated mental and physical illnesses o Medical ageism o Right knee hurts because its old o Most things can still be treated o People in nursing homes long term care who don t need to be Topic Life Span Development and Research Methods Be able to Describe cross sectional and longitudinal designs including the advantages and disadvantages for each design Cross sectional several groups of different aged people studied at one point in time doesn t talk about how things change between ages studies age differences Advantages Representative sample Less costly to conduct Disadvantages Cannot tell us about age change Confound AGE COHORT Longitudinal one group of same aged people studied at different points over time o Advantages o Disadvantages Can assess age changes Considers cohort effects i e effects due to a person s year of birth Time Cost Subject attrition people dropping out Topic The Biology of Aging Be able to Describe age related changes in smell and taste and the implications of these changes Describe presbyopia Identify which gender is most likely to experience hearing loss Topic Preventing Chronic Disease Living with Chronic Conditions Impairment in the ability to complete multiple daily tasks need for assistance with ADLs Identify risk factors for cardiovascular disease Be able to Define disability Weight No physical activity Diabetes High salt carb intake Smoking

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KSU GERO 14029 - Review for Semi-Cumulative Final Exam

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