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Chapter 16 Treatment of Psychological Disorders Exposure and response prevention to the content of their obsessions and prevented from engaging in their compulsions people with OCD are gradually exposed Treatment Getting Help to Those Who Need It 3 Reasons people don t get treated 1 They may not realize they have a mental disorder that could be 2 There may be barriers such as beliefs and circumstances that keep effectively treated people from getting help 3 Structural barriers prevent people from physically getting to treatment 2 types of treatments 1 Psychological treatment people interact with a clinician in order to use the environment to change their brain and behavior 2 Biological treatment brain is treated with drugs surgery or some other direct intervention Psychological Treatments Healing the Mind Through Interaction Psychotherapy Eclectic psychotherapy interaction between a socially sanctioned clinician and someone suffering from a psychological problem with the goal of providing support or relief from the problem form of psychotherapy that involves drawing on techniques from different forms of therapy depending on the client and problem individuals to use this understanding to develop insight into their psychological problems explore childhood events and encourage Psychodynamic psychotherapies Key techniques in psychoanalysis client reports every thought that enters the mind o Dream analysis o Free association without censorship or filtering unconscious conflicts or wishes o Interpretation says and does o Analysis of resistance dreams treated as metaphors that symbolize therapist deciphers meaning underlying what client Resistance reluctance to cooperate with treatment for fear of confronting unpleasant unconscious material analyst begins to assume major significance in client s life and Transference client reacts to analyst based on unconscious childhood fantasies Interpersonal psychotherapy IPT helping clients improve personal relationships form of psychotherapy that focuses on Person centered therapy client centered therapy individuals have a tendency toward growth and that this growth can be facilitated by acceptance and genuine reactions fro the therapist assumes that all o Should demonstrate 3 basic qualities 2 Empathy 1 Congruence openness and honesty in therapeutic relationship continuous process of trying to understand the client and same message should be communicated at all levels by getting inside his her way of thinking feeling and understanding the world provide nonjudgmental warm and accepting environment where the client can safely express their thoughts or feelings 3 Unconditional positive regard Behavior therapy achieved through changing overt maladaptive behaviors into more constructive behaviors disordered behavior is learned and symptom relief is o 3 technique examples 1 Eliminating unwanted Behaviors 2 Promoting desired behaviors a Token economy behaviors which they can later trade for rewards giving clients tokens for desired 3 Reducing unwanted emotion responses a Exposure therapy stimulus directly and repeatedly ultimately leading to a decrease in the emotional response confronting an emotion arousing Cognitive therapy Cognitive restructuring helping a client identify and correct any distorted thinking teaching clients to question the automatic beliefs about self others or the world assumptions and prediction that often lead to negative emotions and to replace negative thinking with more realistic and positive beliefs moment be aware of his or her thoughts feeling and sensations and detect symptoms before they become a problem therapeutic strategies teaches an individual to be fully present in each blend of cognitive and behavioral Cognitive behavioral therapy CBT Mindful meditation o Problem focused and action oriented Group therapy individual problems in a group atmosphere technique in which multiple participants work on their Medical and Biological Treatments Healing the Mind by Physically Altering the Brain Trephining Antipsychotic drugs drilling a hole in the skull o Tardive dyskinesia mouth and extremities treat schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders condition of involuntary movement of face Drug tolerance Psychopharmacology Antianxiety medications Antidepressants Mood stabilizers drugs that help reduce a person s experience of fear the study of drug effects on psychological states and need for higher dose over time to achieve same effects symptoms or anxiety following long term use depression bipolar seizure by delivering an electrical shock to the brain treatment that involves placing a powerful pulsed magnet over a person s scalp which alter neural activity in the brain a class of drugs that help life people s moods medications used to suppress swings between mania and therapy that involves repeated exposure to bright light surgical destruction of specific brain areas treatment that involve inducing a brief Transcranial magnetic stimulation TMS Phototherapy Psychosurgery Electroconvulsive therapy ECT Treatment Effectiveness For Better or for Worse Treatment illusions 1 Natural improvement tendency of symptoms to return to mean level 2 Nonspecific treatment effects Placebo inert substance or procedure that has been applied with the expectation that a healing response will be produced thinking there is improvement because the symptoms were remembered worse than in reality 3 Reconstructive memory designed to evaluate whether a particular disorder or symptom that occurs as a result of medical or Treatment outcome studies treatment works Iatrogenic illness psychotherapeutic treatment itself Ethical standards for treatment of people with mental disorders 1 Striving to benefit clients and taking care to do no harm 2 Establishing relationships of trust with clients 3 Promoting accuracy honesty and truthfulness 4 Seeking fairness in treatment and taking precautions to avoid biases 5 Respecting dignity and worth of all people

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