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1 What is the term for socially learned expectations behaviors that are associated with male and Sociology final review 2 Which is true Sex gender gender going down first word of answer choices female a Gender a All of these 3 How is homophobia related to gender 4 a It encourages conformity In order for there to be sexism indiv must be sexist a False 5 Which is false about patriarchy a It refers to interactions in the public sphere only 6 How do we explain the gender pay gap a All of these are true 7 Concerning gender segregation which is true a The greater the concentration of woman 8 How would a functionalist explain unequal wages a Women are socialized into roles that lead them 9 According to perspective men have historically had the power to benefit from women s 10 gives legitimacy to heterosexual behavior but not homosexual behavior in order to 11 According to theory sexual violence is the result of power imbalances between 12 Which of the following is not part of the sociological definition of family labor a Conflict maintain a Functionalism a Conflict 14 Are particularly interested in the way in which families create stability by teaching people 15 Focus on the process through which people learn social identities through their interactions a A social unit related by blood 13 Historically family structure in the US a Has been shaped by slavery a Functionalists a Symbolic interaction a All of these a 1900 16 The current high rate of divorce in the US related to 17 Education in the US was made compulsory 18 During the 19thh century education in the US a was considered a luxury 19 What is it called when teacher expects a student to fail because of the child s ethnicity 20 Prior to industrialization the household was the center for production and distribution of goods 21 A pattern of relationships that define people s family relationships a The expectancy effect a true a kinship system 22 What is the most common form of child abuse 23 What is a group called when it breaks away from mainstream religion a Neglect a Sect 24 Which event brought about the nuclear family a The industrial revolution 25 If I live with my fake husband fake kids grandfather a extended 26 What is heterosexism a The institutionalization of heterosexuality 27 Queer theory a Interprets society as forcing 28 Most teen pregnancies in the US a Correlation with poverty 29 The state is made up of 30 What is the role of the state a All of these a The government police military and legal system 31 Which person in a bureaucracy is most adamant about following the rules a The person with the least amount of power 32 What type of authority do the police practice 33 The is a popular concept that refers to the limits that women and minorities experience in job a Rational legal mobility a Glass ceiling a All of these technology is referred to as a Economic restructuring a All of these a An interlocking directorate The pluralist model 34 Recent research on labor force shows a Jobs that tend to be race and sex segregated are increasing in number 35 What is the impact of automation in the workplace 36 Recent changes in the way people work including the composition of the workplace and role of 37 Why are women and racial minority group members underrepresented in national government a They are disadvantaged by the power of incumbents who tend to be white men 38 How did voter turnout in the 2008 Presidential election differ from the usual 39 A bank president that sits on a board in the University and holds public office is an example of 40 When groups such as NOW or MADD impact legislation this is an example of 1 Negative consequences of gender norms for men a Discourage intimacy b Encourages aggressive behavior c Encourages risk taking behavior 2 How has gender roles changed into what they are today a Men o more housework b Women are more bright c Both men and women say it s not fair for man to be decision maker 3 What is the practice of traveling to different parts of the world to engage in sexual activity a Sex tourism 4 How would Marx explain sexual coercion or rape a Display of power inequality between men and women 5 Today s family a More single parent headed families b Fewer births less kids c Parents spend less time raising children households a Not much difference 7 Families in the US rate of marriage a Higher marriage rates than European countries 8 Role of churches for African Americans three things have helped 9 Religion has been base of many social movements a Acted as a community center b Community services c Defend against racism a Civil rights movement b Womens movement c The catholic liberation movement 6 Research on children and gay and lesbian households Is there any outcomes of gay and lesbian 10 What is the effect of education on occupation and income a Education can improve one s chances of moving up but still entering upper class is unlikely 11 SAT Scores a Asians do better than whites on quantitative portion b Women of any ethnic group do worse than men on quantitative portion c All ethnicities aside from Asians score lower than whites 12 Immunization a inner cities and Rural residents are suspicious

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