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4 16 15 Stress Health cont d Conflict having to choose between two options where both options are good bad or both not conflicts between two people but internal conflicts Approach approach conflict torn between two desirable goals causes stress because you know you re missing out on the other one ex wedding so many choices to make between things they like but so stressful Avoidance avoidance conflict torn between two undesirable goals ex psych research study points participate or write paper you HAVE to but you don t want to do either would you rather Game both options are undesirable Approach avoidance conflict choosing yes or no about a goal that has both good bad things about it not one good one bad but you have to choose yes or no new job with good money but must relocate move to undesirable location multiple approach avoidance conflict when you go look at 8 new cars there are good bad about all of them you must choose Health Psychology Chapter 14 part 2 Physiological Cognitive Reactions to Stress Stress Health Responses to Stress Physical Problems Emotional Probs Cognitive Probs Physical Problems General Adaptation Syndrome Hans Selye s description of what happens when you make strong demands on the body what happens to body under stress not just acute but chronic stress for a long time He identified 3 Stages 3 Stages Alarm when you first get stressor ex walk into class see teacher handing out exams had no idea now your stress is alarmed sinking in stomach heart in chest mouth goes dry responses as if frightened Resistance full blown fight or flight as you continue your body can t maintain that super heightened state takes too much to run sympathetic nervous system so your body takes it down a level code orange almost red for a long time body takes other measures when it is under much stress starts to shut down other systems to run sympathetic nervous system because it needs that much energy for the stress ex reproductive system can shut down for girls under stress immune system shuts down eventually catch something Exhaustion become sick because of so much energy Eventually a collapse end up getting viruses that normally your immune system can fight off ex pneumonia or meningitis nervous breakdown Stress Video Dr Robert Zupulski some questions may be on exam not state of mind but measureable What animal makes a good model for studying stress And Why Kenya E African Babboons their only form of stress comes from each other not from other animals hunting them so they represent western civilizations communities very well They re great to model but to catch them to study them could definitely cause biased stress for the blood samples Adrenaline Glucacordicoids backbones of stress response The hormones are critical to our survival because it is a tactic to save our lives Blood pressure helps you able to escape run for your life things shut down so that you can work harder Humans can t turn off our on switch and we don t do if for nonphysiological reasons it never ends during our stressful lives What predicts poor health outcomes in these animals Position in hierarchy higher has better outcomes Low ranking under more stress w health problems can t just go see doctor best to study like humans What physical problems develop in the animals that Robert Sapolsky studies Increased heart rates Immune system dysfunction increased blood pressure and elevated hormone levels reproductive system gets knocked out of wack and psychological state becomes more negative stressed Mice brain cells were actually destroyed in the hippocampus What other problems develop in rhesus monkeys that are under stress Weight gain clogged arteries fat from stress is very dangerous because when it s inside the abdomen it produces different kinds of chemicals and hormones that aren t healthy serious way effecting how your body functions Dopamine binds to receptors signaling pleasure PET scanner no stressed primate Do these same effects occur in people White hall study civil service agency federal service CIA FBI lawyers etc they are under one roof depending on where you are you get labeled on ladder low high ranking officials different high ranking have good benefits workload goes down Ex How I met your mother chain of screaming everyone yells down the hierarchy person at the bottom gets all of the stress yelling workload found low ranking had more health problems time off work depression bad things unhealthy How do we know that it is stress causing these effects and not lack of health insurance poor diet etc England has all same exact healthcare plan everyone same things diet isn t much of a factor for them so it is stress monkeys don t have health insurance poor diet they live naturally without doctors only variable is stress Stress Personality Type A Personalities workaholics very ambitious competitive easily annoyed Type B Personalities easygoing slow to anger sloppy disorganized Type A personalities much more likely to have coronary diseases Type C Personalities internalize feelings want everyone to get along avoid conflict is strongly associated with cancer Hardy Personalities tend to thrive on stress have a deep sense of commitment to goals feel in control of their lives see things as challenges Cognitive Appraisal an individual s interpretation of an event as either harmful threatening or challenging and the person s evaluation of whether he she has the resources to deal with the event Cognitive Appraisal Model Primary Appeal estimating the severity of the stressor classifying it as a threat a challenge or a loss Secondary What are my resources Coping a kind of problem solving that involves managing stressful circumstances expending effort to solve life s difficulties seeking to reduce stress Types of Coping Strategies Problem Focused Coping cognitive strategy of squarely facing one s troubles trying to solve them Emotion Focused Coping trying to manage one s emotional reaction to stressor rather than focusing on the root problem

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