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Professors Noh et al 2 THE SOCHE BUFF S GAZETTE GLOBAL INEQUALITY Global Inequality Share of World Income Richest 25 58 89 Poorest 25 13 2 1860 1995 Growth rate high population growth rates Death rate decline in death rates Birth rate birth rates remain high Population Geography Industrializing Agrarian 70 1 central and south america 2 southern and eastern asia 3 middle east and north africa 4 parts of southern and eastern europe Industrializing Horticultural 10 1 sub saharan Africa 2 papua new guinea 3 haiti Economy 1 overspecialized 2 produce raw materials and provide cheap labor 3 exports are main source of capital 4 economic growth rate reflects heritage I d Rather Be Studying pease umd edu 1 26 2023 Stratification class system 1 tiny upper class 2 small middle class 3 huge lower class much gender inequality much ethnic inequality Polity absence of democracy 1 military dictatorships 2 monarchies 3 theocracies political corruption ethnic tribal power struggle violence national boundaries set by colonial powers Modernization theory inside industrializing society Attitudes and values Low level of technology Small middle class Massive poverty Frequent good shortages High unemployment Low education Lack of democracy Political corruption Military fight own population Dependency theory outside industrializing society Industrial societies exploit and oppress Plunder raw materials Exploit cheap labor Increase global inequality Multinational corporations Damage biophysical environment Nolan Lenski Critique 1 both have merit 2 both are related 3 combination of both 4 both are adequate 5 both fail to emphasize 6 high birth rates pease umd edu 1 26 2023 7 interrelatedness of society pease umd edu 1 26 2023

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