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Civil Rights Movement 1950s 1960s Vietnam War 12 09 2014 Lecture Brown V Board and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting act of 1965 enforced 15th amendment Civil rights influence was great and inspired other activist movements Caused other movements like the feminist latino and gay It consisted of ordinary people who took extraordinary actions The movement went past the 1960s because there were promises that weren t fulfilled C Wright Mills criticized how everyone was the same because of big corporate culture Scorned middle class distrustful of government War on poverty LBJ Feminist Movement second wave Betty Freidan led this movement by publishing a book called the feminine mystique This showed that women were feeling guilty unsatisfied and unhappy They were seeking a greater participation in society like equal pay and no job discrimination Zinn Blacks were rebelling in the 1960s everywhere Martin Luther King Jr focused on love and nonviolence building a sympathetic view from the nation Organizations were forming everywhere and were in the streets fighting for their rights like the right to vote By 1968 3 million African American voters The problem was voting didn t solve crime and poverty In the 1970s things began to change for Blacks They could go to college and eat at restaurants and stay at hotels downtown Civil rights inspired women especially because they took a major role in it The Feminine Mystique explained how women felt incomplete as a housewife always providing for others Women who were secretaries or receptionists were humiliated and disrespected Eventually new radical women s groups emerged LBJ then banned sex discrimination abortion became an issue and people began to speak out about rape The feeling of revolt spread to the Native Americans and people who were in prisons Reagan and Bush replaced more than half the justices and placed more conservative ones in the supreme court Vietnam War Ongoing struggle to find rule of Vietnam French were treating them inhumanely meanwhile the US was financing 80 of their efforts to defeat communism Watergate People were not into the governemtn at the time and iddnt even want to pick a party There was also a lot of hostility towards Nixon from the Vietnam war He was caught hiring wiretapping burgulars to break into the DNC offices Nixon s highest officials and Nixon himself were all implicated and brought in there was apparently a series of illegal activities that were related to Nixon like forging letters and leaking false news He was then accused of having tapes of personal phone calls from the white house which he refused to hand over for a while Eventually he handed them over but they were tampered with The house of representatives wanted to impeach him but he resigned prior Johnson Civil rights began with Rosa Parks MLK and Malcom X The civil rights act gave them a lot but not everything SDS new left emerged in 1960 Had student riots everywhere and disliked all authorities Adults thought they were ridiculous Reagan led America He proposed the economic recovery tax act tax reform 1986 brought inflation down and unemployment down Vietnam Eisenhower declared war in 1959 because the loss of S Vietnam could cause the domino effect and a communist takeover of S E Asia The supreme court was mainly against the war and had come up with extensions to allow refusal to the draft The media also influenced the unpopular feeling of getting involved in the war The Cold War Lecture 12 09 2014 From Allies to Rivals The Cold War 1945 1991 Embarrassment to the U S when the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik arms race This was the war against communism which instilled a huge fear Hostility with the Soviets goes back to the 1920s George Kennan s Long Telegram informed the U S about Russia s plan and tactics for the future It also stated that Russia was expansionists and that only This was a problem for the united states since we were following the promoting containment During this time there was an Iron Curtain that divided eastern and western Europe Conflict plays out in smaller domains like Greece Turkey China Germany Korea Cuba and Egypt Waging War at Home Domestic Anti communism Fear in both politics and culture just wanted to rid America of any communism Decline and Persistence of McCarthyism McCarthy spoke in front of America and allegedly had 205 names of communists in the American government This caused the country to go into a state of panic thinking that we were being controlled by communists People were getting accused left and right of being a communist Eventually the scare ended in 1954 when he went to far in accusing the U S army of being filled with communists Although the formal red scare ended the feeling of fear persists and people are still afraid of the Soviet Union Totally ends in 1991 Zinn Johnson Soviet Union became a threat over time They were spreading communism to countries like North Korea which resulted in uproar Truman used the Executive Order 9835 and the Truman Doctrine to search out for disloyal people and control the spread of communism Later on in the 1940s the Soviet Union became increasingly violent and launched bombs and blockaded major cities Truman was eager to strengthen capitalism This is because many people went to socialism from believed failures of capitalism After the war there was an upsurge of civil rights Truman had then created a civil rights department for moral and economic reasons In the 1960s blacks began to rebel everywhere which then paved the way for Martin Luther King Jr to emerge as a freedom figure This also caused dissatisfaction with the government and everyone wanted equal opportunity for blacks FDR was very na ve and believed that Stalin was a benevolent democrat and that the soviets were peace giving people It was ironic because all Truman wanted to do was rid the country of communism and come back home The more aggressive the communists were the stronger Truman s actions were The U S followed the containment policy for as long as they could until things got out of hand and communism spread to China The 1960s were a time of huge structural change in America Authorities and hierarchies were being challenged like never before Media became a big factor in politics and blew JFKs ratings higher than they should have been They also were unnecessarily hostile towards Nixon This media shift showed that it was a start of a new era It came with accomplishments like launching the first

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UD HIST 206 - Civil Rights Movement

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