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Sociology is the scientific study of human society and Social interactions Sociology immerged as a separate field of study in Europe during which century The main focus or unit of study for sociologist is 19th The group Emile Durkheim The first true sociological study of suicide in France was conducted by What is the term for the ability to see the relationship between individual experiences and larger social forces Social imagination Who developed social imagination Auguste Comte Which theorist believed the entire history of human society could be seen as a history of struggles between those who own and control the means of production and those who do the work Carl Marx Which sociological perspective views society as a system of highly interrelated structures or parts that operate together Functionalism What is manifest functions What are latent functions Culture they grow Norms The intended and recognized consequences of social process The unintended and not readily recognized consequences of social process All human beings learn to do to use to produce and to know and to believe as Shared rules of conduct that prescribe limits of acceptable behavior and help provide predictability and social life and shared expectations In the US the number of traditional families has been Decreasing What are the functions of the family What is a nuclear family Two parents a son and a daughter Provide social status socializing children regulating sexual behavior Through what type of relationships do most American families trace decent Bilateral Marriage is No What is exogamy What is homogony Increased Hawaii 41 Religion people Conflict theory Sacred experiences Profane Found in all society s legitimized union between two genders and supported union of individuals Is romantic love considered necessary for marriage in all society s Marrying someone outside of your social group Marrying someone who is similar to you in terms of race social class and age Over the last 40 years medium age at first marriage has What is the state with the highest percentage of interracial marriages In 2010 what percentage of all births in the US were to unmarried women The term for a system of beliefs practices and values shared by a group of Sees religion as a tool for the upper classes dominating the lower classes Things that are awe inspiring and knowable only through extraordinary Everything that is not sacred Who developed the term sacred and profane and also wrote the book Emile Durkheim Elementary Forms of Religious Life Elements of religion Ritual and prayer emotion belief and organization The belief in spirts or ghosts of ancestors that inhabit animate and inanimate Animism objects Characteristics of monotheism The belief in the existence of a single God What are the functions of religion adaption to society What are the functions of education Socializations child care What is the latent function of education Provision of child care outside the nuclear family Hidden curriculum Satisfying individual need social cohesion establishing worldviews and Attitudes and values taught in school prepare children to accept requirements of adult life social political and economic statuses the society provides What effects does the dropout rate have on society Drop outs pay less taxes because lower income having increase demand for social services less likely to vote poor health and greater criminal deviance Coleman report Home life friends associates and quality of neighborhood have more of an impact on academic achievement than schools and teachers What group is more likely to drop out of high school Minorities Hispanics The process by which power is distributes and decisions are made Politics Power The ability to carry out one person s or groups will even in the presence of resistance or opposition from others Power that is regarded as legitimate by those over whom it is exercise who also accept the authority s legitimacy in imposing sanctions or even in using force if necessary Power that is regarded as illegitimate by those over whom it is excreted Authority derived from a ruler s ability to inspire passion and devotion among Authority Coercion Charismatic authority followers Tradition authority Authority that is rooted in the assumption that the customs of the past legitimize the present that things are as they always have been and basically should remain that way Legal rational authority Authority that is derive from the understanding that specific individuals have clearly defined rights and duties to uphold and implement rules and procedures impersonally What did the state merge according to conflict theorist State is a product of power being seized by elite for purposes of domination of workers and exploitation of wealth and resources Basic functions of the state Establishing laws and norms providing social control ensuring economic stability setting goals and protecting against outside threats Economy An institution whose primary function is to determine the manner in which society produces distributes and consumer goods and services Which group in the US has the best health Asians Which country has the most advanced health care resources What has led to the growth of the older population in the world WWII baby boom medical impact on life expectancy improved technology The only leading industrial country that doesn t have a central health care system What percentage of medical students are women US US 47 Why do female doctors earn less than men Women physicians are perceived as more sensitive more altruistic and less egoistic than men Why do men have a lower life expectancy than women Which group has the lowest life expectancy Black men Birth rates among blacks and whites Which group has experienced immigrant advantage when it comes to good health Asians Blacks 25 Which group has the highest type 2 diabetes Blacks are more likely to have Kidney disease hepatitis alcoholism By 2050 what percent of Americans will be 85 and older What effect will population aging have on the economy Worst offenders of religious freedom What is the world s largest religion with followers Christianity Second largest religion Islam Largest religion in the US Christianity Medicalization Which country has the highest divorce rate US 60 74 Being overweight obese is correlated with Class level medical behavioral and structural Which age group has the highest rate of voter participation What is the current status of desegregation in urban

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