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1 28 15 Weight Assignment Conversion exercise questions exactly like these will be on exam SHOW YOUR WORK Lbs kg 2 2 Kg lbs x 2 2 Calculating Calories providing energy Carbohydrates 4 kcals g ex medium size apple has approx 15 grams of carbohydrates 15x4 60 calories Protein 4 kcals g ex 1oz chicken 8 grams of protein 32 calories Fat 9 kcals g ex doesn t matter if it s healthy or not used whole milk 10 grams of fat 90 calories just from fat Alcohol 7 kcals g 1 171lbs kg 77 72 2 202 lbs kg 91 82 3 154 lbs 70 kg 4 98 kg 215 6 lbs 5 75 kg 165 lbs Calculate the meal 1023 100 grams of carbs 400 30 grams of protein 120 45 grams of fat 405 14 grams of alcohol 98 What is the percent of calories coming from each macronutrients Carbohydrate calories total calories from meal x 100 39 1 protein calories total calories from meal x 100 11 73 Fat calories total calories from meal x 100 39 58 Alcohol calories total calories from meal x 100 9 58 Understanding Food Nutrition Labels Unit 4 Nutrition Labeling we have the right to know what we are eating make a knowledgeable decision to eat it also a right to know what ingredients foods include because of allergies even if it doesn t taste like it it could be in it 1990 Nutrition Labeling Education Act passed by Congress 1993 Food Drug Administration FDA published rules for nutrition labeling Key Elements of Labeling Standards Nutrition Facts Panel Nutrient claims health claims structure function claims qualified health claims what has been found by scientists Nutrition Facts Panel serving size is most important b c rest of panel is calculated from that foods containing more than one ingredient must display a nutrition facts panel specific information is required additional information on specific nutrients may be added on a voluntary basis Mandatory total calories calories from fat total saturated etc fiber cholesterol vitamin a c calcium iron any other nutrients not mandatory YET how much vitamin d ex vitamin d has deeply been researched lately and not enough is reoccurrence of diabetes heart disease cancers etc how much potassium helps regulate muscles high fruits veggies potatoes sweet potatoes kidney disease can t process potassium body can t pump blood and could die making volume more understandable for each thing Ingredients ex lots of sugar high fructose corn syrup first 5 ingredients have the most amount not based upon calories Meats Produce charts for omega 3 sodium cholesterol etc Nutrition Information for single foods may be presented on posters Daily Values BASED ON 2 000 CALORIE DIET scientifically agreed upon standards of daily intake of nutrients from the diet developed for use on nutrition labels represent percentages of standards RDAs obtained from one serving of the food product 2000 calorie daily intake 60 carbohydrate 30 fat 10 protein Nutrition Content Nutrition Claims on packages must conform to FDA standard definitions EX To be considered to be LOW FAT per serving must be less than 3 grams of fat LEAN 10 g fat 4 5 saturated fat trans fat 95 mg cholesterol serving Lean Beef incorrect correct labeling most manufactures follow guidelines don t want to lose customers or be written up it s the law faithful manufactures they want customers to be honest because you trust them ex GNC terms not approved by the FDA for use on food labels not vitamins or words that have true meanings natural all natural pure anti biotic free raised without antibiotics additive free pesticide free hormone free nutritionally improved no cholesterol on plant foods free range eco friendly pasture fed On the Side Jelly Bean Rule manufacture cannot claim if they added something to it ex added vitamin c to jelly beans still not healthy Health Claims foods with scientifically agreed upon benefits for disease prevention can be labeled with a health claim have been researched the FDA approves health claims for food products that are not high in fat saturated fat cholesterol or sodium FDA Approved Health Claims table 4 3 Labeling Foods Enriched or Fortified Enrichment you already had these nutrients in your product but when you went through a manufacturing process you lost them have to put them back in ex fat is enrichment pastas cereals Fortification addition of one or more vitamins or minerals nutrients were never there any food can be fortified ex orange juice never had calcium before fortification lactate orange juice apple sauce salt w iodine for our thyroid metabolisms The Ingredient Label all foods with more than one ingredient must have an additional label The Rules 1 Ingredients must be listed in order of their contribution to the weight of the food from highest to lowest 2 Beverages that contain juice must list the of juice on the ingredient label 3 The terms colors and color added cannot be used The name of the specific color ingredients must be given ex caramel color turmeric 4 Milk eggs fish and five other foods to which some people are allergic must be listed on label Food additives why preservatives give you color consistency texture cooking properties shelf life nutrient content substances added to food that become part of the food or affect the characteristics of the food applies to substances added intentionally or unintentionally they must be on the GRAS list GRAS generally recognized as safe list On the Label not expiring for years to come for shelf life more than 3 000 chemical additives enhance flavor texture color cooking properties shelf life nutrient content specific info about food additives must be listed on the label GRAs list additive can be used without preapproval new additives must be approved by FDA Unintentional Additives piece of packages so small small piece of a bug animal skin or something trace amounts of unintentional additives do not appear on food labels pesticides hormones antibiotics fragments of packaging materials small fragments of bone insects Irradiated Foods kills insects bacteria mold and other microorganisms does not make food radioactive ex belongings though the x ray at airport same thing w food Fresh at raw state nothing added Healthy ex healthy burritos canned vegetables no more than 60 milligrams of cholesterol 3 g of fat 1 gram of saturated fat more than 10 of the DV of vitamin A vitamin C iron calcium protein or fiber Healthy foods must also contain 360 milligrams or less of sodium Extra Lean ex extra lean pork extra lean hamburger fewer than 5 g of fat fewer than 2 grams of saturated fat and trans fat

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Weight Assignment

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