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Interpersonal Relations Chapter 1 The changing family Family Fictive kin Functions of family is a nonrelative that we consider our family is when sex between close relatives is forbidden It promotes the norms of sexual activity Incest taboo Having children and teaching them the norms Providing your family financial security Providing your family emotional support Common law marriage is when you live with someone else and act as if is when you marry within the same or certain group such as their is when you marry outside the same or certain group which also is the family you were raised by is the family you will raise includes the husband wife biological or adopted children includes aunts uncles grandparents cousins etc is being married to only one person is when you marry someone divorce them and then Exogamy is being married to 2 people Bigamy Endogamy you re married when you legally are not race religion etc means ones race or religion Family of orientation Family of procreation Serial monogamy remarry someone else Polygamy Polygyny Polyandry Swinging Nuclear family Extended family Monogamy is having more than one spouse is having more than 1 wife is having more than 1 husband is when you exchange partners only for sex purposes Myths There are a couple of myths people have about the functions of a family here are a couple It is natural to have and want children 1 2 Your family is always a safe and loving place to be 3 There is someone out there with a perfect marriage and family 4 Families in the past were considered the good old days Trends in US families Birth rates are going down The average age of our population is starting to go up There are more single people than ever before Divorce rates are higher causing more stepfamilies There are more 1 parent households than before More moms are employed than ever before

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