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THE SOCHE BUFF S GAZETTE Professors Noh et al 2 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY Changes in Marriage marrying less a white women 1960 72 white women 2008 64 AA women 1970 64 AA women 2008 29 marrying later 1970 women 21 men 23 2011 women 27 men 29 b Changes in Bearing Children fewer children a 40 lower than 1950 births per 1 000 people 1912 30 0 2012 13 5 birth rate is low because there is an increase in women in the labor force less babies because of increase in birth control technology birth rate increased for women over 40 44 by 63 birth rate increased fro women 45 49 by 1 000 delaying childbirth b c bearing children outside of marriage 1950 4 1970 11 1990 28 2010 41 41 in USA Changes in Household Composition increase in female headed households a lot of one parent families just moms Decline in Family Size fewer children a pease umd edu 1 26 2023 1 2 3 4 b c fewer nonparent adults ex grandmother 1950 16 2000 7 fewer parents out of wedlock births desertion death divorce increased from 1960s to 1980s slowly declining since 1980s most decline is among college education probability of divorce increases with ever marriage 5 Decline in Family Stability a 46 of all marriages aren t first marriages b step families blended families Economics of Marriage Decline in Functions of the Family outside organizations entertainment peer groups etc schools religious c enters legal systems mass media commercial Changes in the Authority Structure of Family a decline in husband authority over wife b decline in parental authority over children 1 outside organizations more influences on children economics kids have their own money ideology individualism rights of individual trump the rights of family or parents separate locations work for parents is in different location from where kids work play 2 3 4 pease umd edu 1 26 2023 6 7 8 reduces interaction between them social mobility 5 kids have less and less in common with their own families different views on style music way of life 9 Decline in Family Bridge and Integration rapid rate of social change comprises the integration of family pease umd edu 1 26 2023

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