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AGING 50 of women over age 75 live alone Overall 10 that aren t in an institution elderly home live alone When you add it up it s approximately 10 million people Lecture 12 3 18 15 In the past 30 years we ve developed medication machines that help you live longer When you re at 65 you can expect to live 18 more years So much so that by 2030 America will have close to 10 million elderly alive as opposed to 5 million right now The oldest population 85 years old is 34 x larger than it was in the 1900 s because we didn t have modern medicine About 80 of people over 100 years old are women Approximately 2 million elderly live in nursing homes The number of beds in those nursing homes decreases by 3 So some of the nursing homes might be extremely crowded By 2050 the number of elderly in the world will double Right now we have 600 million elderly 22 of the world s population will be over 65 years old Lower income countries have the fastest population growth of the elderly took France 100 years to go from 7 14 took Brazil 25 years By 2050 the number of people in the world over 80 years old will be 395 million In poor countries when the elderly die it s usually because some communicable disease not necessarily regarding aging 6 of the elderly around the world are abused or treated in some negative way physical abuse being in restraints crimes of dignity leaving an elderly person in their clothes that have urine and species in it insufficient care in a nursing home not checking on inhabitant s and they getting bed sores for lying in bed for too long The of elderly that can t take care of themselves will quadruple by 2050 Long term care includes nursing home assisted living home health care staying in hospital for a long time As people live longer they re going to find more cases of Alzheimer s and dementia because people that have these diseases in low income situations they don t have access to the long term care By 2050 people over 60 years old will outnumber people from birth to age 14 One thing that elderly do more than any population in society some studies show that approximately 80 90 of them vote Only 32 35 of our generation vote therefore when elections come around you hear politicians directing their plan at the elderly 92 of people over 65 years old have some type of chronic disease The most common chronic diseases is arthritis over 100 different specific conditions you can have that affect your joints cause limited movement swelling 77 have at least 2 chronic illnesses These chronic diseases account for 75 of all the money we spend on health care Only 1 goes towards public efforts to improve health Largely that s because the lobbying of doctors organization It s in the best interest of doctors to have patients that s how they get paid This is why that number is at 1 Diabetes affects almost 25 of the older population Hypertension which could be a precursor to heart disease affects over 60 of men 75 years old Every 15 seconds an older adult is treated in an emergency room because they fall Every 29 minutes an older adult dies because they fall Falls can come from the shower falling downstairs Falls are the leading cause of bone fracture and broken bones in the elderly We spend 30 billion dollars a year just on falling By 2020 that number will be close to 60 billion 25 of the elderly suffer some sort of mental health problem The elderly have the highest rate of suicide 6x higher than any other group About 3 million older adults have a substance abuse problem Many times an elderly person does not get treatment The majority don t get treatment There are 70 million elderly w depression almost 75 of them don t get treatment 1 good thing is that elderly population is getting more educated Today about 1 3 of people over 65 have some type of college education doesn t mean they graduated By 2015 which is now it s about half of the elderly population has some education You either have money or you don t you have elderly that are taken care of and then there s the poor elderly at the bottom that aren t able to do that Many that can t afford this are minority The income between 35 000 75 000 is well over 50 One of the problems of growing old is that you retire this seems good but what happens is you come home and your spouse is used to you not being around Elderly have the tendency to volunteer This number have gone way up in fact over half of people over 55 years old volunteer and 45 of people over 75 years old volunteer Raw number is 7 million elderly volunteers Nearly half of people that are in the middle of their career they are going to choose to work till after age 70 The idea of an elderly person sitting in a house all day watching soap operas this isn t accurate These elderly may not have had a college education maybe only high school Marriage Divorce Statistics More and more people are getting divorced today 40 of a person s first marriage ends in divorce 60 of a second marriage ends in divorce 75 of a third marriage ends in divorce Basically because people don t change They have to find somebody that is similar to them or has the patience to be able to live with them There is 1 divorce every 36 seconds in America that s about 2 500 divorces in a day 17 000 divorces in a week and 850 000 divorces a year The average time a divorced couple is married is 8 years Average age for first divorce is age 30 Having a happy family risk of divorce decreases by 15 Living together before you get married increase your risk of divorce by 40 People who wait till they re 25 or older to get married they are 25 less likely to get divorced chances of marriages working out are better If you met in college your chances of getting divorced drop by 13 In terms of politics red states states that are considered republicans states are 2x more likely to get divorced than people that live in democratic states If you have children your rate of divorce goes down 40 Highest religion group that gets divorced are Baptists almost 30 Lowest religion group that gets divorced are Atheist Agnostics After a divorce w children 75 live with their mother Oklahoma Arkansas and Alaska have the highest divorce rate each one over 13 People that live in the Northeast places that are covered in snow have lower divorce rates There are reasons that people get divorced 1 Poor communication 2 Money usually not enough of it or one person spends too much of …

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