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Sociology 1101 Introduction to Sociology Final Exam Review Sheet Older Material o o o o o o o o o o o o 20 25 multiple choice questions the same as some of the questions on the first two midterms answer choices will not necessarily be in the same order Chapter 1 Sociology Perspective Theory and Method The sociological perspective know what it is and its key components and be able to apply it Sociological perspective Focusing on patterns of behavior not uniqueness questioning common sense don t except common held beliefs about the world heuristic The 3 Theoretical Perspectives know the key ideas questions critiques and be able to apply Structural Functionalism Conflict Theory Symbolic Interactionism Society operates like a human body or a machine different parts and different systems Work together to forma a comprehensive smoothly operation whole Social change is gradual almost like evolution emphasize social solidarity connections and stability Inequality and power best way to understand society is to look at patterns of inequality between groups Race class gender etc and connect them to differences in power power to determine things determine both your own life and influence that of other people s Symbols small groups subjective meanings The best way to understand society is by looking at individuals and small groups and how people interpret their lives for themselves and what it means to them this is subjective and varies from person to person Use symbols to understand peoples lives Symbols is not the most important part of that Most important is subjective meaning and small groups concept micro level Be able to apply the theories to a specific issue examples of sports divorce and religion that we did in class Look at example Chapter 2 Culture Ethnocentrism Holds up the richest nations as the standard to judge other societies It s ethnocentric in that it assumes all nations want to modernize and that the cultural practices of wealthy nations are somehow better Postindustrial societies Information knowledge high technology Economic realities force drop in birth rates Functionalist and Conflict theory perspectives on cultures Chapter 3 Socialization From Infancy to Old Age o Socialization Functionalist Theory Culture has a role to play in society as does everything else macro perspective culture serves a function in society keeps society running smoothly brings people together shared culture gives common ground and promotes social solidarity camaraderie Conflict Theorist Inequality and Power would emphasize how culture relates either reinforces or reflects to inequality and the differences in power Teaches us gender roles Socialization the process of learning from others look up def Sociology s view on the nature vs nurture debate Sociologists tend to fall on the side of nurture nurture is socialization Socialization is a complex lifelong process Socialization occurs at every life stage from infancy to old age Agents of Socialization Family as the most important socializing agent Schools hidden curriculum teaches gender bureaucracy etc exposing children to different people learning their position in society Chapter 4 Social Interaction in Everyday Life Ascribed vs Achieved Statuses Role Conflict Role Strain Ascribed status one that is given to you over which you have no control i e race gender daughter class in childhood Achieved status something you achieve whether it be good or bad Master status can be ascribed or achieved so important that it influences every single social interaction you have even when it shouldn t really matter i e the president of the U S Role conflict conflict between two different roles i e cop and drug dealing son the demands of two different social statuses are in conflict teaching your girlfriend Role as teacher would get in way of role as girlfriend Role strain the demands of a single social status are difficult to fulfill 3 exams on same day as a student Shock generator teacher student people are surprisingly likely to obey authority figures even if they aren t legitimate Even when they contradict their values Chapter 5 Groups and Organizations o Milgram s research on obedience Chapter 8 Stratification How stratification affects social interaction Differences in social class position can affect interaction People interact primarily with others of similar social standing Conspicuous consumption Buying and using products because of the statement they make Products become symbols of social standing 1 Sociology 1101 Introduction to Sociology Final Exam Review Sheet Chapter 9 Global Stratification High income o Classifying nations Examples of high income middle income and low income nations highest standard of living Enjoy 80 of the world s income More income means control of world s financial markets and control of financial markets means control of other countries United States Western Europe Japan Australia Canada etc somewhat poorer nations with economic development typical for the world About 55 of the population lives in or near urban areas and have industrial jobs while about 45 live in rural areas engage in agricultural activities there s a general lack of access to schools medical care safe water Brazil Russia India China Middle income Low income the lowest productivity and extensive poverty Mostly poor rural economies Agrarian with some industry Life expectancy is very short Hunger disease unsafe housing shape the lives of the world s poorest people Africa and much of Asia Dependency Theory vs Modernization Theory o Dependency Theory and critiques of it Colonialism and Neocolonialism Modernization Theory Explains global inequality in terms of the historical exploitation of poor nations by rich nations Conflict perspective Importance of Colonialism and Global power relationships o Colonialism some nations enrich themselves through political economic control of other nations One country has direct political control over another Neocolonialism New form of global power relationships involves not direct political control but economic exploitation by multinational corporations Multinational corporation A huge business that operates in many countries Neocolonialism is the essence of the modern capitalistic world economy According to this perspective global inequality and relationships between countries can be explained by neocolonialism and the domination of poor countries by rich countries Through neocolonialism and a few key features of the global

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OSU SOCIOL 1101 - Final Exam Review Sheet

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