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KIN 2504 Sample Questions FINAL 1 Characteristics of addiction include Increased Control Positive consequences Denial High self esteem 2 Benefits of quitting smoking include Improved circulation Oxygen levels return to normal Improved sense of smell All of the above 3 Condoms protect against the transmission of HIV Gonorrhea Syphilis All of the above 4 Which of the following statements regarding syphilis is NOT true infections The symptoms of syphilis are similar to those of other The incidence of syphilis increased 14 between 2005 2006 Syphilis is transmitted via direct contact with sexual organs Syphilis is an untreatable STI 5 Of the choices below the most important trait common to all successful relationships is Good communication Social Integration Assertiveness Acceptance of differences 6 Most people with chlamydia have Itching and burning of the genitals Fever and night sweats Sores at the site of the infection No symptoms 7 Several days after engaging in unprotected sex John begins to experience painful urination and a foamy yellow discharge His symptoms suggest that he contracted Trichomoniasis Pubic lice Gonorrhea Herpes 8 Sue is a 40 year old female who smokes frequently uses tanning beds and drinks 2 3 alcoholic beverages daily Which of the following statements best indicates her cancer risks She has increased risks for lung and breasts cancers She has increased risk for breast cervical and lung cancers She has increased risk for breast lung and skin cancers She has increased risk for lung and skin cancers 9 People without access to health care are more likely to Wait to seek attention for serious symptoms Have their children immunized Obtain annual check ups Seek early preventative care 10 During their 20s and 30s most people reach their peak in 11 Knowing your body paying attention to its signals and taking appropriate action to stop the progression of an illness or injury defines Strength Cardiovascular function Bone mass All of the above Standard care Medical follow up Consumerism Self care 12 Tolerance to nicotine develops In approximately six months In approximately six weeks In approximately one year Immediately Drug abuse Drug addiction Drug misuse Withdrawal 13 Using a drugs for a purpose for which it was not intended is know as 14 The prodromal stage of herpes is characterized by at the site of infection A white discharge Blisters Burning tingling Painful bleeding 15 A fit and well lifestyle quality of life integrates exercise nutrition and Stress reduction Healthy successful relationships Spiritual wellness All of the above 16 Factors influencing environmental wellness include all of the following except Health care reform Climate changes Pollution Secondhand smoke 17 Smoking contributes to heart disease by Weakening tissues heart etc by oxygen deprivation Contributing to platelet adhesiveness Encouraging the building of fatty deposits in artery walls All of the above 18 Most skin cancer deaths are cause by Basal cells Squamous cell carcinomas Melanomas Sacromas 19 A non cancerous mole is Symmetrical Varying in color Larger than 6mm Asymmetrical 20 If a person quits smoking their risk of heart disease decreases by 50 in approximately 3 years 5 years 6 months 1 year 21 Ways to be proactive in your healthcare include all of the following except options Asking your doctor to explain problems and possible treatment Relying solely on your doctor for health care information Knowing your family history When in doubt seek a second opinion 23 A progressive decline in the maximum functional level of individual cells organs and organisms is known as 22 Crabs is another name for Trichomoniasis Hair lice Pubic lice PID pelvic inflammatory disease Atrophy Oxidative stress Fatigue Aging White blood cells Red blood cells Bone marrow Connective tissue 24 Leukemias cause an increase in 25 When a doctor recommends you undergo a medical test you should consider asking Why is the test being ordered Whether the procedure requires an overnight stay What are the side effects All of the above 26 Stress can increase the risk of cancer by Increasing stress hormones Weakening immunity Causing people to smoke Increasing levels of estrogen 27 HIV is transmitted via all of the following except Semen Blood Vaginal secretions Insect bites 28 A drug which depresses the central nervous system is Methamphetamine Heroin GHB Ecstasy 29 Cervical cancer is cause by Human immunovius HIV Estrogen exposure Human papilloma virus HPV Hepatitis C Capillaries skin Tissue cells Carcinogens oxygen Oxygen nutrients 30 In order to grow a malignant tumor needs and 31 New approaches to treating cancer focus on Treating cancer as a genetic disease caused by a mutation Changing the way a cell responds to radiation Treating symptoms associated with cancer Using chemicals to stop tumor growth 32 Alcohol use becomes alcohol abuse when It interferes with work or school It entails any violation of the law It negatively affects social and family relationships All of the above 33 The idea that over time an accumulation of damage from internal processes and environmental stress eventually wears the body out is know as 34 Which of the following occurs as a result of alcohol s effects on the central nervous system Diathesis stress model Cellular theory Genetic mutation theory Wear and tear theory Blood pressure increases Respiration increases Pulse rate decreases None of the above 35 Addiction is defined as The inability to perceive that a behavior is self destructive Continued involvement with or use of a substance despite Involvement in activities in order to fit in Engaging in behavior that give a sense of pleasure negative consequences 36 A condition also known as fatty liver is called Alcoholic hepatitis Cirrhosis Osteoporosis Congeners 37 All of the following are potential warning signs of cancer except Increased hunger or thirst A nagging cough or hoarseness Change in bladder or bowel habits A sore throat that doesn t heal 38 cancer is most common for males between the ages of 20 and 34 Lung Testicular Prostate Rectal 39 Cancer is localized and often treatable when it is in Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 4 Stage 1 Malignant Benign Carcinogen Metastasis partner 40 Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding STIs STIs can be transmitted from an infected mother to her infant The best way to avoid STIs is to look for physical signs on a Untreated STIs can cause infertility There is no cure for viral STIs 41 A

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