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Nutrition Quiz 3 Review Definitions of complete and incomplete proteins examples of foods o Complete o Incomplete provide all of the essential amino acids animal foods soy protein do not contain 1 or more essential amino acids What are complementary proteins examples o Complementary when eaten together they combine to form a complete protein Grains legumes rice beans pasta beans peanut better on bread beans wheat tortilla Legumes nuts or seeds beans corn What are the different types of vegetarianism avoid red meat include fish dairy eggs include milk and eggs avoid animal based foods o Semi o Pesco o Lacto ovo o Vegan o Fruitarian only eat raw fruits nuts green foliage Total number of amino acids necessary to synthesize proteins o 20 amino acids total 9 essential 11 nonessential of essential amino acids in our diet o 9 essential What is positive negative nitrogen balance examples of situations o Positive o Negative loss diets fever infection during growth pregnancy during stress illness starvation poor protein quality intake extreme weight What are the two types of protein energy malnutrition Kwashiorkor Marasmus which is primarily protein deficiency and which is both protein and calorie deficiency o Kwashiorkor o Marasmus protein deficiency chronic calorie and protein deficiency What are the functions of proteins in our bodies o Structural mechanical enzymes and hormones maintain acid base balance maintain fluid balance transport nutrients aid immune system provide energy make glucose What is the RDA for protein for a typical adult o 0 8 grams of protein kg What are the BMI classifications for underweight normal weight overweight and obese below 18 5 o Underweight o Normal o Overweight o Obese above 30 18 5 24 9 25 29 9 What type of overweight is most detrimental android vs gynoid o Android apple has greater risk of chronic disease MetS Nutrition Quiz 3 Review What is hyperplasia hypertrophy adipocytes fat cells o Hyperplasia o Hypertrophy increasing fat cell number increasing fat cell size What are some of the factors that have contributed to the obesity epidemic o Environment and lifestyle inactivity portion sizes dining out fast food combined with heredity Total Energy Expenditure BMR TEF Physical Activity o Which contributes the most to the total energy expenditure BMR basal metabolic rate o What factors may increase or decrease BMR Increase Decrease stress fever higher lean body mass starvation fasting aging heat What do all diets have in common that lead to weight loss o Calorie deprivation they all eliminate a source of calories Name the three types of surgery for weight loss how are they different o Gastric Banding o Gastric Bypass o Gastric Sleeve placing a band around the top of the stomach to reduce its size stapling the majority of the stomach shut and re routing the intestine stapling the stomach vertically What are the different types of eating disorders Health concerns for each of these eating How many calories equals one pound of body fat o 3500 calories 1 lb of stored body fat o To lose 1 lb week need to lose 500 calories day disorders o Anorexia o Bulimia o Binge Eating Disorder BED Compulsive Overeating o Night Eating Syndrome NES Metabolism o What are the 4 main pathways for carbohydrate breakdown which pathways require oxygen and which do not Glycolysis Conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA Citric Acid Cycle Electron Transport Chain Citric Acid Cycle and Electron Transport Chain require oxygen Glycolysis does not require oxygen o Catabolic pathways break down nutrients o Anabolic pathways build substances be able to identify anabolic vs catabolic pathways o When protein is used as an energy substrate or converted into fat urea nitrogen waste is o Fat produces the most ATP when used as an energy substrate when compared to glucose produced amino acids or alcohol Nutrition Quiz 3 Review o Fat burns in a flame of carbohydrate when adequate carbohydrates are not present fat metabolism is incomplete and ketones are produced

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