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Kin 1600 Health Class Notes 1 21 15 There are 6 dimensions that make up wellness Wellness started 25 years ago because health was too narrow of a word If there s something wrong with your mental wellness then the overall house will have a problem Wellness making changes until you are healthy as can be 1 Physical you think about the most body weight nutrition 2 Emotional or Mental If you have mental disorder then you can t even begin to work on the other aspects of wellness This is sort of the foundation It s critical to make sure you re mentally healthy Have good self esteem it s the foundation of mental health Intellectual wellness What you know about the world around you There s more to the world Need to develop habits to know about the culture around you Spiritual Focuses on your feelings on religion how strongly you feel about it Do you believe in something Have some sort of beliefs Social interact with others Decide what type of person you are and what kind of people you associate with What do you desire in a future spouse 3 4 5 6 Environmental or Planet Caring about the environment There s no other place to go so if we destroy it then that s it it s the end of humanity It was added about 30 40 years ago You re constantly working on all of these dimensions You have to be good at all of them HEALTH IS ACTIVE Which means you take control of it What wellness involves is changing behavior The Behavior Change Model This can be completed in 6 9 weeks If you utilize this model the change you make will be permanent won t slide back 1 Pre contemplation You know you have a problem in this stage Ex I smoke a pack of cigarette every day So you recognize a problem but you feel powerless and that you can t do anything about it 2 Contemplation Analyze the problem and see why it occurs What is the problem and how did I get in this situation You re giving it some thought 3 Preparation You make your decision You say that you want to come up with a plan and you try That plan has to be specific and have details to it The more detailed your plan the easier it is People have difficulty starting at this part procrastination 4 Action When you take your plan and try to work it and be consistent Trying to reach your goals You have to make goals that you can attain Your goals have to be reasonable 5 Maintenance You ve worked on the problem and are successful You ve done what you were supposed to do Doing what you say you re going to do is called integrity Maintenance is you complete your goal but you still have urges to go back to your old ways Fighting urges 6 Termination When you won and have created different habits No desire to go back to the other way You made a positive change You have to take one behavior at a time and change it A Wellness Profile a checklist to see if you do these things 1 You understand that health is active You take responsibility for your own health 2 You learn how to manage stress There s something that stresses us out every day You should be able to control stress not the opposite 3 Good self esteem With this come positive relationships with other people Not having a friendship that is fake 4 Understanding the concept of sexuality You know the physical part of you but there s also an emotional and wellness part of it The relationship and danger it can cause 5 Avoiding tobacco and be mature about drinking alcohol There is 99 9 negativity surrounding tobacco It just takes some years off of your life Having a mature alcohol decision making 6 Exercising and eating right having a healthy weight 18 of American population falls into overweight or obese 7 Knowing everything you can learn about illness 80 of sickness problems you treat on your own There are things you need to know and do so you won t make mistakes 8 Know how to use the healthcare system properly know about insurance You have to understand it What is category advantageous for you 9 Learning how to prevent illness Knowing about what makes you sick and how to prevent it Ex washing hands after bathroom washing fruits before eating etc 10 Understanding aging and dying and accepting mortality You have to learn how to live with death so that you can still 11 Understanding your role with the environment There are things you can do such as recycle or cut back on junk mail These are behavior that people with wellness practice consistently function 11 23 15 Stress One of the causes or symptoms in mental health has to do with stress The inability to manage stress to recognize stress and don t know what to do about stress Stress is not something that you are forced to live with We make ONE critical mistake regarding stress We think and try to eliminate stress There is no such thing as a stress free lifestyle Your goal or ideal plan is to manage stress and take control of it If it takes control of you then there could be bad outcome Everyone has different things that cause them stress There s no set list Regardless of what your stress is and how big or small it is when you deal with stress your body reacts the same way If you look at stress within college students 90 has to do with TIME and or MONEY There are two things to stress in relationships 1 We are finishing puberty During this time when your hormones change it changes how you think So you go crazy 2 BIGGEST MISTAKE One person tries to change the other person they mold the other person into what they want them to be Change comes from within You can t fix or alter someone no matter how much you love someone A hobby or holidays can also cause you stress and anxiety Figuring out what to do after college Leaving the bubble and going into the real world Things that can cause stress bad things distress good things eustress ex the way you feel before you compete in something planning a wedding getting a promotion starting a family having a pet STRESS DEFINITION How you react when something threatens your needs They could be threatened in a good way meeting a spouse or bad way car wreck f on test If you make that decision that something affects you somehow then you go through The Stress Response physical things you go through The term for it is General Adaptation Syndrome GAS 1 26 15 GAS General Adaptation Syndrome Created by a person named Hans Selye This man spent his entire professional career working on and studying stress how people respond or cope with stress The highlight of his work was …

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LSU KIN 1600 - The Behavior Change Model

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