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The Election of 1800 A New Era in American Politics 1800 1809 Election of 1800 second John Adams 2nd President is going to finish serving his first term and run for a Candidates for the Election of 1800 Federalist Democratic Republicans Thomas Jefferson Aaron Burr John Adams 2nd President of the US Charles Pinckney US ambassador in France from XYZ Affair Still dealing with the same issue debate The proper use of Federal power Strict Construction Democratic Republican ideology Broad Construction Federalist ideology Members of the Electoral College voted for who they wanted as president The two Democratic Republicans running tie for first Thomas Jefferson DR Aaron Burr DR John Adams F Charles Pinckney F 73 votes 73 votes 65 votes 64 votes Over the course of 7 days over 35 different ballots are going to be case for the tie breaker Thomas Jefferson kept winning in 8 states But he needed 9 states to win the presidency Long story short Alexander Hamilton F convinces enough Federalists to vote for Thomas Jefferson DR so that he wins the presidency But why would Hamilton help his rival Jefferson Lucky for Thomas Jefferson Hamilton hated Aaron Burr more than Jefferson The Election of 1800 exposed a flaw in the Constitution concerning how presidents are elected As a result of this election the 12th Amendment was created in 1804 This was the first time in American history when there was a peaceful shift of power between two different political groups Federalist John Adams Democratic Republican Thomas Jefferson New president Jefferson is in a different political party Early turning point in the U S Thomas Jefferson considered the Election of 1800 as the Revolution of 1800 Also because he wanted to get the Americans back on track To move the country back to the principles of the Revolution that they fought Recall above This election was an early turning point in the US Judiciary Act of 1801 Gave John Adams the power to fill Federal Court positions in the Judiciary Branch John Adams F is going to fill those positions with Federalists One of which is going to be John Marshall These people that Adams chooses to fill these positions are going to be given the term Midnight Judges Because Adams was going to sign their appointments the midnight prior to Thomas Jefferson s inauguration as the 3rd President of the US Marbury vs Madison 1803 This is a Supreme Court case extending from this Judiciary Act of 1801 William Marbury was a Midnight appointment Midnight Judge that John Adams Marbury was appointed as Justice of the Peace for Washington DC made Problem Marbury s paperwork isn t going to go through to make his position official Thomas Jefferson s administration prevents Marbury s paperwork from going through Court After not receiving his paperwork Marbury is going to take it to the Supreme He says that he should have been made official He asks the Supreme Court to make it official John Marshall The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the time Also a Midnight Judge Marshall is going to rule against William Marbury This case is going to establish the precedent of Judicial Review The verdict Going to say that the act that put William Marbury under his situation was unConstitutional How President Thomas Jefferson 1801 1809 Thomas Jefferson 3rd President of the United States Served two terms Believed in agriculture as the foundation of the national economy Democratic Republican ideology agriculture over manufacturing Believed that farmers were the most hardworking the most American citizens The Agrarian Republic is Jefferson s idea of the type of nation he wants to create Everyone will have enough land to grow produce what they needed to survive Thomas Jefferson believed that this way of living will create equality The members of this Agrarian Republic will be hardworking moral individuals Yeoman farmers Independent farmers who own their own land Thomas Jefferson needs two 2 things in order for this Agrarian Republic to work 1 Enough land for everyone to own 2 Markets to trade their goods sell the surplus for money Louisiana Purchase 1803 President Thomas Jefferson will make the Louisiana Purchase 1803 This land purchase was exactly what he needed to make his Agrarian Republic The Louisiana Purchase 1803 is how Jefferson is going to get the two things a reality that he needed for his Agrarian Republic 1 Enough land for everyone to own 2 Markets to trade sell their goods Purchased for about 15 million Almost doubles x2 the size of the United States Bought the land from Napoleon Bonaparte French dictator for about 15 million Napoleon needed money to fund his conquest Before making the purchase Thomas Jefferson had grown worried about trade markets because the French had closed trade with American markets This meant fewer places to trade to make money for Americans Advantages Remove the French influence from America Now Jefferson has land for his Agrarian Republic dream He can reopen those trade markets to America Disadvantages It may appear that by making a deal with the French it ll appear that Thomas Big government and the proper use of government power Jefferson is on the French side Does Jefferson actually have the power to purchase such a large piece of land for so much No it s not an expressed authority that he has Remember Thomas Jefferson supports Strict Construction Can t do XYZ unless the Constitution says you can So Jefferson has to go against the stance that he s supported in order to buy this land Hypocritical Confusing Jefferson feels like he s justified He bought all of this land for agricultural purposes 3 years later The Louisiana Purchase is going to be Thomas Jefferson s greatest accomplishment as President of the United States Other than that Jefferson kind of sucked as a president Even before the purchase was finalized Jefferson asked Congress to fund an He is going to appoint Meriwether Lewis and William Clark for the expedition through this new territory expedition The Lewis and Clark Expedition 1803 1806 Meriwether Lewis William Clark friend are going to explore the land received from the Louisiana Purchase 1803 Thomas Jefferson is going to give these two expeditors 4 tasks while exploring the land 1 Communicate to Indian nations that the US was now in control of the Louisiana Territory Wanted to make sure that the Native Americans who currently lived there knew who s in charge now Jefferson was fascinated with science 2 Observe plants and animals 3 Make maps of the new

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