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1 21 15 Key Nutrition Concepts The Meaning of Nutrition Importance We need nutrition in order to stay healthy Way we socialize Research ex Sodium variety of foods pesticides and growth chemicals and our environment plants Scale best friend truth you don t want to hear but it tells you where you want need to be Surgeries need to know right things to eat to recover get health back Soup Kitchens helping to feed hungry Healthy food more expensive Nutrition study of foods their nutrients and other chemical constitutes and the effects that food constitutes have on health A melting pot science an interdisciplinary science behavioral social sciences biological chemical physical food sciences qualitative sciences mathematics statistics It s a big part of your life happens gradually effects don t happen immediately ex 10 years for your arteries to harden self control Applicable The science of nutrition can be applied to your own diet health eating behaviors knowledge about nutrition health skills to use this information in your life We don t think about how it affects us because your lifestyles feelings and feelings control what we eat Must be lifestyle changes not just temporary health Advocates for our own heath we must know our own bodies because it s the most important investment we will make Doctors don t have the time to fully educate all sick people but you must know signs for your bodies when to seek a doctor or help Foundation for Nutrition To think like a nutritionist you need a working knowledge of nutrition terms basic nutrition concepts Common sense requires a common knowledge Thomas Paine 10 Basic Nutrition Concepts 1 Food is a Basic Need of Humans Humans need Enough food to live The right assortment of foods for health A sufficient supply of safe nutritious foods Chemicals expiration dates properly cooked prepared foods manufacturing companies that are safe We instantly believe that food is safe Not everyone is eating sufficient healthy food The ability to acquire food in a socially acceptable way it s your cultural right to eat what you want Food Insecurity limited or uncertain availability of safe nutritious food or the ability to acquire them in socially acceptable ways People may not have stoves that work refrigerators that work electric or running water Food insecurity exists in 12 6 of US 7 of Canadian households Food banks are becoming overwhelmed with hungry people Food Security access at all times to a sufficient supply of safe nutritious food Food Terrorism Food security includes safety from foods used for bioterrorism Bioterrorism people could poison used as a weapon toxins such as ricin or botulism toxin contamination with radioactive particles or microorganisms side notes Ricin is a deadly nerve toxin which comes from the seeds of the castor bean plant 2 Substances needed for help Food provides energy nutrients and other substances needed for growth health Need energy to do every day simple tasks Calorie kilocalorie or large Calorie unit of measure of the amount of energy supplied by food Nutrients Chemical substances in food used by the body for growth health Six categories carbohydrates proteins fats vitamins minerals and water Carbohydrates Substances in food that consist of a single sugar molecule or of multiple sugar molecules in various forms They provide the body with energy Simple sugars are the most basic type of carb ex Glucose blood sugar sucrose table sugar lactose milk sugar cookies cakes pies increase in blood sugar insulin store fat easier cause high blood complex sugars are starches consisting primarily of long interlocking chains of glucose units breads pasta grains Want complex carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates found in plant cell walls that are dietary fiber which cannot be broken down by human digestive enzymes Proteins substances in food that are composed of amino acids Amino acids are specific chemical substances from which proteins are made of the 20 9 are essential or a required part of our diet Nuts lagoons PB dairy also carbs made of single amino acids linked together essential we must get them from food we eat dietary sources non essential our body makes them Yogurts fish dairy nuts etc Fats substances in food that are soluble in fat not water saturated solid room temp BAD found primarily in animal products ex Butter lard shortening meat butter cheese and in palm coconut oils increase weight diets in high sat may elevate blood cholesterol levels Unsaturated fats found primarily in plant products veggie oil nuts seeds and in fish tend to lower blood cholesterol levels just b c canola oil is good doesn t mean you should eat much minimal as possible Polyunsaturated fats and monosaturated fats liquid room temp Two liquid fats that have more saturated fat coconut oil palm kernel oil movie theaters used to use in earlier generations for popcorn now used peanut oil Trans fats a type of unsaturated fat that is found in hydrogenated oil margarine shortening pastries cooking oils etc in yummy cakes pies brownies increase risk of heart disease worse than saturated fats manufacturers had to change start using different fats Cholesterol fat soluble colorless liquid primarily found in animals can be manufactured by liver Vitamins chemical substances found in food that perform specific functions in the body Humans require 13 different vitamins in their diet found in food perform a specific function they DO NOT give us energy you only feel like it does because you believe it they help facilitate energy but only food gives it to you MUST eat Minerals chemical substances that make up the ash that remains when food is completely burned We require 15 different minerals in our diet Calcium Potassium Fruits Vegetables contain vitamins other important substances Water essential to life most adults need to drink 11 15 cups of water a day certain people that can t tolerate that much diseases like in stage kidney disease could die in stage liver disease can t tolerate fluid because they can t release it in stage heart failure because their heart is so weak and can t pump enough for bodies Other substances in food phytochemics phytonutrients chemicals in plans that perform important functions in human body biologically active in our body helps reduce cancer diseases give plants color flavor protect us from infections diseases some contain antioxidants chemical substances that prevent help repair our cell damage caused by oxidizing ages such as environmental

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KSU NUTR 23511 - The Meaning of Nutrition

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