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The Maturing American Nation 1790s to 1830s After the War of 1812 the Americans are feeling pretty good about themselves The War of 1812 Battle of New Orleans was a confidence booster Now Americans want to explore for future expansion economic opportunity Want to think ahead and see what North America land country itself has to offer them Zebulon Pike In 1805 Zebulon Pike is sent out on an expedition to solidify US claims in the southwestern portion of the Louisiana Territory Why is this necessary Didn t Lewis and Clark already explore the Louisiana Territory Not everybody knows that the US has total control Zebulon Pike needs to go establish the borders a little bit more clearly He goes through the Rocky Mountains At one point during his expedition he is going to encounter a group of Spanish explorers The Spanish explorers capture Pike and his men They take him to Mexico Long story short Pike is eventually let go by the Spanish Zebulon Pike is important because The US isn t going to expand without resistance Shows that the US isn t going to Pike serves an example of how exploration expanded the borders of the US Things that are going to expand mature during the first half of the 19th century in the Defining what America is going to look like areas of Land and borders Foreign policy Economy Transportation Industry John Jacob Astor In 1808 John Jacob Astor is going to establish the American Fur Company He wanted to concentrate trade in the Great Lakes region west In 1810 He is going to create the Pacific Fur Company Wanted to create a network in the pacific region Northwest by Washington state He is going to establish Historia Aster is important because he showed how trade and commerce pushed the borders of the US New States For the first time America is going to have new states that don t touch the east coast Going to have more states that move more towards inland Adams Onis Treaty 1819 A treaty is negotiated with the US and the Spanish It s going to come partly out of due to the actions of Andrew Jackson In 1816 Andrew Jackson invaded the territory of Florida At the time Spain was in control of Florida Jackson has soldiers with him and goes into Florida without permission Spain realized that they don t have their military presence in Florida to do anything about Jackson being there Spain has fear that Jackson could potentially take Florida by force Approach of the Spanish Sell the state get rid of it now to see what they can get out of it Spain also doesn t want to jump into another war As a result of Jackson s intrudence Spain is going to give up Florida to the US In return Spain is going to get Texas over to the New Mexico California area on the left of the map Spain is going to get territory under Texas s shaded red line This is called the Adams Onis Treaty 1819 aka The Purchase of Florida What did the Adams Onis Treaty 1819 have to do with slavery As you move into western territory slavery is going to become more of an issue There is going to be a group that wants slavery and a group that doesn t The Missouri Compromise 1820 In 1818 The territory of Missouri is going to apply for statehood Problem There were 11 free states and 11 slave states Missouri coming in is a big deal because it could potentially disrupt the balance between the equal number of free slave states Henry Clay aka the Great Compromiser is going to create a compromise that will satisfy both sides free slave states What the Missouri Compromise 1820 is going to do Announce Missouri as a slave state Maine is going to come in as a free state Established the 36 30 line on the map Above the Arkansas Territory line Any state above line Free state Below line Slave state Only place where it was allowed This line was set up to avoid future issues concerning slavery and new territory The Missouri Compromise 1820 is another example of how the country is going to expand its borders into states Two issues will intertwine New borders Slavery Topic Going to talk about new land and slavery And how slavery is going to be an issue The Monroe Doctrine 1823 What the Monroe Doctrine 1823 is going to do Draws the boundary at the Western Hemisphere creating spheres of influence Promised to keep America out of European affairs Neutrality wise So that they don t get entangled in what they don t want to be in Shows that they think that they Europe are powerful because it shows how the US perceives itself as equals James Monroe 5th President is the one who delivers this doctrine in his speech The Monroe Doctrine 1823 is an example of maturing foreign policy It is going to be an important part in American foreign policy It is going to last well into the 20th Century The Market Revolution 1820s 1850s Three 3 shifts are going to take place thanks to this Market Revolution 1 Paternalistic Employment Labor Contracts Wage Dependency Labor contracts the owner is in charge of providing the worker with food and shelter Benefit for paternalistic employment housing and food 2 Agricultural Economy Industry and Manufacturing 3 Self Sufficiency Long distance Market Exchange Self sufficiency You need to produce what you need to survive Long distance market exchange Commercial Risky but people participated in it because higher risk but higher reward All of these shifts are going to increase in factories and factory workers Now needed Transportation Development of markets Causes of Change Advances in transportation and communication Steam power Development of new systems of business organization The Market Revolution Growth of industry and manufacturing Population increase Steam Power Advances in transportation and communication Gains momentum at the beginning of the 19th Century In 1807 Robert Fulton is going to use his boat The Clairmont to transport people up and down the Hudson River By 1817 Steam boats were common in eastern coastal areas and on the Great Lakes Steam power is going to make its most impact on the Mississippi River Valley Thanks to steam power boats can travel upstream faster and quicker you can t use a steam boat on it Drawback Limited to existing waterways If water doesn t already exist there A way that people are going to get around this drawback is by building canals The Erie Canal building of canals By the 1820s Americans are going to devote a huge amount of resources to the The Erie Canal is one of the most well known canals Built in 1817 Completed in 1825 Took so long to build because no heavy machinery was available to At

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