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HLTH377 Winter Term Borja 1 2 January 2014 Sexuality Through the 20 th Century 1900s Progressive Reform Social Hygiene Americans coping with effects of industrial of revolution Various societies formed to combat problems such as o Social hygiene issues of syphilis o Gonorrhea National Education Association endorses the concept of sex education Women were treated for hysteria o Estimated that as much as 25 35 consent of all urban doctors business was treating women for hysteria o Symptoms Tense anxious worry and concern o Treatment Vulva massage 1910s New Sexual Theories Development of new social and feminist theories Freud makes his US visit to Clark University o At the time thoughts about sex was considered to be deviant Sanger begins her birth control work o Pressed for birth control o Starter of Planned Parenthood o The only available form of contraception at the time was the condom o The issue was that women of all ages including older were getting pregnant o As a result there were higher death rates from births Sanger flees to Europe to avoid prison WWI women involved in war effort shorter hair styles and skirt lengths o 1913 1918 o Smoking and sex became more popular US soldiers encountered more relaxed sexual mores in Europe o Higher rate of spreads STDs Anthony Comstock was an advocate for philosophies counteracting Sanger s work Women s Suffrage The fight for Women s rights John D Rockefeller 1911 Bureau of Social Hygiene Rockefeller Institute for Medical research Endowed Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health o More in depth research on treatment on prostate hygiene 1920s Experience as Education Major shift in sexual behaviors and attitudes Dating necking and petting foreplay became part of growing up Roarin 20s marked by mobility leisure and affluence Advent movie star and the flapper jazz and close dancing Newspapers and ads begin to include much sexual material o Magazine called True Confessions HLTH377 Winter Term Borja 2 This time period was a revolution in manners and morals Women during this New Revolution The Flapper and cars People could drive away and this mobility facilitated the sexual activity Dancing and All that Jazz Move towards liberation in fashion music women s behavior and media Clara Bow movie star Seen as a sexual object Pulp Fiction Women move towards the image of sexual objects This soon became the cover of magazines 1930s The Great Depression The Depression dominates everything and sexual issues seem less important Sanger uses the crisis to argue for family planning o She used this opportunity to emphasize how important it was to family plan o Meaning that if the parents cannot afford many children contraception no longer becomes an option Anti contraception provisions of Comstock Law overturned Condoms widely available from gas stations to barbers 1930s Movie Time Average cost of 27 cents a ticket Drawings sweepstakes Escapism Film content previously controlled Through the Hays Code Cardinal s Code 1934 Motion Picture Production Code o No impure love o No depiction of sex that might compromise the sanctity of marriage o Movies could not show a plot depicting an affair o Catholic s code o A movement for the purification of movies o An admission to an indecent movie is an admission ticket to hell o The movement was for The Legion of Decency A pledge that people would never attend an immoral movie o No scenes that made adultery or illicit sex seem attractive o No scenes of gratuitous passion o No excessive or lustful kissing or suggestive postures o No filming of Rape seduction or white slavery Relationships between Blacks and Whites Childbirth Nudity Milking of cows no udder shots o The code inevitably created a black market demand for low budget stag films shown in private settings The Road to Ruin 1934 HLTH377 Winter Term Borja 3 Reefer Madness 1936 The Cocaine Friends 1936 Motion Picture Production Code Lasted for the next 30 years up to 1960s but was eventually replaced Change in social mores after WWII ended 1945 Advent of TV in the 1950s US Catholics became much less concerned about this issue 1940s World War II and Rosie the Riveter WWII put women back in the work force Rosie the Riveter is born Women began working in factories while men went to war Influential in sexual morals Yank Magazine the Pin Up Girls First two pin up girls to appear in a magazine were Deanna Durbin and Betty Grable Propaganda versus Pin ups Penicillin becomes widely used 1940s penicillin was invented to treated soldiers who have been shot and are susceptible to infection Penicillin also cured gonorrhea 1945 War ends and Social Mores Forever Changed Literature Alfred Kinsey American Sexual Behavior 1948 and 1953 He did the first major study of human sexual behavior Published books were Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Oh Dr Kinsey 1950s Television Arrives McCarthy hearings Total homophobe Responsible for many deaths suicides 1950 s Sex Education Video on male sex organs Birth Hefner introduces Playboy December 1953 Marilyn Monroe was on the cover of the first Playboy magazine This was the first magazine that was focused on entertainment for men U S versus Roth 1957 Obscenity The dominant theme is a base interest in sex It is patently offensive to community standards It is without serious literary artistic political or scientific value acts Elvis Was once banned from several places because he moved his hips in a very sexual way 1960s Woodstock Hippie rock music concert Huge event with massive crowds Music festival with several music Half a million people were in attendance of the music festival Drugs were consumed at the three day event A symbol of the Age of Innocence Turning point in the 20th century The British Invade The Beetles Rolling Stones on the Ed Sullivan Show January 15 1967 o Songs had to screen lyrics Fashion mini skirts were invented Minis and Twiggy models Protest Vietnam War HLTH377 Winter Term Borja 4 Obscenity or Literature Henry Miller Tropic of Cancer Lady Chatterley s Lover Oral Contraception the Pill Biggest influence on sexual Was put on the market prior to behavior the 1960s Women gained more control on their destiny and fertility This was women s liberation to have sex 1970 White House Commission on Pornography Exposure to erotica not reported to be harmful or damaging Report horrifies conservative political and religious establishment Development of informative sexuality books 1973 Norma McCorvey aka Jane Roe Abortion

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UMD HLTH 377 - Sexuality Through the 20th Century

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