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STIs 11 07 2013 World War II 1939 1945 Propaganda Infidelity STDs German propaganda using sex to put a divide between Americans and British While you are away Campaign was sexist o Women always infected men o Women loaded with disease o Women seduce Penicillin cured most STDs Reasons for continuing pandemic Mobility Social stigma Ease of cure people don t take it seriously o Things becoming untreatable Under reporting won t get the appropriate funding Increase in asymptomatic males in 1980s o Infecting other people when they don t have symptoms Use of oral contraceptives Movement away from condom use until the 1980s Lack of education and knowledge How do we prevent o Never have sex o Limiting number of sexual partners o Using condom not 100 guarantee STI Something that is sexually transmissible Infers someone can get STI without having sex o HIV o Yeast infection Incubation period 30 days but could be much longer Human Papilloma Virus HPV Condyloma One of the most prevalent Virus no cure Over 100 types of HPV At least 30 types sexually transmissible Can cause genital warts and or lead to cervical cancer Can go away on own Treatment o Cryotherapy freezing of tissues o Laser remove warts o Podophyllum male resin you paint on to warts Prevention o Gardasil immunization prevents against types 6 11 90 of genital warts 16 18 75 of cervical cancer Cervical cancer Difficult to test without symptoms Can get warts anally vaginally orally Vaginitis candidiasis moniliasis yeast infection all the same thing Female symptoms whitish discharge from vagina itchiness burning sensation Gradation of symptoms Male symptoms reddish flaky itchy rash on penis and or groin o Fungus in male Slang is jock itch Incubation period 2 5 days Practitioners tend to treat females only Ping pong effect between heterosexual partners Treatment o OTC o Monistat or similar products o Lotrimin for male Steroid based ointment Can get this without having sex Can get in mouth throat Vaginitis Trichomoniasis protozoa Caused by protozoa single celled beast with a tail Female symptoms yellowish vaginal discharge with bad odor Male symptoms watery penile discharge and itchy feeling inside penis Incubation period 2 28 days Common to have another STI at the same time Treatment o Fagyl for both sexes bad drug that makes you feel nauseous Chlamydia Most common on college campus Symptoms o Female usually nothing o Male penile discharge and stinging on urination could be NGU non gonococcal urethritis if not gonorrhea mild o Blanket term o Treatment is the same o Males infection of urethrea mainly caused by chlamydia Can pass onto newborns Treatment o Penicillin wont work o Tetracycline or similar medication Can pass on without symptoms Gonorrhea chlamydia x10 Symptoms o Female usually none o Male thick white discharge and stinign sensation on urination males a lot more pain peeing through broken glass Incubation period 2 8 days shortest Can lead to PID o Lead cause Treatment o Ceftriaxone or similar o Penicillin resistance o January 2013 report that gonorrhea has become resistant to the last remaining antibiotic First report of cephalosporin resistant gonorrhea Can get in throat anus penis vagina Newborns can get it o Eye drops are put in to prevent blindness Herpes HSV 2 Symptoms o Female one or more sores on labia or around cervix External sores will be painful Internal wont be able to be flet o Male one or more sores on penis Sores are usually painful Incubation period 5 11 days No cure Treatment o Acyclovir Zovirex o Was first an ointment that decreased the time you had the sore Hepatitis B Symptoms in both Phthirus Pubis Crabs pubic lice parasites Symptoms o Flu like symptoms fever lethargy heacdaches jaundice Incubation period 30 180 days o Itchy feeling in pubic hair particularly bad at night Small dots on base of each pubic hair Lice are visible beige reddish in color Treatment Incubation period 8 10 days o Kwell lotion to be used on entire body o Wash all clothing and bed liners Can get without having sex easily HIV AIDS AIDS Timeline 11 07 2013 July 1981 outbreak of skin cancer linked to gay pneumonia epidemic 30 cases West coat April 1982 cases among intravenous drug users are reported East coast July 1982 rare disease detected among hemophiliacs Epidemic finally named acquired immune deficiency syndrome December 1982 first AIDS case linked to blood transfusion detected February 1983 French researchers isolate virus that causes AIDS August 1983 Reagan administration officials say AIDS is the their work is largely ignored number one health priority April 1984 national cancer institute researchers announce they have discovered the virus that causes AIDS Turns out to be the October 1984 san Francisco public health officials close gay same as the French virus bathhouses March 1985 blood banks begin testing donations for HIV July 1985 AIDS diagnosis of movie star Rock Hudson is disclosed setting off an avalanche of media attention to the disease September 1986 Surgeon general C Everett Koop releases his controversial report on AIDS prevention o Nothing to do to cure or treat o Blunt vocab pamphlet o All we have is education February 1987 Las Vegas pianist and stage performer Liberace dies of AIDS January 1988 AIDS cases reaches 50 000 December 1988 former ABC television news anchor Max Robinson dies of AIDS o Black o Hint of what was to come November 1991 Magic Johnson announces that he is HIV positive o Through heterosexual sex February 1992 Definitions Progression GRID Gay related AIDS acquired HIV human immunodeficiency Long incubation period in most people 2 years before death occurs T4 helper cell count originally 200 microliter Viral load o Amount of virus in blood stream Opportunistic infections PCP pneumonia Kaposi s sarcoma AIDS dementia Jan 1993 added o Pulmonary TB o Recurrent pneumonia o Cervical cancer o Added bc it was covered by health insurance Testing elisaX2 Western Blot definitive test Oral mucosa Oraquick rapid antibody test Oraquick rapid antibody in home test o Have helped a lot from public health perspective People had to come back for the results and often didn t Antibody tests show you have developed them o Takes a long time to develop antibodies so not always a good o No effect on adults w AIDS o On women who were pregnant decreases transmission to indicator Treatment AZT newborns Protease inhibotors o Most successful o Modes of transportation Sexual o Anal more tissue tearing o Vaginal o Oral o

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