12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Personality Personality Stacy Lu Wed Dec 03 02 02 42 CST 2014 Personality characteristic pattern of motives behaviors thoughts and emotions Psychodynamic Theory Freud unconscious mind key to understanding behavior early childhood experiences determine future personality cannot be changed mind employs defense mechanisms to avoid anxiety producing drives 3 Structures of Personality Id pleasure principle born with id driven by pleasures impulsive unconscious give me what I want now 3 Structures of Personality Ego reality principle rational considers demands of external factors mediates id and superego I can t have this now because of certain things part of superego for rewarded actions keeps record of good appropriate behaviors Ego Idea Conscience part of superego for punishments keeps record of punishable behaviors reminds you of bad actions Freud s Psychosexual Stages Oral first 1 5 years of life everything centered around mouth area biting sucking chewing oral fixation Freud s Psychosexual Stages Anal 1 5 3 years of age https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13070295 note true 1 5 12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Personality satisfaction from holding controlling and releasing waste potty training time bladder control Freud s Psychosexual Stages Phallic 3 6 years old erogenous zone genital area Oedipus Complex boys fall in love with mom and want her attention 24 7 realize that dad is 1 foe for her attention and dad is bigger mimic dad to be a man just like dad identify with dad to avoid conflict with dad Freud s Psychosexual Stages Latency Period time for all issues experienced in phallic stage to calm down Freud s Psychosexual Stages Genital ages puberty developing social skills adaptation success in culture fitting in Criticisms of Freud overemphasis on sex early experiences not as powerful influential they re not deterministic conscious thought and sociocultural factors more important limited clinical observations used very small sample in extreme situation Freud had severe mommy issues extreme attachment to mom Neo Freudians accepted basic Freudian theories but changed added to them Alfred Adler Inferiority Complex feeling incompetent dependent on everybody always the victim cannot do things independently Superiority Complex overcompensation for feelings of inferiority try to hide inferior feelings be inflating self importance to feel better than everybody else Erik Erikson neo freudian added inferiority superiority complexes all born inferior but driven throughout lives to feel competent worth something added birth order and personality birth order not deterministic of personality but some experiences influenced by birth order https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13070295 note true 2 5 12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Personality neo freudian changed to psychosocial stages of development 8 stages that correspond with periods in lifespan different life crisis per age stage Social Cognitive Learning Theory Julian Rotter Albert Bandura Walter Mischel general beliefs about nature of world acquired through experiences in social environment form ideas on how env influences us and how we can influence env emphasis on conscious thought and acquiring knowledge from env Social Cognitive Theory Important Aspects of Personality Delay of Gratification waiting to achieve larger future goal Self Efficacy belief in own ability Locus of Control ability to control events Internal LoC events due to own decisions External LoC outside factors determine events Optimism positive outlook in face of negativity Criticisms of Social Cognitive Theory there has to be more to it than that ignores biology no talk about biological influences or genes Trait enduring personality characteristic that tends to lead to certain behaviors Trait Theory traits are building blocks of personality person s personality comprised of varying strengths of traits Raymond Cattell s 16 Factor Theory Five Factor Theory The Big Five Costa McRae Openness to experience introvert extrovert Conscientiousness organization responsibility Extraversion sociability outgoingness Agreeableness kindness trustworthiness Neuroticism proneess to emotional instability Projective Tests assess how people project personality in their responses to examination provide series of stimuli and analyze personality based on responses Rorschach Inkblot Test show cards with inkblots what do you see look for consistent themes in responses to cards Thematic Apperception Test TAT https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13070295 note true 3 5 12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Personality show series of pictures ask subject to tell story based on pictures look for consistent theme is everything gloomy dark pessimistic are there family problems conflict Objective Tests presented to respondents in uniform standardized procedure Minnesota Multiphasic Personality InventoryNEO Personality Inventory Big 5 personality test Myers Briggs Type Indicator career personality test Behavioral Assessment observing individual s behavior directly used to substantiate make distinctions between traits not used often because they re time consuming Humanistic Theories emphasize conscious understanding of self and capacity to choose own path to fulfillment Self Concept understanding of self Self Theory concept of self is crucial to phenomenological reality person s own world think and talk about decisions as fully their own Defense Mechanisms Repression repress disturbing emotional feelings distort ideas to make them less threatening Defense Mechanisms Displacement unacceptable unconscious wish drive redirected toward ore acceptable alternative Sublimation directing energies toward activities valued by society art science humanitarian etc Defense Mechanisms Reaction Formation conversion of frightening wish into safer opposite Ex men who have a tendency toward homosexuality and fear it might protect themselves by being extremely homophobic Defense Mechanisms Projection consciously experiencing unconscious drive wish as though it were someone else s I m not angry you re angry I m not a jerk you re a jerk Defense Mechanisms Rationalization use conscious reasoning to explain away anxiety provoking thoughts feelings Defense Mechanisms Suppression conscious avoidance of negative thinking Defense Mechanisms Humor reduce fear by making fun of feared ideas Split Parent Identification tendency for each of two siblings to
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