CHAPTER 3 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 1 Understand the powerful effects of globalization and the major trends fueling it A shrinking domestic market The domestic workforce is becoming increasingly diverse as immigrants from other cultures continue to settle in North America Globalized markets free of trade barriers o You can expect to be doing business with people from around the world 6 Downloaded by Neida Caro Boone neidacaroboone gmail com lOMoARcPSD 11173364 Advancements in transportation technology o Making the world smaller and more intertwined Communication and information technologies o Extend the global reach of business These trends are giving rise to new middle classes in emerging economies 2 Discuss strategies for enhancing intercultural effectiveness Building cultural self awareness Curbing Ethnocentrism o Ethnocentrism refers to the belief that one s own culture is superior to all others and holds all truths Understanding generalizations and stereotypes Being open minded o Practice empathy Saving face o Some cultures are more concerned with preserving social harmony and saving face 3 Reflect on nonverbal intercultural communication We can minimize nonverbal miscommunication by recognizing that meanings conveyed by body language such as eye contact posture gestures use of time space and territory are largely culture dependent Becoming aware of your own nonverbal behavior and what is conveys is the first step in broadening your intercultural competence 4 Assess how social media affect intercultural communication Communicating in social networks people tend to seek out those who are like them The extent to which they reach out across boundaries depends on whether they are outgoing or introverted 5 Define culture name its primary characteristics and explain five key dimensions of culture Culture is the complex system of values traits morals and customs shared by a society Significant characteristics of culture include the following Culture is learned Cultures are inherently logical The rules in any culture reinforce that culture s values and beliefs Culture is the basis of self identity and community Culture combines the visible and invisible Unspoken and often unconscious rules are determined by our beliefs and values etc Culture is dynamic Cultures can change 7 Primary Characteristics Downloaded by Neida Caro Boone neidacaroboone gmail com lOMoARcPSD 11173364 The five key dimensions include Context Low context cultures o Depend little on the context of a situation and shared experience to convey their meaning High context cultures o Much is left unsaid because the listener is assumed to be already contexted and does not require much background information Individualism An attitude of independence and freedom from control o Low context cultures value more Time Orientation Some cultures time may be perceived as unlimited and never ending resource to be enjoyed while other cultures consider time a precious commodity to be conserved Power Distance Measures how people in different societies cope with inequality o How they relate to more powerful individuals High power o Subordinates expect formal hierarchies Low power o Subordinates consider themselves as equals of their supervisors Communication Style Low context o Words are very important High context o Place more emphasis on the surrounding context than on the words describing a negotiation 6 Apply techniques for successful oral and written interactions across cultures In improving oral messages o Use simple English o Speak slowly o Enunciate clearly o Observe eye messages o Encourage accurate feedback o Accept blame o Listen without interrupting o Smile o Follow up important conversations in writing To improve written messages o Try to accommodate the reader in organization tone and style o Use short sentences and short paragraphs o Observe titles and rank o Avoid ambiguous expressions o Strive for clarity o Use correct grammar o Cite numbers carefully 7 Grasp the complexities of ethics across cultures including business practices abroad bribery prevailing customs and methods for coping 8 5 Key Dimensions Downloaded by Neida Caro Boone neidacaroboone gmail com lOMoARcPSD 11173364 In doing business abroad business people should expect to find differing views about ethical practices Although deciding whose ethics should prevail is tricky the following techniques are helpful o Broaden your understanding of values and customs in other cultures o Avoid reflex judgments regarding the morality or corruptness of actions o Look for alternative solutions refuse business if the options violate your basic values and conduct all relations as openly as possible o Don t rationalize shady decisions o Resist legalistic strategies o Apply a five question ethics test when faced with a perplexing ethical dilemma 8 Explain the advantages and challenges of workforce diversity A diverse workforce can benefit o Consumers Better able to read trends and response to diverse customer base o Work teams More creative and effective solutions o Business organizations Fewer discrimination lawsuits etc However diversity can also cause discord among identity groups o Business communicators should be aware of and sensitive to differences in the communication techniques of men and women 9 Address approaches for improving communication among diverse workplace audiences To promote harmony and communication in diverse workplaces o Many organizations develop diversity training programs o You should understand and accept the value of differences o Don t expect conformity o Make fewer assumptions about others o Look for common ground Business Communication Chapter 3 Interpersonal Communication Skills Explain the meaning and importance of nonverbal messages Nonverbal communication includes body movement physical appearance voice qualities time touch and space and territory Cultures differ greatly in terms of how they interpret nonverbal behavior and in terms of the importance they attach to group as opposed to individual behavior Listen effectively in business situations Listening is the most used but least developed of the verbal communication skills Whether listening to a formal presentation or conversing with one or two people you can learn to listen more effectively by giving the speaker your undivided attention staying open minded about the speaker and the topic avoiding interrupting the speaker and involving yourself actively in the communication Use
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