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CHAPTER 2 PROFFESIONALISM AND ETIQUETTE 1 Understand the importance of teamwork in the digital era workplace 1 Teams are important because Better decisions Faster response Increased productivity Greater buy in Less resistance to change Improved employee morale Reduced risks 2 Virtual teams are groups of people who work independently with a shared purpose across space time and organization boundaries using technology 3 Can collaborate with workers in other areas 4 Teams typically go through four stages of development Forming Storming Norming Performing 2 Explain how you can positively contribute to the team 1 Open discussion of conflict Prevents group think a condition that leads to faulty decisions 2 In resolving conflict You should listen Understand the other s point of view Show a concern for the relationship Look for common ground Invent new problem solving options 3 Successful teams are Reach a fair agreement Small Diverse Able to agree on their purpose procedures and method of conflict resolution Use good communication techniques Collaborate rather than compete Accept ethical responsibilities Share leadership 3 Discuss effective practices and technologies for planning and participating in face to face and virtual meetings 1 Workplace meetings are called only when urgent two way communication is necessary 2 Leaders should start the meeting on time and keep the discussion on track 3 Conflict should be confronted openly by letting each person present his or her views fully 4 Leaders should summarize what was said end the meeting on time and distribute minutes afterwards 5 To participate actively attendees should arrive early come prepared have a positive attitude and contribute respectfully 6 In virtual meetings people who cannot be together physically connect with technology Such meetings save travel time trim costs and reduce employee fatigue enables people to use an enhanced speakerphone to confer with others by 7 Audioconferencing telephone 8 Videoconferencing 9 Web conferencing combines video and audio for real time interaction in special telepresence rooms enables participants to share documents and converse in real time 4 Explain and apply active listening techniques 1 While listening to supervisors on the job 3 When listening to customers 2 When listening to colleagues and team mates Take notes Avoid interrupting Ask pertinent questions Paraphrase what you hear Listen critically to recognize facts Listen discriminately to identify main ideas and to understand logical arguments Defer judgement Pay attention to content rather than form Listen completely Control emotions Give affirming statements Invite additional comments Controlling external and Becoming actively involved Separating facts from opinions Identifying important facts Refraining from interrupting Asking clarifying questions Paraphrasing Taking advantage of lag time Taking notes to ensure 4 Keys to building powerful listening skills include internal distractions retention Being aware of gender differences 5 Understand how effective nonverbal communication can help you advance your career Nonverbal communication takes many forms including 1 Eye contact 2 Facial expressions 3 Posture 4 Gestures 5 Use of time space and territory To improve your nonverbal skills 1 Establish and maintain eye contact 2 Use posture to show interest 3 Reduce or eliminate physical barriers 4 Improve your decoding skills 5 Probe for more information 6 Avoid assigning nonverbal meanings out of context 7 Associate with people from diverse cultures 8 Appreciate the power of appearance 6 Improve your competitive advantage by developing professionalism and business etiquette 1 Avoiding speech habits that make you sound uneducated crude or adolescent 2 Use polite words 3 Express sincere appreciation and praise 4 Writing carefully worded e mails and other messages 5 Having a businesslike e mail address 6 Good voice mail cell phone and telephone manners 7 Be selective in sharing personal information with work colleagues 8 Avoid criticizing people 9 Respect coworkers space 10 Rise above others rudeness 11 Be considerate when sharing space 12 Choose the high road in conflict 13 Disagree agreeably Communicate effectively in small groups Teams can accomplish more and better quality work in less time than individuals can if the teams function properly Otherwise teams can waste time and cause interpersonal conflicts Conflict about ideas is a helpful part of the group process whereas interpersonal conflicts are detrimental An appropriate emphasis on consensus and conformity is productive but too much emphasis can lead to group think wherein legitimate differences of opinion are not even discussed At the beginning group members should get to know one another and set operating rules They should also acknowledge the need for positive and negative feedback and know how to give productive feedback including providing helpful feedback on team writing When problems arise group members should react to them appropriately consider them as group problems and be realistic about what to expect from the group For group writing projects team members should develop a work schedule and meet regularly to ensure proper coordination Either one person can be assigned to write the draft or the parts can be divided among group members Everyone however should be involved in revising the draft Communicate effectively with diverse populations both internationally and within the United States Competent communicators maintain formality show respect remain flexible and write and speak clearly when communicating with people of different cultures Even if you live and work in a small community in the United States you will be communicating with and should learn to be comfortable with people with different ethnic backgrounds different genders and different types of disabilities Communicate ethically Regardless of the size and type of organization every business writer faces ethical questions when communicating orally and in writing In choosing what information to convey and which words and sentences to use we inevitably make ethical choices moral decisions about what is right even when no question of law is involved When faced with an ethical decision get the facts evaluate the options make a decision act on the decision and explain your rationale Communicate effectively via e mail Today e mail is the preferred medium for communicating in business Use e mail when the content is

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