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I demand an immediate explaination for your unexpected absense from the meeting Which of the following is the best revision of the sentence above I demand an immediate explanation for your unexpected absence from the meeting I demand an immediate explaination for your unexcepted absence from the meeting I demand an imediate explination for your unexpected abcense from the meeting I demand an immediate explanation for your unexpected absence from the meeting The pharmaceutical company will run two similiar clinical trials that most likely will yeild the same results Which of the following is the best revision of the sentence above The pharmacutical company will run two simalar clinical trials that most likely will yield the same results The pharmaceutical company will run two similar clinical trials that most likely will yield the same results The pharmaceutical company will run two similar clinical trails that most likely will yeild the same results The pharmaceutical company will run two similar clinical trials that most likely will yield the same results Which of the following sentences employ correct spelling and word usage Check all that apply Since we revised our action response plan our office is well equipped to handle any emergency The new electronic devise will keep track of your appointments Maurice was hired as CFO of a Fortune 500 company before he was even fourty years old He began his ascent up the corporate ladder when he was very young Since we revised our action response plan our office is well equipped to handle any emergency He began his ascent up the corporate ladder when he was very young Which of the following words means events used as an example for subsequent situations Which of the following words means unlawful Precedents Precedence Precedents Elicit Illicit illicit Memo attachment E mail memo attachment You need to send the quarterly sales report to coworkers in your department Which of the following has been cited by businesspeople as why e mail is not as effective as it should be Use of attachments Lack of jargon and industry buzz words Ineffective writing Having to proofread a message ineffective writing When are business letters necessary Sensitivity is inconsequential Confidentiality is paramount Intercultural communication is required Information requires fact checking A permanent record is required Frame your request logically Use the recipient s first name confidentiality is paramount a permanent record is required The quality of information obtained from a request letter depends on the clarity of the inquiry What techniques can you use to make your request clear Check all that apply Set an end date when appropriate Organize your ideas Itemize information to improve readability frame your request logically set an end date when appropriate organize your ideas itemize information to improve readability Which technique should you use to promote your business when responding to a customer s inquiry Start the letter with a sales pitch Satisfy the inquiry and take the opportunity to introduce another product as well Use we language to promote recognition satisfy the inquiry and take the opportunity to introduce another product as well What strategies should a direct response message use Check all that apply Include personal references to your own experience Close with an open ended question to promote dialogue Place the most important information first Identify previous correspondence and the reason for writing in the subject line Use graphic devices to make the message more readable Place the most important information first Identify previous correspondence and the reason for writing in the subject line Use graphic devices to make the message more readable What is the value of the real time feedback of customer comments Check all that apply They can expose product flaws They offer customers a venue for product trolling They can improve operating instructions They can help clear up supply chain bottlenecks They let companies ignore customer complaints while appearing to be receptive They can expose product flaws They can improve operating instructions Which of these guidelines should you follow when responding to customers online Check all that apply They can help clear up supply chain bottlenecks State your name and position Don t admit mistakes Respond in less than 24 hours Direct users to approved information sources Follow up with users as new information becomes available State your name and position Respond in less than 24 hours Direct users to approved information sources Follow up with users as new information becomes available Select the most appropriate opening for a direct claim letter when the remedy is obvious Please send me a new Nintendo 3DS to replace my broken 3DS which is still under full warranty My Nintendo 3DS screen went blank and I can t play games on it anymore I would like to ask for a new one As you read this letter please consider the fact that my Nintendo 3DS is still under full warranty Please send me a new Nintendo 3DS to replace my broken 3DS which is still under full warranty What should the body of the claim letter do Check all that apply Provide specific details about what went wrong Document facts logically objectively and unemotionally Suggest you will continue business once the problem is resolved Include an angry statement explaining your ideas Avoid blame or accusation Provide specific details about what went wrong Document facts logically objectively and unemotionally Avoid blame or accusation Which of the following is most likely to achieve a positive corporate response when you are posting a complaint on a social media site Keep the conversation online and avoid private responses Explain the whole story and your feelings about the events that happened Keep comments anonymous Keep complaints clean polite and to the point keep complaints clean pilots and to the point What should you include in the opening of an adjustment letter A positive explanation of compliance An explanation of why the customer is at fault even though you will comply with the request A promise you probably won t be able to fulfill a positive explanation of compliance What should be included in the body of an adjustment letter Check all that apply An explanation of compliance A statement that rebuilds faith in future business An attempt to regain customer confidence A statement that discourages future business transactions An

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VALENCIA OST 1335C - Notes

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