AST1002 Final exam study Guide 1 Detailed organized section for ALL lectures 1 Significant individuals 1 Greek Philosopher Eratosthenes used a simple calculation to 2 Aristotle s 4 Nicholas Copernicus 3 Claudius Ptolemaeus had a heliocentric view in that planets had a constructed the best geocentric model in that idea of a geocentric universe was that each planet estimate the size of Earth although he was not the first to claim this followed a perfect circle a correction was later formed for retrograde motion in that each planet moved in a second circle in that orbit each planet orbits Earth and at the same time moves in a circular orbit circular orbit around the Sun This created problems with the church embraced the telescope which he used to observe the moons of Jupiter and Venuses phases Created trouble with church hired laws in the 18th century proved the Lagrange Points which is where the planetary gravitational pull precisely cancels the gravitational pull from the Sun interact with each other forming the three laws of Motion kept records of many planets and star positions He who in the 17 th century made a model in which objects a theorist who used Brahe s info to create Keplers was the first to observe pulsars 5 Galileo Galilei 6 Tyco Brahe 9 Isaac Newton 10 Jocelyn Bell 8 Joseph Louis Lagrange 7 Johannes Kepler Laws 1 Kepler s Laws a First law the orbital paths of planets are elliptical with the sun at one focus b Second law while orbiting the sun an imaginary line connecting Sun and planet sweeps out equal areas of the ellipse in equal intervals of time c Third law The square of a planets orbital period is proportional to the cube of its semi major axis 2 Newton s Laws of Motion 1 a First law an object at rest remains at rest and a moving object continues to move forever in a straight line with constant speed unless some external force changes their state of motion b Second law the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net applied force and inversely proportinal to the objects mass f ma 3 Kirchoff s Laws c Third law to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction a A luminous solid or liquid or a sufficiently dense gas emits light of all wavelengths and thus produces a continuous spectrum b A low density hot gas emits light whose spectrum consists of a series of bright emission lines These lines are characteristic of a series of the composition of the gas c A low density cool gas absorbs certain wavelengths from a continuous spectrum leaving dark absorption lines in their place These lines are characteristic of the composition of the gas and correspond exactly to the wavelengths of the emission lines 4 Wein s Law a Tells us that the peak of the emitted radiation is proportional to the inverse of the temperature b Any object that has temperature is radiating c Infrared ROY G BIV ultraviolet longer wavelength shorter wavelength 5 Stefan s Law a The total energy radiated per second is proportional to the temperature to the 4th power 6 Hubble s Law a Every spiral galaxy observed was receding from our galaxy Misc terms 1 Parallax is the distance within which the tidal forces of planets is the apparent shift of some object in the foreground with respect to distance in the background Closer the object the greater the parallax 2 Rosche limit gravity will tear a satellite apart 3 Parsec years up of tiny pixels that produce digital information object is defined as the parallax in arc seconds Equal to 3 3 light is also known as charge coupled devices which is made is the fundamental property of any rotating 5 Angular Momentum 4 CCD arrays 2 13 Blackbody 8 Doppler Shift 6 Seismic waves 7 Dynamo theory 10 Significant Figures 9 Green House Effect 11 Centripetal Force 12 Differentiation is the force that keeps an object in orbit CO2 being released in the atmosphere causes are any non zero number any zero between to are vibrations that move outward from center of is the variation in density and composition of the is a theory that the magnetic fields of a planet are is when you hear sound increase in pitch as an object quake formed from the spinning electrically conductive metal core deep in the planet gets closer and fade as it goes farther away more energy to be retained on the planet which results in hotter temperatures non zero numbers and any zeros after a decimal point Earth it 14 0 Kelvin Celsius compressed neutrons collapsed object is so great that even light can t escape motion escape out 21 Cosmology universe 22 Photons is a something that has well known characteristics is the fractional increase in wavelength due to the source s an object that perfectly absorbs all radiation incident on are brief rapid pulses of radiation in the radio spectrum is the study of the structure and evolution of the entire absolute zero in which all thermal motion stops 273 is the distance no inside particles or radiation can is when the gravitational pull in the vicinity of a is what remains from a very hot core of ultra 18 Standard Candles 19 Red Shift 16 Pulsars 17 Black hole are a packet of light 20 Event horizon 15 Neutron Stars Misc Notes 1 Mass is fundamental Weight is not 2 A planet with its original mass but half its original radius will result 3 Comets do not emit visible light Comets tails point away from the in four times the normal gravity Sun 4 Light 5 All pulsars are neutron stars but not all neutron stars are pulsars 6 All matter warps space in its vicinity 7 Galaxies can collide or merge has no matter or mass but does contain energy 3 Telescopes view 1 Telescopes capture as much radiation light and concentrate it for 2 The bigger the telescope the better Atmosphere creates blurry 3 Refracting Telescope 4 Reflecting Telescope soup collect and concentrate light light through a hole in the primary mirror hubble space telescope use lenses to bend beams of light is most popular and use curved mirrors to use a small secondary mirror to reflect the 5 Cassegrain Telescopes Galactic Anatomy is the point about which the rest of the material in the is a thick distribution of warm gas and stars around 1 Galactic Center 2 Galactic Buldge galaxy rotates about the galactic center galaxy s luminous stars and interstellar matter 4 Galactic Halo 5 Galactic Center 3 Galactic Disk are dim dots around the Andromeda is a immense flattened region containing most of the contains a dense cluster of about one million stars Type of galaxies 1 Spiral a Are denoted and are lumped
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