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Florida State University Department of Family and Child Sciences FAD 4936 SPRING 2014 Dr GJ Harris Distributed 02 25 2014 Posted Monday 02 24 2014 10 30 pm Draft Study Guide and Prep Sheet for Examination 2 Chapters 6 10 and Class Lectures Discussion Text Readings PowerPoint Blackboard Notes and select Video Presentations Terms concepts and themes will come in the form of Multiple Choice questions and maybe 1 essay question The Examination will have approximately 25 50 questions covering the following concepts from the text class lectures PowerPoint s videos or any other information from class You will have 75 minutes to complete the exam All exams are proctored by departmental or other professional colleagues No materials or other items should be on your desk No cell phones or other electronic equipment computers ipads kindles should be on your desk Remember the Honor Code Bring pen and pencil to class for your exam Examination 2 will be held on 03 06 2014 9 30 am 10 40 am in Sandels Room 209 Chapter 6 Friends Family Community Please be familiar with or be able to define or identify the following concepts terms or illustrations Changes in the American family post parental stage o Important transitions occur widowhood retirement remarriage child s departure o Transitions lead to new behaviors changes in self concept changing relationships o Later life is influenced by culture and ethnicity gender socioeconomic level past family patterns Sibling relationships bonds and ties o The longest relationships in life the relationship tends to be similar throughout life but becomes stronger later in life o Baby boomers have more siblings than children o Sibling tie is less binding than marriage or parent child but is important Previous research on sibling contact pg 155 o One of the greatest regrets reported by older adults is a failed sibling relationship o Older people are more likely to confront the death of a sibling than any other kin o Relationships are more forgiving warmer and more interested in one another in the last years of life Benefit or disadvantage of having more sisters females and caregiving o Women tend to be kin keepers o Will be looked to for support and therefore elders will stay in the house longer if there are more women as care keepers Reasons why grandparents become parents of their grandchildren and their experiences o Likely to become grandparents in their 50s o Grandparents are role models and a point of reference and identity for the gran child o 2 3 of grandparents love with the child and the parent as well can be very stressful because you are asking the grandparent to be a primary care giver and they are not ready for that Dorothy Apple study discussed on pg 159 o In societies where grandparents are the household authority relationships with the grand child tend to be more stiff and formal Where grandparents retain little control the relationship is friendly and informal more common in US Distinguish between confidant and a companion o Confident someone to confide in and share personal problems with o Companion one who regularly shares in activities and pastimes Understand and be able to define what is meant by convoy and what convoy studies have found o Convoy older individuals are in frequent contact with both family and friends o Protective layer of family and friends who surround a person and offer support o Although people tend to have more women in their network and receive more support from those women elders are not closer to the women than men in their networks Femaleness Principle o Women play more central role in the networks of unmarried people Differentiate the role and meaning of religiosity spirituality and illness and positive mood o Religiosity interaction with organized religion o Spirituality psychological sense of purpose and meaning o Subjects with high intrinsic religiosity ad spiritual well being had higher levels of hope and lower level of negative moods than subjects with low religiosity and low spiritual well being Ethnic group difference in church as a support system o Can come close to stereotyping by race must remain sensitive to variations in cultural values regarding religious and spiritual needs as well as individual differences within cultural groups Chapter 7 Intimacy and Sexuality Please be familiar with or be able to define or identify the following concepts terms or illustrations Differences in older men and women and marriage o still are intimate and have emotional connections that can be achieved relationships friends or ascribed kin o psychological well being is enhances by positive supportive relationships Research findings on marriage by gender and health pg 174 o Men are more likely to be married and women are more likely to be widowed since men pass away sooner o Marriage ore remarriage at 55 69 is becoming more common o Younger people are more likely to experience divorce over their parents of men over 65 are married o Married people have higher levels of well being o Men are taken care of by the female so they have better health when they are married and people enjoy taking care of their spouse Caregiving studies and spouses o Caregiving can be satisfying for both parties or they can be very stressful o Emotional closeness of the couple affects the caregiving if they do not define it as stressful then the outcome will not be stressful Research on retirement and marriage pg 175 177 o Changes income social status and identity o Occupational regret retired workers who wanted to change jobs but never did they feel like they have unfinished business o Alter the interaction of the couple because if the husband retires first then he goes out and fishes and when she would come home from work he would not be there and she would be upset that he was doing stuff without her o A lot to do with power difference and it seems to be better when the husband retires and the wife is not employed o Physical sex becomes less important and having a long life partner becomes more important death Identify what is meant by Grief work o Healthy confrontation and acknowledgment of the emotions brought about by o Takes time for the widow and they may withdrawal from social activities and responsibilities as she reassess her life o Once she answers where can I go from here Then she can re engage in society Define Lopata s 4 stages of widowhood o Official recognition of the event o Temporary disengagement or withdrawal from established

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