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Key Terms Reconstruction Policy Black Codes Freedmen s Bureau Land and Labor September 2 2009 Abraham Lincoln s 10 Plan December 1863 Lincoln comes up with the 10 Plan in Dec 1863 It said when 10 of a confederate state will take an oath to the union they will be able to join the union and the US Louisiana Lincoln s 10 plan was enacted here Wade Davis Bill 1864 Majority of state not 10 who had voted in the 1860 had to take the oath and officials and military leaders lose their citizenship Andrew Johnson s Reconstruction Policy 1865 If a person had 20 000 in taxable property they had to write Johnson and ask him for a pardon Johnson appointed a provisional governor for ex confederate states Only whites could vote Wade Davis Bill Majority of state not 10 who had voted in the 1860 had to take the oath and officials and military leaders lose their citizenship 10 Plan All confederates except prominent military and political leaders could regain citizenship and take oath Also had to support the constitution and the 13th amendment When 10 of people of a state who voted in 1860 take oath then they would be recognized as a state and could set up a government September 7 2009 Black Codes Told slaves where they could live and where they couldn t new curfews where put into effect and took away power from formers slaves to have equal power under the laws They could not own weapons or vote or testify against whites and slaves had to possess a document that said they had a job on a plantation on Jan 1 1866 or they would be punished September 12 2009 Freedmen s Bureau Established 1863 by a commission by three men Started by congress to investigate the problems that slaves would have when they were free The three men traveled to union held position to see how slaves where acting and then came up with what they thought was the best for former slaves Set up Freedman s Bureau it was setup to be temporary for former slaves and poor whites Was there to establish school give legal advice and whatever slaves needed at the time Was placed under the control of General Oliver Odes Howard General O O Howard He was abolitionist Christian Had a good battle record Went to West Point Former educator Controlled the Freedmen s Bureau 4 areas the Freedmen s Bureau influenced food health family education September 14 2009 Southern Homestead Act Special Field Order No 15 Was an order from Sherman that said that he had taken the Georgia Sea Island and he gave the land to the former slave that lived in Georgia Labor Contracts Labor contracts where drawn up by plantation owners which slaves couldn t read so they would be forced to work and they couldn t leave or quit the job Also if you ran away more fines would be added or jail times were added This was a way the southerners to keep slavery going without going against any laws Sharecropping Is a term referring to a person that was too poor to own their own lands so they would work on bigger farm lands as sharecroppers that would work on small tacks of lands and give back part of their to the owners of the land to keep living there Importance of Religion in Reconstruction During the war slaves could have a family or have churches or anything along the lines of that After the war Churches were the most important things to the slaves because they could control it who they elected who they felt were the most important and they later became the leaders in congress When former slaves were able to vote they then elected their church leaders because they elected them and had control over them even though the world around them they had no control Former salves have dreams of what they think should be their freedom and the Bureau is there for them the one problem that comes up is the Bureau inadvertently enforces black codes because they want the former slaves to work and the slaves owners had contracts to work and the Bureau looks for non working slaves and brings them to slave owners to put them to work The newly freed slaves were supposed to be able to vote and this would give a giant power to one group and the south didn t like this and turned to violence so that no one can gain the new power that emerges after the free slaves comes about

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FSU AMH 4173 - Reconstruction Policy

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