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Key Terms Andrew Johnson Congress and the settlement of the American West September 19 2009 Presidential Reconstruction Andrew Johnson 1865 1867 If a person had 20 000 in taxable property they had to write Johnson and ask him for a pardon Johnson appointed a provisional governor for ex confederate states Only whites could vote Wade Davis Bill Majority of state not 10 who had voted in the 1860 had to take the oath and officials and military leaders lose their citizenship 10 Plan All confederates except prominent military and political leaders could regain citizenship and take oath Also had to support the constitution and the 13th amendment When 10 of people of a state who voted in 1860 take oath then they would be recognized as a state and could set up a government 39th Congress 1865 1867 the congress that enacts the laws that starts congressional reconstruction Freedmen s Bureau Extension Act 1866 assisted freed slaves and poor whites by distributing food clothing shelter and schooling Civil Rights Bill 1866 defined citizenship and asserted the right of the Fed Gov to intervene in states affair if necessary 14th Amendment Kept confederates from holding office Reinforced Civil Rights Determined state Reps and Stop southerners from Reparations for the war Midterm Elections of 1866 Johnson s Swing around the Circle Campaign happens and it s a disaster for him and his party Swing Around the Circle Johnson claimed the election gave the people a choice between a Presidential or Congressional Reconstruction During the tour Johnson argues with the crowd and pick fights with them The trip doesn t go well for Johnson everyone that he campaigned against wins re election Republicans strengthen their numbers during Johnson s campaign and the last straw is the Ex Parte Milligan Act congress passes ExParte Milligan A man was tried by a military court and was found guilty but he then sued saying that he should have been tried in a civilian court The Supreme Court heard this and they said he was right and they threw out the case The Supreme Court then ruled that military courts were illegal where civilian courts existed Thus taking away all power from the Freedmen s Bureau to protect ex slaves This means that any southerner would be tried by people they knew and that means they could get away with more Reconstruction Act of 1867 Divided the Confederacy into five military districts commanders of these districts were instructed to protect life and property Decreed that no state could return to civilian rule until its voters both black and white framed a constitution that guaranteed ex slaves the right to vote and was acceptable to Congress and the people The 14th Amendment also had to be ratified This allowed congress to mold the southern states to their likings also had to allow black suffrage and congress had complete control over them September 21 2009 Butterfield Overland Stagecoach Line Was first contracted to take mail to different states but lead to the take of people to different locations to Butterfield Stagecoaches were contracted to deliver the mail in 25 days to California in one trip They set up stations every 20 mile all the way to California 200 stagecoaches were employed and they would leave every two days for California Butterfield made new stagecoaches that were built on straps that would swing back and forth and it would be easier for the 9 passengers on the stagecoach Passengers were packed in with each other and there were little time to bath or toilet places on the stagecoaches lastly they had to feed the passengers food that could keep for a long time usually hardtack cured meat and coffee It cost 200 to go to California and 150 to go back east Ben Holladay He not only carried mail and passengers but also supplies to the west Holladay had an interesting past being an owner of a steamboat company and a saloon and was a very rich man Holladay used the same system that Butterfield but changed it a little and after that he sold the company Wells Fargo and made a lot of money Wells Fargo arranges for transport of people to the railroads and surrounding places Pacific Railroad Act 1862 this gives a contract to two companies Central Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific and both are building towards each other Central Pacific This was the railroad company that started from the California and worked east on the railroad to meet the Union Pacific Union Pacific This was the other railroad company that started on the east and worked west to meet the Central Pacific railroad Promontory Point Utah Was the point in Utah were the two sides of the railroad were supposed to meet at the end of the construction but this was not the mindset of the railroad who passed that point and worked around it to gain more money September 23 and 28 2009 The Long Drive This the term given to driving cattle over a long distance to sell them at the ending point Comes from the cattle that was moved the Long Horn form Texas Jesse Chisholm was born in Tennessee and was Indian he was a merchant that went from Texas to different territories Oklahoma Abilene etc and started new trails and pathways for his trading The cattle men found out and started to use this trail to move cattle to different territories Abilene and Joseph McCoy Abilene was the brain child of Joseph McCoy and his background was he was mule seller during the civil war and after that he was a hogger He dream was to build a town that have stockyards for the cattle and a town that the cowboys could travel through So he made a deal with the Railroads that if he got land along the railroad that he would make the cowboys use their trains to ship their cattle back east Joseph created a few cabins and hotel and was given 6 acres of land to build on He built a bank and stockyards on the land everything you would need for the cattle business In 1867 30 to 40 thousand heads of cattle were brought there 1868 to 1871 1 5 million cattle were brought from Texas to there and cowboys were making anywhere from 20 to 40 a head on all the cattle Cowboys The cowboys were a young man s game they need to be quick and full of energy the average age was 18 to 25 and were mainly form Texas and Louisiana and were main confederate soldiers and 1 in 3 were African American Dodge City A new cow town opened and it was Dodge City and was originally called Buffalo City because the buffalo hide was a big deal at the time Dodge City became a hot spot for cowboys because the Railroad

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FSU AMH 4173 - Presidential Reconstruction

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