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Fox hare and cock Crane and heron Hedgehog in the Fog The bear Ivanko Bear s son Fox ice hut Hare lime tree bark hut Fox hut melted and goes to hare s hut and kicks hare out Hare asked dogs bear and bull to kick fox out Cock cut fox to pieces and moved in with hare Crane wants to marry heron but heron said no Heron repents and wants to marry crane but crane said no Cycle repeats daily Hedgehog was going to meet bear Got lost in the fog Finally met bear and ate raspberry jam in front of juniper bonfire Old man fought bear to cut off paw Old woman cooked paw Bear used wood to make new paw Bear went to their home and ate the man and woman Woman got lost in forest and moved into the bear s den Went back home with a cart full of gold They had a sun named Ivanko man bear Ivanko and woman ran back to the village and went back to her husband The husband told ivanko to kill a sheep for dinner Ivanko killed all the sheep that stared at him Ivanko was ordered to watch barn door at night At night he broke off the door and he went to sleep Open barn open for looters Peasant thought ivanko was a fool so he wanted to get rid of him He sent ivanko to the lake full of demons Ivanko outsmarted the demon Daughter and stepdaughter Stepmom kicked husband s daughter out she wanted her dead Daughter went to a hut and stayed by herself She shared her food with a mouse and the mouse helped her escape the bear at night Daughter woke up to goods and horses from the bear Stepmom thought her own daughter could bring home more goods and more horses She sent her daughter out but her daughter didn t share food Mouse didn t help her with the bear Daughter died one day later her mom the stepmom died of sadness The dad daughter and wealthy son in law lived happy Grumbling old woman Old woman grumbled 24 7 at her stepdaughter saying she was not perfect She sent the stepdaughter into the woods The stepdaughter had a visitor that brought her gifts daily Woman felt lonely and requested stepdaughter be brought back home When she got home with all the gifts the woman treated her nicely Prince Ivan Firebird and Gray Wolf King vyslav andonovic 3 princes males eldest to youngest Dimitri Vasily Ivan King had a garden with a apple tree that had golden apples Problem firebird took too many golden apples so king wanted to catc the firebird Challenge whoever caught bird would get the kingdom now and the rest when the king dies Dimitri and vasily failed but Ivan was able to get a feather King not satisfied wants the whole bird Sons set out for the bird Ivan found the bird but got caught by the king king dolmat King dolmat sent him on another quest to get a golden horse from king afron and he could have bird King afron caught him stealing horse so he sent him on a quest to get princess elena Ivan got the princess and tricked king afron so he got the horse He went to dolmat and tricked him into thinking he was getting the horse so he got the bird At the end of the day with the help of the wolf ivan went home with the princess the horse and the firebird Magic shirt Soldier got 100 robles from home sergeant borrowed it then denied he borrowed money Soldier ran away and he served a dragon for 9 years For 9 years he cooked for the dragon and as a reward he got a magic shirt and a horse The soldier married a princess but the princess cheated on him with a prince and killed the soldier The dragon revived the soldier and taught him how to cange shapes and body forms Soldier stole back shirt killed prince and princess and married a young cook Danila Govorila Old princess had a handsome son and daughter Witch wanted to destroy them so she gave the mom a ring to give her son Whoever the ring fit was supposed to to marry the son With the help of the witches daughter they outsmarted the witch and ran away Witch died The ring fit her sister so he wanted to marry sister Once they got married sister disappeared with the help of 4 dolls She ended up in the witches house with her daughter She ended up with her brother again but this time her brother married the witches daughter upon her return home with her sister Firebird and Princess Vasilisa Huntsman found a golden feather and gave it to the king Now king ordered the whole firebird After he got him the firebird he ordered the princess vasilisa He got the princess but she would not marry without her wedding dress Huntsman found the wedding dress but she would not marry king if he didn t bathe in boiling water Horse put a spell on huntsman so the water didn t hurt him King was fooled by the spell and he too bathed in boiling water but he died Princess married huntsman instead Soldier and king Older brother general Younger brother soldier Soldier ran away because the general bullied him One night the king got lost and found the soldier He told the soldier he was just a servant to the king The soldier treated him like an ordinary person and they took turns sleeping Soldier protected the king without knowing he was the king They went back to the kingdom and he realized he had been with the king all night The king promoted him to general and demoted his brother to a private 7 semyons Peasant had 7 sons at once and he died they were left orphan The tsar would charge rent unless they did tasks for them in order from eldest to youngest o Build a pillar o Watch from the pillar o Build a ship o Sail ship o Hide ship under water o Bring ship back to surface o Thief Tsar wanted to kill thief Thief convinced him not to kill him because he could steal princess elena the fair and he did so Ivan didn t want to work and feed parents Barin told him he had to Ivan suggested he could steal so he stole barins boots Barin was upset and said if you want to steal steal o An ox o Stallion o A church teacher The thief Frog princess Ivan stole all three and respectively got paid by the barin 100 200 and 300 robles for each task 3 prince s shot arrows and whoever caught them would be their brides First two got brides Ivan last prince got a frog Ivan married a frog King wanted the wives to make a shirt bake and dance at a ball frog was best at all events He then realized the frog was princess elena and she burned …

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FSU RUT 3514 - Fox, hare and cock

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