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CHAPTER 1 Full definition of leadership and each aspect Leadership an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes Aspects Influence means that the relationship among people is not passive however also inherent in this definition is the concept that influence is multidirectional and no coercive Something a leader does to a follower Leaders influence subordinates but subordinates also influence leaders The followers are supposed to influence the leaders and vice versa Not only do you have your followers but you influence people Influence and trust go together you have to have a level of trust in that leader for Ex in the war not knowing what is going to happen not knowing what s on the other side ride or die we are going to do this together Changes leadership involves changes not maintaining status quo Ex New and young leaders vs senior leaders Ex Unstable economy everything is falling apart few revenue coming in Your in crisis management all the time What do we do now This is becoming the new paradigm As a leader we are expected to be able to deal with this new change and overcome it Purpose you are trying to achieve the same thing both goals are the same outcome that the leader and the follower both want Shared purpose is a duo purpose the one purpose of the leader and the purpose of the follower linked together Intention everything you do there has to be a will or motive behind it There has to be a strong desire for Followers there must be followers a leader is not a leader unless followers are involved Followers are an important part of the leadership process and all leaders are sometimes followers as well good leaders know how to follow Personal Responsibility and Integrity leadership is shared among leaders and followers with everyone fully engaged and accepting higher levels of responsibility Old Paradigm and New Paradigm Paradigm shared mindset that represents a fundamental way of thinking about perceiving and understanding the world Old paradigm Stability Control Competition Uniformity Self centered Hero New paradigm Change and crisis management Empowerment Collaboration Diversity Higher ethical purpose Humble Stability vs Crisis Management Stability is when you keep things running on a steady even keel Maintaining stability in this world is a losing battle Crisis Management is when todays best leaders accept the inevitability of change and crisis Ex Price of oil skyrocketing years of declining sales slipping market share Control vs Empowerment Control means that your in control structural people from the top used to tell subordinates what to do and how to do it Empowerment means your giving that person responsibility as long as at overlaps on the vision they have Now effective leaders share power rather than hoard it Success depends on intellectual capacity of all employees One of the leaders most challenging jobs is to enable people to embrace and use their power effectively Competition vs Collaboration competition means your going against people collaboration is when people will work together Ex 2 airlines collaborating the pros and cons are that they get to learn each others skills but at the same time they are giving up their skills to the other company Uniformity vs Diversity uniformity means everyone has the same culture and background everyone thought alike Diversity is when there s different people with different ways of viewing things different styles Ex Where you come from male and female where your product is being served People with different disciplines working together seem to work better Now accountants work with financial analyst for example They will work better and will make the firm grow You cannot have a team with only all stars Self Centered vs Higher Ethical Purpose before you something might have been good for your company but not so good for other people the screw you mentality now you think about what s good for the whole organization Something larger than the individuals self interest including employees stakeholders customers the organization Ex Not taking the bonus because it will hurt your company Hero vs Humble the flight video not taking the credit for landing the plane and saving the lives but instead just saying he was trained to do that and he was just doing his job Level 5 Leader a leader who is often shy and unpretentious and have no need to be in the limelight They are concerned with the company or teams success rather than with their own success Soccer Example Difference between Leadership and Management Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning organizing staffing directing and controlling organizational resources What differences leadership from management Managers and leaders are not different types of people There are managers in todays organizations who are also good leaders and most people can develop qualities needed for effective leadership Management vs leadership management focuses on achieving results developing procedures making detailed plans very structural acting like a boss emotional distance maintains stability bottom line and short term results Leadership is creating a vision keeping an eye for the horizon and long term future reducing boundaries inspiring followers emotional connections open minded and listening It is possible to be a leader and manager Vision is about innovation being ambitious desirable defining the journey toward the goal New ideas that leads towards that goal How can you find someone in your company with vision someone who foresees the future to get a company out of a mess Theories Great Man Theories earliest studies of leadership It said people were born this way their natural leaders you cannot duplicate these people You were either born a good leader or you weren t You cant train people to be leaders you either have it for you don t Trait Theories things you inherit like traits or characteristics ex Intelligence athleticism energy empathy emotional intelligence I know your emotions you can read emotions able to handle change Contingency Theories the context of your environment what you do as a leader will determine what situations you will face These are situational theories Ex Does the company have money or does it not have money should we train these employees better should we fire them Influence Theories This is the charismatic personalities of

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