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Delinquency Prevention Social and Developmental Chapter 12 Perspectives The Many faces of Delinquency Prevention 437 Delinquency control or delinquency repression Delinquency prevention Costs of delinquency 439 State costs National costs A brief history of Delinquency Prevention 441 Chicago Area project Cambridge Somerville youth study randomized experimental design experimental group control group Detached street workers Federally funded programs contemporary preventive approaches Classifying Delinquency Prevention 443 Public health approach Developmental perspective risk factor protective factor Early Prevention of Delinquency 444 Home based programs 446 Home visitation Improving parenting skills 448 Oregon Social Learning center Daycare Programs 449 Preschool 451 School Programs in the Primary Grades 452 Prevention of Delinquency in the Teenage years 454 Mentoring 454 Federal Mentoring programs Effectiveness of Mentoring School programs for teens 457 Project PATHE Violence Prevention curriculum for Adolescents After school programs 458 Boys and girls clubs of America Participate and learn skills Job training 460 Job corps YouthBuild U S A Comprehensive Community Based Programs 461 CASASTART Future of Delinquency Prevention 463 Summary Prevention is distinguished from control or repression in that prevention seeks to reduce the risk factors for delinquency before antisocial behavior or delinquency becomes a problem Delinquency control programs which involve the juvenile justice system JJS intervene in the lives of juvenile offenders with the aim of preventing the occurrence of future delinquent acts The costs of juvenile delinquency are considerable These costs include the responses of the JJS loses to victims of delinquent acts and the financial impact on offenders and their families One approach to reducing these costs that has a great deal of attention in recent years is prevention The history of the prevention of juvenile delinquency in the US is closely tied to the history of JJS in this country A number of key events including the Chicago Area Project and federally funded initiatives helped shape the development of delinquency prevention today There are a number of different ways to classify delinquency prevention programs including the public health approach and developmental perspective Key features of the developmental perspective of delinquency prevention include Targeting of risk factors and the promotion of protective factors The provision of services to children and families programs provided over the life course Some of the most effective delinquency prevention programs for children and teens include Home visits for new mothers Parent training Enriched preschool programs School based programs that are intensive cognitive oriented and targeted to high risk kids Job training programs Key factors of effective delinquency prevention programs include Theory driven Target multiple risk factors for delinquency Intensive Successful implementation Delinquency prevention programs have also been shown to lead to improvements in other areas of life such as educational health and employment These benefits often translate into substantial cost savings More attention needs to be paid to understanding what works in preventing delinquency and addressing some of the concerns with prevention programs Intervening in the lives of children to prevent delinquency before it takes place is a key component of an overall strategy to address the problem of juvenile delinquency Juvenile Justice Then and Now Chapter 13 Juvenile Justice in the 19th century 474 Urbanization 474 The Child Saving Movement 475 House of Refuge 475 The refuge movement spreads Were they really child savers 477 Development of Juvenile Institutions 477 Law enforcement Assistance Administration LEAA Children s Aid Society 478 Orphan trains Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 478 SPCC A Century of Juvenile Justice 479 The Illinois Juvenile Court Act and its legacy 480 The legacy of Illinois Early Juvenile Court Reforming the System 481 Federal Commissions Juvenile Justice Today 483 The Juvenile Justice Process 484 Police Investigation Detention Detention hearing Pretrial Procedures Adjudicatory hearing Adjudication Disposition Bifurcated process Disposition Treatment Conflicting Values in Juvenile Justice 487 Criminal Justice vs Juvenile Justice 488 Petition A Comprehensive Juvenile Justice Strategy 490 Prevention 490 Intervention 491 Graduated Sanctions 494 Institutional Programs 494 Alternative Courts 494 Teen courts Drug courts Future of Juvenile Justice 496 Summary Urbanization created a growing number of at risk youth in the nation s cities Reformers known as child savers sought to create an independent category of delinquent offender and keep their treatment separate from adults Over the past five decades the US Supreme court and lower courts have granted procedural safeguards and the protection of due process in juvenile courts Major court decisions have laid down the constitutional requirements for juvenile court proceedings The protections currently afforded to both adults and children were not available to children The juvenile justice process consists of a series of steps Police investigation Intake procedure in the juvenile court Pretrial procedures used for juvenile offenders Adjudication disposition and post dispositional procedures Some experts want to get tough with young criminals while others want to focus on rehabilitation Crime control advocates want to reduce the courts jurisdiction over juveniles charged with serious crimes and liberalize the prosecutor s ability to try them in adult courts Child advocates suggest that the court scale back its judicial role and transfer its functions to community groups and social service agencies One similarity is the right to receive Miranda warnings this applies to juveniles as well as adults One difference is that juvenile proceedings are not considered criminal while adult proceedings are There has been a movement to toughen the juvenile justice system and many view the importance of treatment as having been greatly diminished Proponents of treatment argue that it is best suited to the developmental needs of juveniles Critics contend that treatment simply serves to mollycoddle juveniles and reduces the deterrent values of the juvenile court A comprehensive juvenile justice strategy has been developed to preserve the need for treatment services

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