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Handout Organized Crime Organized Crime crime committed by structured groups typically involving the distribution of illegal goods and services to others Boss head of the family receives cut of every operation taken on by every member of the family chosen by a vote from the Caporegimes of the family Underboss Consigliere appointed by the boss second in command of the family runs the day to day responsibilities of the family first in line to become acting boss if boss is imprisoned advisor to the family boss s right hand man third ranking member boss will appoint someone close to him who they trust Caporegime or capo captain of skipper in charge of the crew group of soldiers who report directly to him appointed by the boss and reports to him or the underboss gives a percentage of his earnings to the boss responsible for any tasks assigned including murder if becomes powerful he can make have more power than his superiors Soldier member of the family traditionally full Italian background once a member they are untouchable permission from soldier s boss must be given to kill him main workers of the family committing crimes such as assault murder and extortion in return they have full access to connections and power Operations of the Mafia illegal operations are a secret and confer by word of mouth Gangs become sufficiently systematic to be called organized Labor Racketeering Racketeering engaging in criminal activity as a structured group bribery or blackmail shielded by corrupted law officers guarantee labor peace Structure of Drug Cartels Drug Lords highest position responsible for supervising the entire drug industry Labor Racketeering general term for the misuse of organized labor for criminal purposes most infamous form of use of organized crime employers can be bullied into paying for employees who don t work to pay money to corrupt officials to second highest position responsible for supervising the hitmen and falcons within their own territory can carry out low profile executions without permission from their bosses armed group that is responsible for carrying out assassinations kidnappings thefts etc and protecting their Lieutenants Hitmen plaza from rival military Falcons considered the eyes and ears of the streets lowest rank responsible for supervising and reporting activities of the military and rival groups The Murder Book Homicide Chapter 1 3 Mala in se wrong in itself naturally evil or wrong Felonies most serious are included among those categorized example murder rape and the sexual molestation of children Mala prohibita defined as bad exist because we have defined a certain behavior as illegal or bad Misdemeanors less serious crimes Model Penal Code elements that need to be proved 1 Purposely knowingly recklessly or negligently 2 Causing the death of 3 Another human being Common Law First degree murder killing that is Intentional premeditated and deliberate Model Penal Code Murder 1st degree murder Unlawful killing with malice aforethought Second degree murder killing Intentional but not premeditated or deliberate example Injury was intended but not necessarily the death Voluntary Manslaughter killing with no malice aforethought because of victim provocation heat of passion unlawful killing one person by another malice aforethought with deliberation purpose or premeditation Voluntary Murder 1st degree murder intentional killing with adequate provocation and committed in the heat of the of passion Manslaughter Killing committed with a reasonable explanation or excuse such as force without malice aforethought Distinct offense 3rd degree murder Provocation affirmative defense to a charge of murder No time to cool off between the provocation by the victim and the killing Negligent Homicide Death caused by negligence Involuntary Manslaughter killing that is unintentional and without malice example careless driver Distinction between them depends on mens rea or the killer s mental state If the death occurs during a dangerous felony even if that was not the original intention Felony murder Capital murder Murdrs that are punishable by death Vehicular homicide Justifiable homicide Neglient homicide or manslaughter Killins that occur in the context of self defense Suicide by cop A person deliberately threatens a police officer resulting in the officer shooting that person Year and a Day Rule one is responsible for a death only if the victim dies within a year and a day of the act believed to cause the death Manner of death Classifies the type of death Suicide Homicide Undetermined Accidental Natural Gunshot wound Cardiac arrest Processing the Crime Scene Cause of death The precipitating event physical physiological that resulted in death Continuity of possession A list of all persons who have come into possession of an item of evidence Secure and Isolate the Crime Scene Preserving life Detaining suspects Detaining witnesses Controlling the crime scene Record the Scene Photography Overview general Specific details Sketches and Notes Rough Finished Chain of custody Submit evidence to the laboratory DNA analysis Blood spatter bloodstain analysis Toxicology Firearm analysis Medical Examiner Determine cause of death Determine manner of death Record and collect evidence Maintain custody of body How Common is Homicide Demographic Patterns Victims 78 are male 53 are white 33 are age 20 29 Offenders 90 are male 49 are white 40 are age 20 29 Homicide is relatively rare Only 1 of all violent crimes known to police are homicides More common in the U S than in any other industrialized nation How is Homicide Patterned Geographically South and the West Especially the southern parts of the West e g Ariz Nev Calif City New Orleans Blacks are disproportionately represented as offenders 48 and victims 43 Do the victim and offender have a prior relationship 20 involve strangers 50 involve acquaintances friends co workers 15 involve those married or dating or exes 15 involve family members other than spouses Not all homicides are part of some broader criminal event Victim precipitated are more likely to involve males What weapons get used 67 Firearm 12 Knife cutting instrument 6 Personal weapons hands fists 5 Blunt Instruments Factors that affect whether or not a firearm is used Females and those in physically vulnerable age groups A smaller portion of homicides in the U S Northeast involve firearms Supplemental Homicide Reports more detailed reliable and timely data on homicides across the

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FSU CLP 4392 - Organized Crime

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