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CHD 4630 Test 2 Study Guide Available data Usefulness o When main concern is relevance use info we are familiar with o Video Examples Lady talking about oral history struggles and excitement of looking Kaiser Old tv commercial compare this old commercial to those of Little boys talking about acts of violence in the 3 Stooges used back and seeing changes today Differences in culture content analysis People at the laundry mat interviewed different people s opinions of the laundry mat the appropriate ways to act in laundry mats and etiquette of laundry mats Trends of college students what and where they eat why technology influence on every day life Content analysis and principles Use counting numerical data and description word visuals as data evidence for findings o Systematic analysis of given info to infer meanings that are relevant to the research problem o Process to interpret meaning from texts in light of a goal o Documents of all sorts news items books magazines drawings photos journals advertisements television episodes blogs movies etc o GOAL 1 Classification most basic form of content analysis Establish the existence and frequency of concepts in a text Docs can be organized chronologically or into diff categories If you generate a classification it should meet the properties of the nominal measurement scale and classify the data into mutually exclusive categories 2 Evaluation take the analysis of the docs further Clarify meanings and value in a text o Data is presented chronologically and thematically Ethnographic research and principles o Discovery of meaning concerning a selected socio cultural phenomena Processes relationships beliefs values behaviors groupings hierarchies symbols artifacts o Focus on a microculture can be a child care center neighborhood etc Go into the field Informants are interviewed behaviors observed documents studied Involves an extended time seeking to reveal cultural themes of the phenomena under study Historical research principles o Systematic examination and account of past events To identify patterns of children s play in the early 1900s o Interpretation of past events to recapture nuances personalities cultural norms and and or ideas that influenced these events o Purpose of historical research Communicate meanings of past events Record and evaluate the accomplishments of individuals groups Identify relationship of the past to the present agencies or institutions Assist in understanding the culture in which we live o Identify locate and collect information pertaining to the research topic o Possible data sources diaries relics newspapers records items photos music Interview individuals with experience or knowledge of the topic oral histories is a source that has a direct involvement with the event being o Primary source investigated diary oral history etc o Secondary data is reportage based on others accounts Might cover wide ground Less validity than direct observations o Relevant techniques for historical research 1 External criticism involves identifying whether data is genuine and authentic Relates to VALIDITY issue a Might need to involve detailed technical analysis 2 Internal criticism involves consideration of the meaning of the data accuracy Relates to RELIABILTY a Having established a doc is genuine we also need to consider what it means o Available documentary data often does NOT meet formal sampling o Filed away documents are difficult to gauge completeness Sampling principles requirements Case Studies Research method used to investigate an individual dyad small group institution or community that is unique of special interest OR to investigate a particular phenomenon Commonly associated with qualitative research but often combine diff techniques Illuminate quantitative findings and incorporate quantitative data GOAL organize detailed data to discover larger themes patterns Advantages o Investigate new ideas arising from the data o Longitudinal view o In depth illustration o Grounded real sense of life what data exactly shows o Find meaningful patterns in data o Can be compared to other literature o Help make decisions look at context and go from there Disadvantages o Biggest potential problem the researcher o Researcher bias o Generalizing can appear Uses o Explore ideas for a larger study o Pilot test of a planned study o Follow up to gain more depth underlying a quantitative survey o Often valuable on its own merit Unusual situations characteristics problems Small understudied populations hard to get participants MFT or other types of professional practices Describe processes effects of events or interventions Explain complex phenomena o Comparative cases boy and girl of same age doing a similar task o Typical or unusual flexibility Principles for case study research o Open to new discoveries from the data o Find meaningful patterns o Compared with other literature o Help make decisions o 2 perspectives 1 Primary interest is a particular theory or issue a Single example illustrating general principle too small to make reliable generalizations 2 Case as primary interest that is impo in itself a Research pop does not represent other pop and extrapolations cannot be made to them o Representativeness can be increased by choosing the case systematically Types of samples o Sample of one 3 uses 1 Preliminary investigations conducted prior to the main study to identify key variables 2 Pilot tests another form of restricted case study 3 Follow up studies used to examine more deeply particular issues identified in the main survey prove to be very substantial o Total Population 4 diff focuses 1 Individuals 2 Projects can be formative evaluations during the project or summative evaluations at the end of the project analyze the entire activity and use mixed methods 3 Institutions can be focus when interested in the history and nature of a particular organization 4 Communities Video examples attitudes o Dad and kids on playground difference in boy and girls behaviors and o Parents interaction with young son very judgmental see researchers observing behind 2 way mirror and using an observational checklist o Baby eating lemon could measure by mothers verbal messages or by observing the baby reaction o Children playing in sand box with teacher playing with cars and trucks look at teachers interaction with children the children interaction with her her verbal messages their interactions with other children Observations watching numerical

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