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087FINAL STUDY GUIDE FALL 2012 MINORITIES CRIME AND SOCIAL POLICY PLEASE NOTE CHAPTERS 10 12 15 THE CONCLUSION WILL BE COVERED ON THE EXAM BUT ARE NOT INCLUDED ON THE STUDYGUIDE Please Note The following questions are derived from Mann Zatz s Images of Color Images of Crime These questions are not intended to provide an exhaustive review or summary of the information that you will be examined on This is supplementary material and should be used in conjunction with class notes discussions and a detailed reading of the chapters Be sure to answer the discussion questions at the end of each chapter Memorizing this material alone will not adequately prepare you for the exam Don t forget to review the information study guide from the Russell Color of Crime Book Mann Zatz s Images of Color Images of Crime Forward Introduction How does Derrick Bell define Crime and the linkage between color and crime Whites bond on the basis of race whether knowing or unknowing Crime is that conduct society finds threatening and when it comes to persons of color it is particularly threatening the actor becoming more dangerous than the deed According to Derrick Bell is racism a temporary or permanent phenomenon in America Permanent because whites at the top keep an unspoken connection with those at the bottom reminded them of what they fear blacks may do to them What does Derrick Bell have to say about civil rights Civil rights gains are being eroded because no person of color is insulated from racial discrimination According to Mann Zatz which racial ethnic group has been the subject of the greatest number of empirical studies Why African Americans 1 when people think of race they think African American 2 a consequence of this focus on African Americans has diluted records with the US Census Bureau and Police departments on other groups from black white to black white other 3 because far more empirical studies have addressed African Americans experiences with crime and criminal injustice than those of any other group What was different in the 2000 Census regarding race The US accounted for multiethnic and multiracial responses What is Mann Zatz s position on race It is socially constructed It has real life consequenses for chances in life and race relations in the US Race is a social construction meaning 1 race is not a fixed identity it is social not biological and 2 racial categories and the meanings attached to race make sense only in tier historical contexts and in light of specific social relations and 3 racial dynamicas are flexable fluid and always political What definition does Mann Zatz offer for the term racism borrowed from Omi and Winant Social practices which explicitly or inexplicitly attribute merits or allocate values to members of racially categorized groups soley because of their race What do Mann Zatz say about the racism African Americans have specifically experienced Have been victim s because of their early status as slaves and because of their continued economic plight has resulted in substantial media attention to segregated urban communities characterized by poverty single parent families poor schools And visible street crimes What is intersectionality as defined by Mann Zatz Describes how each person simultaneously experiences racial and gender oppression at the individual level How does Georges Abeyie define petite apartheid realities Every day activities that contribute to poor relations between the police and persons of color such as routine stop and frisk law enforcement practices How do Mann Zatz define Racial Formation The process by which people attach meaning and importance to racial categories What role does racial formation play at the individual level What is the consequence of thinking about racial formation this way At the individual level racial formation is part of the process by which people formulate their identities it becomes clear that race plays a central role in societal relations and cannot be reduced to something else such as socioeconomic class or nationality What is Individual Societal Racial Formation At the individual level racial formation is part of the process by which people formulate their identities at the societal level racial information is structural based on societal relations between groups Why does the author state that we need to look at the way in which we define crime Because society stereotypes crime which is more about the person than the crime and people need to open their eyes to the truth to crime Compare and contrast exploitation marginalization and powerlessness Exploitation the process whereby the work performed by one group benefits a different group Slavery is the best example but anyone underpaid and under appreciated is exploited Marginalization more common than exploitation Marginals are people the system of labor cannot or will not use Powerlessness The daily situation of those who have little or no control over their working conditions No creativity the report constantly to someone but no one is beneath them According to Mann Zatz are racial and ethnic stereotypes gendered Yes Everything is gendered CHAPTER ONE According to James Riding In what factor s influence shape the worldviews customs and values of Indians in contemporary U S Rich Cultural Heritage Define millennia A period of a thousand years What does James Riding In say about words like squaw buck savage redskin heathen loafer and drunk They deny Native Americans humanity What is the issue with Hollywood movies such as Westerns These movies paint Pawnees in the wrong light but also give Indians the stereotypes of savages and monsters According to James Riding In who benefits more from federal programs the average American citizen or the Indian The Average American Citizen According to James Riding In what was the trail of tears What was the Indian Removal Act The trail of Tears was the relocation of Cherokees in Georgia to an Indian Territory where they lost 1 3 of their population The removal act was to prevent Indians form falling under the corrupting influences of white society and to open millions of acres for Non Indian settlement James Riding In describes America as a hostile complex world that often demands conformity in thought action and deed Does this view support the notion of Assimilation or Pluralism Assimilation What happened during Columbus reign as Spanish viceroy and governor of Hispanola from 1493 1500 More than half a million natives died

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