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SECTION 1 THE PROBLEM Ch 1 Approaches to Research This chapter will 1 Look at four types of research Pure Applied Policy and Action or PAPA 2 Consider the four stages in the research cycle the problem data collection data analysis and action and 3 Consider four issues to do with accuracy relevance validity reliability and generalisability The PAPA model of research o Pure research concerned with scientific outcomes Purpose expand knowledge discover new things Driven by curiosity Ex from our text Early anthropological research on tribal societies in Africa and the Pacific research was motivated by interest of new strange societies practical action based on findings was not usually a priority for this study Aims to develop theory o Applied research concerned with topics that have potential for practical application Often begins with curiosity BUT IS NOT necessarily intended to implement results The researcher wants to find out the results and wants them to be used but does not intend on being apart of this process He would then have the problem of selling the results to the implementer o Policy research based on practical issues of interest to those who specifically make decisions about them Ex From our text Government officials might have a policy for reducing crime and want to know if the policy is working Often commissioned from consultants usually time bound and often requires research teams with experience o Action research concerned with working on particular activities to make direct improvements Ex From our text teachers deciding to compare test results from different classes to see if differences follow from using a new textbook to see if all the teachers should use the new book Also organizations might review its systems procedures staff to see if a more efficient solution can be found Quite common especially in evaluation of success or failure of new projects and only concerned with theories that will help improve practical action Stages of research Simple research model Fig 1 2 on page 6 o Problem what topic to research a decide on general area of study b narrow topic down to smaller aspect that can be studied properly in given time c Lit Review review of previous research that has already been done about your topic this might result in amendment of problem statement to make it more focused d form a hypothesis and e methodology considerations of how to collect data and addressing any problems that might arise o Data Collection Apply research methods techniques to collect information Some info can be found online or at library but most is conducted in the field and there are three steps a def of the universe is the total number of people or things to be studied so first define this for your study b sampling take a sample pop of your universe because it is impossible to study everyone everything and c data collection collect all info that is needed o Data Analysis Study data to find out if it answers your problem statement a first organize your collected data so it can be easily viewed and analyzed and b Analyze results and see if its accurate and reliable Often statistics are used o Action Final stage is to do something with results a report writing results are written up in research reports b distributing info make sure that interested people receive your findings and c putting results in action final step Which often does not include the researcher at all is attempting to make changes that the research found to be favorable Research Accuracy research that is disciplined systematic and accurate but not disciplinary defined by academic boundaries one of the main goals of this textbook is to encourage o Relevance is established by the usefulness of research to consumers of the results o Validity the correctness of the data collected Ask the question Is our data collected really measuring what we think it s measuring o Reliability the ability to replicate the same results using the same techniques and therefore produce results that others could duplicate o Gereralisability ability to predict accurately from the sample in relation to the whole population from which the sample was drawn Ch 2 Research Ethics This chapter will focus specifically on the bullets below Codes of Ethics apply to their work and to the participants of their research set out principles of behavior that professionals should o Good Ex Is the American Sociological Association 1999 and its five general ethical principles Professional competence Integrity Professional and scientific responsibility Respect for people s rights dignity and diversity Social responsibility o Key ethical standards you need to be aware of when working through your project are 1 Seeking permission to research 2 Responsibility to the community 3 Confidentiality and 4 Giving feedback to the people who participate in your research study Permission to research authorities to carry out project and 2 obtaining consent from participants Note Wise to choose project that does not require outside approvals Two main areas 1 approval is needed from o Before testing you should go through process with participants Tell participants the purpose of the research Tell them what you will do with the results Answer their questions about the research Ask their permission to continue Respect their right to refuse participation Respect their right to withdraw at any stage Responsibilities The responsibilities you have as a researcher include competence respect not getting emotionally involved with participants staying within the boundaries of the law never inventing results and or misrepresenting your role personal information they are willing to share and explain to you as a researcher It is your job to keep their private information confidential and make sure you do the following to ensure confidentiality of participants Privacy entitles people to decide how much of their lives and Confidentiality o Do Not put the names of participants on their individual questionnaires surveys and or interviews o Use Only Codes to identify participants o Always keep notes and questionnaires etc locked up in files when you leave never lying around o Never gossip about answers or participant s personal information it breaks their confidentiality and is also unethical Feedback Community feedback is very important both ethically and practically Participants will be curious about the findings and results concerning research that they themselves participated in so

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FSU CHD 4630 - The PAPA model of research

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