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Negotiations Conflict Management 4441 Spring 2012 Exam 3 Study Guide Chapters 14 15 17 18 covered Chapter 14 Individual differences I Gender and negotiations Overall are there differences in how men and women negotiate If so what are the major differences o Women behave more cooperatively than men o Men tend to negotiate better outcomes than women o There were only SMALL differences Sex refers to biological categories of male female Gender refers to cultural psychological markers of sexes more related to role or identity differentiators within a given culture Given that individual differences i e gender and situational contexts BOTH matter which one typically exerts greater influence over negotiations What are the theoretical differences between male and female negotiators o Relational discussed o View of agency relationship Women tend to be more aware of the complete relationship among parties Women tend to perceive negotiation as part of larger context not JUST the issues being Women may place more value on interaction goals interpersonal aspects of negotiation Men are driven more by task specific goals Therefore men and women may attend to other party needs differentially Women tend not to draw boundaries between negotiating and other aspects of a Conversely men tend to demarcate negotiations from other behaviors that occur in the relationship and can separate them Therefore women are less likely to act differently when they are negotiating and maintaining the relationship with other parties o Beliefs about ability and worth An individual s expectations and perceived self worth affect how he she approaches a negotiation situation Women are more likely to see their worth as determined by what an employer will pay Women may feel less comfortable operating in the social context of negotiations in general which could undermine self confidence that good outcomes are achievable o Control through empowerment Women and men perceive and use power differently Women are more likely to seek empowerment where there is interaction among all parties in order to enhance everyone s power Men are more likely to use power to achieve their own goals or to force other party to capitulate to their point of view o Types of dialogue pursued by each gender Women are more likely to engage others in joint exploration of ideas Men are more likely to use dialogue to Convince the other party that their position is correct Support various tactics to win points during discussion o Perceptions and stereotypes Men tend to benefit from having a dominant cultural stereotype positive Women stereotypes may shape the expectations and behaviors of others negotiating with them negative Important empirical i e research that uses statistics findings between men women negotiating o Men women view negotiations differently Propensity to negotiate In some studies men were 8x more likely to negotiate than women However when framed as asking for things women engaged in negotiating behaviors just as often as men How are outcome expectations typically different between men and women in negotiations In high ambiguity condition male buyers paid 10 less for products and offered 19 less to purchase items than female buyers and males concluded deals at prices 27 lower on average than women In low ambiguity condition No Gender Differences What is relationship vs task orientation Women are more likely to frame conflict episodes in relationship terms Men tend to perceive the task characteristics of conflict episodes Competition vs collaboration Men are taught to uphold the masculine norms of competition and superiority Women learn that competing and winning against a man can threaten his socially defined masculinity Therefore women are taught to maintain social harmony and are often punished for self promotion or competitive behavior as a violation of femininity o Men women communicate differently within negotiation contexts Women perceive male behavior as more assertive than men did Possible explanation American society promotes competition among males yet discourages it among females Women more likely to be more hostile in virtual negotiation than face to face Males didn t differ across channels Men made greater demands and were more dominating when observed by women o Men women are treated differently within negotiations Women are often treated worse in negotiation contexts The two negotiation contexts discussed in the text exemplify how women fare differently than men in negotiations Car Sales and Salary Negotiations o Tactics used by men women have different effects Exchange tactics reminding supervisors of previous favors and offering to make sacrifices The same tactic may have opposite effects if a man vs women uses it When a man uses exchange tactic had positive effect on salary negotiation but had negative effects for women Results show both gender job candidates were less likely to be hired Aggressive tactics when they bargained aggressively Females were 3 5 x more likely to not be hired when aggressive The same exact behavior elicit significantly different perceptions and reactions depending on the gender of the party who is the target of the communication o Gender stereotypes affect performance Stereotype threats refers to performance anxiety that afflicts individuals in certain social categories There is a stereotype that women aren t as effective as a negotiator When told the same thing men performed better because of the positive stereotype In a similar study the mention that masculine traits lead to better performance lead to women outperforming men Awareness helps Overcoming disadvantages of gender differences o Motivational intentions Since women may be punished for self promotion or aggressive tactics females should emphasize the mutual dependencies of both parties in the negotiation relationship In other words reframe it as an opportunity to come together and solve a problem Also a negotiator can prime a negotiation by stating stereotypes in order to make them more aware and enable them to overcome them o Cognitive interventions o Situational interventions negotiators Women can approach a negotiation with a more powerful mind set A study showed that when women were primed to experience power their aversion to negotiating diminished and they acted more like men do Power differences may be responsible for the differences between male and female Power is an equalizing force as men and women can use it equally Women

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