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MAN4441 EXAM 3 COMPREHENSIVE STUDY GUIDE Negotiations Conflict Management 4441 Spring 2012 Exam 3 Study Guide Chapters 14 15 17 18 covered Chapter 14 Individual differences I Gender and negotiations Overall are there differences in how men and women negotiate If so what are the major differences Gender vs Sex What is the difference Given that individual differences i e gender and situational contexts BOTH matter which one typically exerts greater influence over negotiations What are the theoretical differences between male and female negotiators o Relational o View of agency o Beliefs about ability and worth o Control through empowerment o Types of dialogue pursued by each gender o Perceptions and stereotypes Important empirical i e research that uses statistics findings between men women negotiating o Men women view negotiations differently Propensity to negotiate what does this mean How are outcome expectations typically different between men and women in negotiations What is relationship vs task orientation Men women typically see negotiations in terms of Competition vs collaboration Theoretical foundations for why men women see negotiations differently o Men women communicate differently within negotiation contexts What are the typical differences in perceptions between men women in negotiations How does being watched i e surveillance influence negotiations Does it influence them If so how o Men women are treated differently within negotiations Are men or women treated better in negotiations typically The two negotiation contexts discussed in the text exemplify how women fare differently than men in negotiations o Tactics used by men women have different effects Do the same behaviors by men and women yield similar results If so how If not why o Gender stereotypes affect performance What is the concept of stereotype threat Do stereotypes have positive or negative impacts in negotiations How can women use stereotypes to their advantage Overcoming disadvantages of gender differences o Motivational interventions o Cognitive interventions o Situational interventions Most of the above research give what rational for why men and women behave differently and respond differently within negotiations tip we discusses this single concept repeatedly in class Based on prior research do men or women typically have it more difficult within negotiation contexts Why Chapter 15 Individual differences II Personality and Abilities What is personality Why and how would personality traits be associated with negotiation contexts What is ability How are these two things different Are the effects of individual differences large and impactful or subtle and elusive in negotiation contexts Why has personality research been so elusive in negotiation contexts Just know what they are There were 8 major personality factors that were discussed that are conceptually related to negotiations o Conflict management style PLEASE know the Thomas Kilmann 5 conflict styles and more importantly the two levels of concern o Social value orientation What are pro self vs pro social orientations How might these two differences influence behavior in negotiations o Interpersonal trust How might a negotiator with high or low trust likely to engage What is the self fulfilling prophecy concept and how does it in negotiations influence negotiations o Self efficacy and locus of control What is self efficacy SE What is locus of control LOC How do these concepts likely influence how one negotiations based on if you are high low SE or internal external LOC o Self monitoring What is self monitoring What does research show about high vs low self monitors in negotiations o Machiavellianism aka Machs What is Machiavellianism How to high vs low Machs behave in negotiations o Face threat sensitivity Just know what it is o Big 5 Personality Does personality factors play a major role in negotiations Abilities in negotiations o What is cognitive ability Is it associated with negotiations o What is emotional intelligence EI How do high EI individuals act within negotiations o Perspective taking ability PTA What is PTA How is it a double edged sword i e how can it benefit you Alternatives to studying successful negotiations and also hurt you Chapter 17 Managing Negotiation Impasses What is the most frequent reason for a negotiation to reach an impasse The nature of an impasse o What is an impasse o What are 4 characteristics of an impasse What causes impasses and intractable negotiations o Difference between tractable and intractable negotiations o How do intractable conflicts vary o What are characteristics that increase the likelihood of an impasse o What are characteristics that decrease the likelihood of an impasse Hint box 17 2 on page 477 What are 4 characteristics that may cause an impasse o Characteristics of the issue Value differences High stake distributive bargaining Risk to human health and safety o Characteristics of the parties How one defines oneself Comparing one s self to others Perceptions of power Revenge Anger Conflict mgmt styles You should know these types o Characteristics of the negotiation environment o Characteristics of the negotiation setting Fundamental mistakes negotiators make that cause impasses o Neglecting the other sides problem o Too much focus on price o Too much focus on common ground o Neglecting BATNA s o Adjusting perceptions during negotiations o Not enough managing of the negotiation process itself o Allowing emotions to overcome rational and reason Preventing impasses o Cognitive resolution o Emotional resolution o Behavioral resolution 6 strategies to resolve an impasse important YOU SHOULD DEFINEATELY KNOW THESE starting with most important to less o Agreement on rules and procedures o Reducing tension and synchronizing de escalation also in order of importance Separate the parties Tension mgmt Active listening Synchronized de escalation o Improving accuracy of information Role reversal Imaging What is this technique What are the questions asked in this tactic o Controlling issues Fractionating Just know the basics of these o Establish common ground Superordinate goals Common enemies Common expectations Manage time constraints Reframe other parties view of each other Build trust o Enhancing the desirability of options to the other party Give the other yesable proposals Be more specific in demands Sweeten rather than threaten Objective criteria Chapter 18 Managing difficult negotiations What are

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