STUDY GUIDE Spring 2012 CCJ 4662 K RUSSELL BROWN COLOR OF CRIME Please Note The following questions are derived from Kathryn Russell Brown s The Color of Crime Unless otherwise noted all statements should be answered according to Russell Brown s position These questions are not intended to provide an exhaustive review or summary of the information that you will be examined on This is supplementary material and should be used in conjunction with class notes discussions and a detailed reading of the chapters This study guide alone will not adequately prepare you for the exam Chapter one 1 How does Russell describe media race isms Some are featured more and portrayed worse Creates stereotypes native Americans spiritual alcoholics Seen more as small portion of the population overlook the killings conveniently forget killings of those people blacks Fairly uniform messages about race in the media Native Americans rarely featured in news stories or seen in the media more generally movies comedies Asian Americans rarely featured in news stories sometimes represented as media players Latinos regular news topic entertainers athletes infrequently seen as media players Blacks regular subjects and reporters of news entertainers athletes frequently portrayed as media players Whites predominant face of news featured in every aspect of news owners producers and subjects Unfair harsh portrait of how race is depicted 2 How does Russell describe the progress that the media has made in it portrayal of people of color A lot has changed in the past thirty years People of color are regularly featured on television in sitcoms dramas movies and commercials Although this is true not much progress as we might imagine and not in as diverse way as we think 3 According to Russell what were the startling statistics on America Indians reported by the 2004 Justice Department study report 2x s as likely to be victims of violent crime than African Americans Most likely to be victims of interracial crime 4 What is the primary media talk about Native Americans according to Russell Centers on gambling casinos or issue of using Indian names symbols for athletic teams mascots 5 How does Russell define the term Redskin Early practice of hunting killing Indians offering their scalps as proof for the payment of a bounty 6 What is the Nike Air Native N7 Shoe specifically designed for Native Americans has feathers and arrowheads 7 According to Russell what percentage of American Indians in the US lives on reservations Based on the 2000 census Native Americans account for Of the U S population 1 4 live on reservations Less than 1 of population 8 Asian Americans account for of the U S population 4 9 Which Asian sex is more prevalent in the media according to Russell Women 10 How are Tiger Woods and Keanu Reeves similar according to Russell Both are Asian 11 What does Russell mean by her statement that Asian American has a monolithic meaning One box fits all categories and reduces to one group Ex Asians to 1 massive group when they are not interchangeable 12 What is the model minority myth Asians are the designated group assigned to this model saying that they are hard working smart respectful of authority 13 According to Russell Latinos make up of the U S population 14 14 Who is Bill Richardson New Mexico governor and 2008 Democratic presidential candidate 15 Which ethnic group is second in line as the face of the feared American criminal Latinos 16 How many Black newspapers are there today according to Russell More than 75 17 What is the relationship between rap hip hop and blackness Clothes language and affect are now a major export Criticism for emphasis on clothes cars crime and women Popularity and influence present different more complex face Offered as true picture of Black America for non blacks 18 Whites are responsible in raw numbers for what percentage of total arrests and imprisonment 70 69 8 white and blacks 27 8 Whites said to be underrepresented in arrest and incarceration figures because their rates are below 75 their percentage in US population 2005 1 5 million imprisoned 34 white 39 black 19 How are the media images of blackness primarily depicted Blacks face of crime Black deviance its regularity and frequency impossible to ignore 20 What is the myth of the criminalblackman Person most people fear is a young black man 21 People of color constitute what percentage of the U S population 1 3 22 According Russell how can blacks transcend their blackness and become colorless The more successful they keep becoming and the more that they achieve can become colorless 23 The 2000 census identified how many mixed race individuals 6 million people 24 How does Russell define racial ventriloquism When whites portray actors of color Chapter Two 25 Differentiate between micro and macro aggressions Micro aggressions subtle stunning often non verbal exchanges that amount to put downs of blacks by whites Ex white person who refuses to hold an elevator open for a black person Macro aggressions group offenses attacks insults or pejorative statements made against blacks as a group Include nonverbal communication May be directed at a specified person but becomes group offense once made public repeated and heard around the world 26 How does Russell define intrracial aggression intraracial macroagression interracial macroagressions Intraracial aggression Blacks using language that insults undermines and marginalizes other blacks macro Too harmful they legitimize the racial disrespect and loathing that is the core of interracial macro aggressions Offer license for anti black sentiment expression Micro one person to another individual Knicks coach Isaiah Thomas calling a black woman a bitch saying it is better if a black man does it than a white man 27 What did the 2003 study mentioned by Russell find about job applicants with black sounding names Black sounding names are much less likely to be called for an interview than those who have white sounding names 28 What did researchers Onwuachi Willig and Barnes conclude about name based discrimination The law falls silent and fails to protect employers adequately from name based racial discrimination Race itself is socially constructed Title VII of Civil Rights Act does not adequately address ways employers use racial indicators names to discriminate employees Although one s name may be viewed as a signal of other characteristics such as socioeconomic status it is the perceived race
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