Tom Coburn Peter Watchorn Introduction to Music Music Written Assignment 2 Ch 12 17 pg 154 251 Chapter 12 Prelude Music and the Enlightenment The enlightenment and music pg 154 159 Italy and Germany Classical style second part of the eighteenth century new musical Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach eldest son of Bach worked in Berlin Classical style very active in Vienna capital of Austria Vienna was a central location plunged into every European conflict of the time Rulers of the time Emperor Joseph II supported music Very liberal atmosphere Hayden and Mozart 1792 Beethoven came to study with Hayden Enlightenment intellectual movement of the 18th century centered in France Movement away from strictly intellectual and scientific and towards social o Focused on public morality education politics 2 French philosophers associated with the Enlightenment o Voltaire 1694 1778 o Rousseau 1712 1788 o Fought for social justice so people could live good lives The age valued intellect Art was intended to please not to instruct or impress like in Baroque era Rococo light style in painting that was transferred to music Mid 18th century music was very light charming frivolous Divertimento genre of the time that was very light amusing entertaining Rousseau and opera o Rousseau attacked opera fought for natural music o Wanted an opera that would portray real simple people singing natural music o Comic opera became popular in the later part of the century Lower class figures expressing every day problems Opera Buffa Italian comic opera Novel Comments o Developed during enlightenment o Rousseau and Voltaire both wrote popular novels Vienna was the central location for the development of classical music which paralleled it s central location politically We finally began to see a shift in rulers 1 supporting music an example of whom being Emperor Joseph II The enlightenment which was centered in France was an intellectual movement that effected music of the time Social justice and intellect became valued as the public became focused on allowing people to live good lives Haydn and Mozart two of music s greatest composers of the time composed many pieces that were intended to please and therefore had very light charming styles The rise of concerts pg 159 Concerts became much more popular during the middle of the eighteenth century 1748 Europe s first concert hall Oxford Music of all kinds presented Hayden wrote his last symphonies for concerts Mozart wrote piano concertos for concerts Concerts were not a great livelihood Style features of classical music pg 159 164 Natural pleasing variety Rhythm o Unvarying rhythms of Baroque era became regarded as dreary obvious boring o Classical music highly flexible rhythm o Rhythms of different themes differ o Audience wants variety o Rhythm increases and decreases in energy o Classical music is more unpredictable and exciting compared to Baroque Dynamics o Much more focused on dynamics o Pieces now labeled f p mf ff o Crescendo and diminuendo created o Rising popularity of the piano which had the ability to vary more in dynamics led to the decrease in use of the harpsichord which could only manage one volume level Tone Color The classic orchestra o Increased attention to tone color o Advance in orchestra led to greater abilities for flexibility Melody o Demand for plainness moving away from complexity of Baroque era o Want natural melodies clear melodies singable phrases o Classical symphonies melodies one can hum whistle o Tunes worked into larger compositions Texture o Homophony 2 o Regular melodies accompanyment no counterpoint no bassline Classical counterpoint o Did retain principle of counterpoint in classical music but it was a more delicate unobtrusive counterpoint compared to Baroque Comments As mentioned above music of the time was designed to please Along that same line music became very light and charming and concerts became more and more popular Rhythms became much more flexible and composers began to focus much more on the idea of dynamics Advances in technology led to an increased focus on tone color while natural clear melodies and simple tunes became the favorites Form in classical music pg 164 165 Led into and closed off in distinctive manners Themes are repeated so you can easily get to know them Hayden s symphony No 95 in C minor second movement pompous Most important forms o Sonata o Minuet o Rondo Chapter 13 Symphonies Movements of the symphony pg 166 167 Symphony large impressive concert piece Symphony spurred development of classical orchestra o It was the crowning achievement of Viennese classical music Classical pieces like Baroque consisted of numerous contrasting movements o 1st movement substantial piece fast moderate tempo In sonata form o 2nd movement slower tempo quiet mood o 3rd movement persistent dance rhythms minuet or trio always in triple meter o 4th movement fast again faster than 1st in sonata form or in rondo form there are always exceptions Comments 3 Because music was intended to please themes were often kept simple and were repeated allowing listeners to better get to know them Simple tunes that could easily be hummed or whistled became very popular As concerts became more popular so did large impressive concert pieces called Symphonies which looking back on the Classical Viennese period of music are the crowning achievement of the time which says a lot for a time with many different forms of music prevalent Symphonies had a standard structure of four contrasting movements the first being a substantial fast piece in sonata form the second a much slower piece the third a faster dance rhythm usually in minuet form and finally the final movement being fastest and in sonata or rondo form Sonata Form pg 167 174 Intellectual and emotional core of the work Always opens a symphony Enables a special flexibility of expression In A B A form o A exposition Large diverse section Exposes the basic material First theme is presented in the first key Modulation change in key after the first theme accomplished by the bridge subset of music Second group next piece of music new group of themes in a new key also called the second theme contrasts in meter dynamics rhythm etc with first theme Cadence theme also called closing theme is the last theme in the second group provides a solid ending o B Development exposition Heightens the tension by using contrasting themes to the Themes are developed broken up combined extended etc Moves restlessly
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