Intro to Music Test 1 4 Instrument Families Brass Winds Strings Percussion Color of an instrument is the way it sounds almost like timbre The Middle Ages 800 1400 Gregorian Chant earliest music religious named after Pope Gregory Based on modes not scales Most important not in any mode is called final first and last note Reciting tone is 1 5 above the final Cadence Break in the music almost like a comma 3 Types of Chant Melody 1 Syllabic One musical note per syllable 2 Neumatic Few musical notes per syllable 3 Melismatic Many musical notes per syllable ex adele 3 Textures Layers 1 Monophony One Voice 2 Homophony Main line w subordinates beneath it 3 Polyphony Many lines of music independent of each other Cantus Firmus Bottom voice foundation Play of Virtues Hildegard von Bingen Combining sacred chant w secular song moved it from monophony to polyphony Leonin and Perotin collected the first set of polyphonic music Behold Spring Landini has many CADENCES and voices come together afterwards called CONSONANCE TRIPLE METER I can all too well compare thy my lady Machaut Starts out as a love poem but last stanza shows that love cannot happen He who gladly serves Sabio Incorporates all 3 textures The Renaissance 1400 1600 With innovations of the printing press music was more readily available to amateurs which separated it from the church Music was part of the Quadrivium of education in the Renaissance period Medieval music was too jumbled there was a new emphasis in this period on simpler music Word painting was developed during this period The Cricket des Prez is a good example of word painting Since Robin Hood Thomas Weelkes 3 Styles 1 2 Trochaic long short 3 Anapestic short short long Iambic meter short long The Baroque Period 1600 1750 Sing Joyfully William Byrd Opera grew during this period Growth of dominant and independent voices Transition from Modality old to Tonality new Tonality collection of notes Byrd was Catholic during a period where England was switching over to Anglican Good example of WORD PAINTING Chords 3 or more notes at the same time hierarchically arranged Tonic Chord is home base beginning and ending note Dominant Chord G B D Dissinance Bad sound found in close intervals notes next to each other Consonance Good sound further intervals apart Tonic Dominant Tonic building up tension then relieving it Florentine Camerata Individuals who met in order to simplify music Emphasized homophonic mixed speech and song Gallileo s son was a part of this Basso Continuo Continuous bass keyboard instrument and low string OPERA Direct emotional singing but only one emotion can be in each song Libretto words of an opera Subdivides into ACTS SCENES ARIAS Recitativo 1 singer w basso continuo advances the plot Aria Arioso Melismatic w opera shows emotions Orfeo Monteverdi First Opera George Handel Composed operas oratorios and instrumental music He moved around Germany while Bach did not ORATORIO Close to opera but not staged and was a religious text Created because opera producers needed something religious during Lent The Messiah Handel Recitativo He that Dwelleth in Heaven Aria Thou Shalt Break Them THE CANTADA Religious work based on religious texts associated w Musical hymn BACH Orchestra and chorus go back and forth Keyboard Instrument Harpsichord Clavichord Organ Binary Form starts in tonic primary key moves away but eventually comes back to tonic THE CONCERTO Soloist battles against a larger group 3 Movements Ritornello Form Usually more boring than what the soloist is doing repeated material throughout piece Example Bach s Brandenburg Concerto Alternation between Ritornello and soloist Vivaldi Red Priest taught women at a local orphanage to play violin wrote The Four Seasons Fugue Baroque s most famous form Bach Fugue in G Minor Single theme multiple voices in a round Polyphonic subject entries of the melody is constant between different voices they come in at different times The Middle Ages 800 1400 Play of Virtues Hildegard von Bingen Behold Spring Landini has many CADENCES and voices come together afterwards called CONSONANCE TRIPLE METER I can all too well compare thy my lady Machaut He who gladly serves Sabio The Renaissance 1400 1600 The Cricket des Prez is a good example of word painting Since Robin Hood Thomas Weelkes The Baroque Period 1600 1750 Sing Joyfully William Byrd Orfeo Monteverdi First Opera The Messiah Handel ORATORIO Bach s Brandenburg Concerto HAS QUALITIES OF A CONCERTO What are the 4 Instrument Families What is Color What Was the Earliest Music What was it based off of and it s most important note What is a Cadence What Are the 3 Types of Chant Melody What are the 3 textures layers What is Cantus Firmus Important Songs from the Middle Ages Important Songs from the Renaissance Important Songs from the Baroque Period Why did the Renaissance Period transition music from holy to secular What type of emphasis did Renaissance composers put on music What is word painting and which songs are good examples 3 Styles What music form grew during Baroque period First opera Who wrote it Baroque Period was a transition from to What is a chord Tonic home good Dominant away from home What is dissidence consonance What is the Florentine Camerata How many emotions can be sung in Opera What parts does an opera subdivide into What progresses plot in an opera and what shows emotion Differences between Opera and Oratorio What is a famous Oratorio Handel s pieces What is the Cantada and who made it famous Elements of the Concerto Bach popularized fugue cantada and concerto What is Ritonello Form Who what piece is famous for concerto What is fugue and who popularized it
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