Immunology Study guide Test 1 1 4 Pathogen Classes a Extracellularbacteria parasite fungi Strep Tetanus b Intracellularbacteria parasite Mycobacteria Maleria c Viruses Intracellular Small Chickenpox flu d Parasites extracellular Ascariasis 2 Andrew Jenner 1796 Discovered Vaccination Noted that those who got cowpox were immune to smallpox Purposely injected patients with cowpox and challenged smallpox Louis Pasteur 1880 Elie Metchnikoff 1880 Attenuated Cultures weakened First person to be vaccinated Joseph Meister Declared cells were basis of immunity He was wrong Idiot Termed macrophages and microphages Neutrophils Paul Ehrlich 1896 Side chain theory specificities Ag Cells produce side chains Ab that have varying Bind to specific side chain and increase production and secretion 3 Smallpox was OFFICIALLY eradicated in 1979 4 Roux and Yersin 1888 Neutralized diphtheria and tetanus with TOXOIDS denatured toxins Demonstrated IN VITRO Neutralization cells are NOT basis of immunity Experiment 1 Inject toxin into mice Death 2 a Inject toxoid into mice b Extract serum from mice Inject toxin into serum c Inject B into different mouse Serum Toxin No death Von Vehring and Kitisato 1890 Described PASSIVE IMMUNITY Experiment 1 Inect toxin into mice Death 2 a Inject toxoid into mice b Extract serum c Inject serum into another mouse d Inject toxin into mouse with serum No Death 5 Medawar 1940 WWII Experimented with Tissue Grafts Showed there was immunological memory was a property of Lymphocytes Placing another persons tissue onto wounded soulders rejection Had to be own persons tissue Burnet 1949 CLONAL SELECTION THEORY 1 A hematopoietic stem cell undergoes differentiation and genetic rearrangement to produce 2 immature lymphocytes with many different antigen receptors Those that bind to 3 antigens from the body s own tissues are destroyed while the rest mature into 4 inactive lymphocytes Most of these will never encounter a matching 5 foreign antigen but those that do are activated and produce 6 many clones of themselves Four Postulates of Clonal Selection 1 Each lymphocyte bears a single type of specific receptor 2 Receptor stimulation is needed for lymphocyte activation 3 Identical receptors as parental cells which lymph differentiated from 4 Lymph with self receptors will be deleted at early stage 6 Immunogen foreign substance that HAS ELICITED immunological response Antigen foreign substance that HAS POTENTIAL to elicit a response Nonspecific Immunity Innate ALWAYS present Has no imm Memory or increase in response Ex Blood Skin Saliva Tears Seen in simple organisms Specific Immunity Acquired Very specific Repeated encounter Stronger and Faster response Immunlogical memory Seen in more advanced vertebrae s 2 Kinds of Specific Immunity Humoral Antibodies B cells Detect and destroy ON or OUTISDE Cellular Mediated by cells T Cells Detect Ag INSIDE the cell Effector of HUMORAL Antibody Effector of CELLULAR Lymphocytes BLOOD CELL DEVELOPMENT Thymus Thymus Blood Cells 1 Macrophages a Phagocytosis and activation of bactericidal mechanisms b Ag Presenting Macrophage Receptors 1 LPS lipopolysaccheride receptor 2 TLR Toll like receptor 3 Mannose Receptor 4 Glucan Receptor Macrophage Secretions 1 Chemokines 2 Cytokines 5 Dendrites a Antigen uptake in PERIPHERAL site close to skin b Ag Presenting c Mature dendritic cells activate na ve T cells by presenting Ag 6 Neutrophils a Phagocytosis and activate bactericidal mechanism b NO Ag Presentation 7 Eosinophil a Killing of Ab coated parasites b Helps in allergy and asthma 8 Basophil 9 Mast Cell a Unknown similar to Mast cells a Release granules containing HISTAMINE b Helps in allergy and asthma 10 Natural Killer a Releases lytic granules that kill virus infected cells and tumors b Kills by ADCC Ab dependent cell med Cytoxicity Lymphocytes 1 B Cells 2 T Cells a Antibody Production b Generated in Bone Marrow a T helper cells help B memory cells b T reg cells regulate suppress against self attack c T cytoxic cells attack infected cells Central Lymphoid System Thymus and Bone marrow Peripheral Lymphoid System Other organs MALT Mucosa assosciated lymphoid tissue BALT Bronchi associated lymphoid tissue GALT Gut associated lymphoid tissue Peyers Patches Lymph Node B cells Lymph comes in through the AFFERENT VESSEL Primary lymphoid follicle Paracortical area T cells Medulla Germinal center Senescent center Lymph goes out through EFFERENT VESSEL HIGH T cell infection occurring LOW T Cell after infection healing Macrophages plasma cells Lymph Nodules Similar to lymph nodes but HAVE NO AFFERENT Constantly testing epithelial cells for any signs of pathogens Contain o M cells sample gut contents provide local immune o Dendrites Sample gut contents by grabing method Lymphocyte circulation Lymphocytes check out 1 Lymph Node 2 Spleen for any signs of pathogens Lymphocytes and lymph are returned to blood Via THORACIC DUCT Recirculation High Endothelial Venule HEV guide transport of lymph from The blood to lymph Inflammatory Response 1 Cut Bacteria invades 2 Macrophage and mast cells come to site 3 Macrophages secrete a Chemokines alert by chemical gradients b Cytokines Act like local hormone and stimulate local endo Wall Mast cells secrete histamine vasodilator 4 Fluid leakage allows more pathogen uptake and more lymphocytes squeeze in 5 Inflamatory cells secrete mediators pain sensation B vs T epitope recognition B cell recognition T cell recognition Variable region of Ab recognizes epitopes on surface of antigens Epitopes are often buried within the Ag so they must be broken down Into peptide fragments broken down epitope region binds to MHC molecule and T cell recog MHC Epitope bind together MHC and Epitope are BOTH NEEDED FOR BINDING Antibody Response Primary 1 Lag Phase Ag recognized and cells increase proliferation and diff 2 Log Phase Rapid increase of Ab concentration 3 Plateu Phase Conservation of energy Ab synthesis is slowed 4 Decline Phase Ab have life and get destroyed Secondary Much QUICKER and STRONGER Anamnistic response due to memory 2 Decline face isn t as rapid may stay entire life only differences 1 Log face is faster and stronger Ab Mediated Functions 1 Neutrilzation binding to pathogen BLOCKs association with their targerts Rendering them ineffective nontoxic 2 Opsonization COATING pathogen with Abs phagocytosis The Fc region of the antibody interacts with Fc receptors on phagocytic cells rendering the pathogen more readily phagocytosed 3
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