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An Anotomy of ESP Oppression Class Notes Worms Eye View Ground up See things from the ground up Preferred because the worm expresses the essence of defenseless against a more powerful wide raging and for seeing predator referring to as if an animal was hunting a worm Birds Eye View Sky Down Seeing everything from above as a whole Vantage Point Your angle view point of what you can see Ex someone sitting on the side of the room could see a marker hidden behind the desk that someone in the back of the room could not would not see ESP Economic Social Political 1 Bill Cosby example Bill Cosby tried to buy NBC but was not allowed to because you don t only need wealth and the ability to do so Not just anyone can do something big like that because it is designed to maintain an alleged superior group at the top of the ladder 2 School example 2 Perspectives a Subjective reading writing math science i Not critical thinking b Objective School is good c School is good in the objective perspective but in the subjective perspective critical thinking is not an actual subject taught in school that could make school better 3 Example Everyone not equal in education Inequalities are neutral a Not all millionaires are educated i Did not need schooling to become successful b Educated become successful i Used education to become successful Pre Enlightened Oppressed Belief of something being inevitable and will not go away Post Enlightened Oppressed Negative view but can go away not inevitable Difference in these two is the subjective level not the objective 4 A personal support in one versus the other in one being better then the other a Example UF vs FSU 5 none 6 Restrictions goals made to steer away a certain kind of people from becoming or being something but if they can fulfill then they can become apart of it a Example Women have to be able to carry a certain amount of weight as one requirement to becoming a cop 7 Subjective View Negative Non Catastrophic Effects felt into the future and lingers a Katrina hitting New Orleans effects of Katrina linger and have changed things for the future b Transgenerational c Positive Suffering Leads to positive later outcomes i Example Religion someone not doing something good and suffering then later finding religion to get over it and being happy thankful for it 8 3 Things to Legitimizing Oppression 1 God 2 Nature 3 Blaming Victim Religion is the start of criminology Setting people apart from others Religion is the primary mechanism to legitimate oppression 10 Oppressor wants oppressed to get Anti Powerism as the oppressor gets Powerism a Anti Powerism Negative towards power and not wanting it b Powerism Wanting power 11 To be oppressed you have to cheat a Having power to define things yourself i Example Changing law change the definition of crime law Implications for Strategies of Social Change 1 2 If you understand the way it operates you can understand how to reduce it 3 Example If oppression exist one place we can assume its everywhere or could be 4 Quietism is unacceptable suffering can be positive a Blacks can act like a white male and not mess up balance b Paradigm Understanding reality c Conceptual Incarceration Inability to think outside the box no freedom thinking barrier from inside the box to the freedom thinking outside the box 4 Have economic imbalance things need to be re evaluated a Liberty Justice Freedom for all i Due Process Accommodating Difference 1 Integration A B AB A and B together o Contains of things mixed together o Example milk eggs mix cake Eradicates differences No more unique ingredients Pre Supposes takes for granted Co Equality they are equally valuable o To become like A the more powerful one for survival 2 Assimilation A B A Eradicates differences Pre Supposes inequality 3 Pluralism A B A B No attempt to eradicate differences Establishes Co Equality Differences celebrates Cannot go from A to C without B happening Feagin s 4 Types of Discrimination 1 iid Isolate Individual Discrimination Individual Illegal Blatant Overt 2 gsd Group Sporadic Discrimination Illegal Organized Blatant Overt Covert 3 D I D Direct Institutionalized Discrimination Legal Overt Covert Example KKK Skinheads 4 I I D Indirect Institutional Discrimination Legal Covert Example test scores standardized exams private schools 5 NON FEAGIN Neo Racism Focus on results its want matters Same as 3 and 4 except result Does not focus on intent Side Effect Unintentional this is just an artifact from before no direct indirect Intent discriminate he says you have to prove intent Discrimination evolves If accepted after 1 it goes to 2 and so on Goes from individual to group to institution to legal and last to indirect legal Standard Includes something and excludes something All except I I D is tensional Ethnicity Intersection of race religion traditions etc Broader social construct Race Social Construct Typically based on color Narrower Race and Ethnicities are Social Constructs Need to see Discrimination as an act and Prejudice as a belief Racial Prejudice Prejudice based on race Racism Racial Prejudice Power Racialism Racial Prejudice belief in racial superiority

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FSU CCJ 4662 - Anotomy of ESP Oppression

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