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Rahul Senthamarai Kannan Professor Powell Art 1301 October 20 2021 The Body in Art The human body in art has been depicted for thousands of years through various forms such as painting sculptures and more I would like to discuss two approaches which I find interesting They are Notions of Beauty and the performance art of the body In the Notions of Beauty of an artwork of the body the artwork is very much linked to the standard of beauty of that time period Also the concept of beauty changes overtime so one era s beauty is probably will not be considered beauty in an another era In the sculpture Discobolos by Myron depicts a man positioning just before he throws his disc The Greek showed well defined muscles and sharp feature of the man s body to highlight his strength and athletic ability Greeks gods of that time were also depicted with muscles and sharp features and this sculpture follows those parameters In performance art the body and the movement of the body becomes the artwork itself In the performance piece Loving Care by Janine Antoni soaked her hair in a black natural dye and then she mopped the floor with her hair She slowly used people to back people of the gallery This performance represent the chores the women do and what is perceived what a woman is only good for and when she backs people out of the gallery it represents the people are at a blind eye to this I find it interesting the artists view their own body has a piece of an artwork or use their body as a tool for their artwork Works Cited Myron Discus Thrower Discobolos Roman copy of Greek bronze original from c 450 BCE Marble height 5 1 Museo delle Terme Rome Italy Loving Care Janine Antoni 1993 www janineantoni net loving care

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GSU ART 1301 - The Body in Art

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