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Art Society and Culture 1st day Notes Functions of Art Serves and or commemorates the dead Celebrates war and conquest and sometimes also peace Art assists us in rituals that promote our ideas and emotions Art gives us pics of deities or helps us conceive what divinity might be Makes evident the power of the state and the rulers Means of a protesting war and conquest Promotes cohesion within a social group Records the likeness of individuals and the context in which the individuals exist Educates us about ourselves and the world around us Entertain us Visual Form The materials from which the work is made Its formal elements Its overall composition size internal balance etc Arts imagery Its surrounding where it is used or displayed Its symbolic meaning The customs beliefs and values of the culture that uses it Text or writings about the work Content Aesthetics 2nd day Notes Categories of visual Arts High art o Museum gallery art o What is High art changes through history Popular Culture A branch of Western Philosophy originating in Ancient Greece that deals with art its creative sources its various forms and o Animation manga Kitsch o Something that has sentimental basis o Collectables o Cuteness Craft o Ceramic glass Vocabulary of style Non objective no recognizable imagery Abstract derived from reality Realistic Naturalistic Stylized mannered o Anime set conventions Expressive communicate heightened emotions Classical orderly also a point of evolution the epitome of a style o A period Categories of style Style can be Cultural Regional Period Group Individual Vocabulary of Art Representational Deriving Meaning How do artists visually present Ideas in their work How does the audience understand the message We derive meaning in four basic ways We analyze works through different critical Methodologies We study their content We learn about the context in which they were created We look at the ways we encounter them to see that affects their meaning Formal analysis An integrated study of all the formal qualities of a work of art Looks at how all the compositional elements of an art object work together to convey a set of ideas Co Reading Content The themes Iconography is a kind of pic writing using a culturally specific set of images and symbols A visual metaphor is an image or element that is descriptive of something else A symbol is an image or elements that stands for something else A metaphor is description and symbol is standing Context consists of the interrelated social and political conditions that surround a work of art Context Writings of art Formalist criticism Ideological criticism Structuralist based criticism Psychoanalytic criticism Feminist criticism Visual culture o The study of art cannot focus on just the significance of any one artwork Semiotics study of signs in verbal Communications Deconstruction there is a multiplicity of meaning in any artwork Elements of Art Color Line Time and Motion Shape and Form Space Texture Value Principles of Composition Ballance Rhythm Unity and variety Scale and proportion Emphasis Types of lines Actual Implied Psychological implied Characteristics of line Vertical line carry a potential for energy Diagonal lines are energetic Horizontal line are stable quiet and resting Gesture and Contour Gesture shows what something is doing it implies and shows movement and impulse Contour maps the edges and surface of a form Contour line used to delineate shape and volume Line outline form and shape Outline define forms and create shape The shapes they creates may be positive of negative Line value and texture Line can create texture through layering cross hatching And combining different marks Crosshatching and value Crosshatching is the use of overlapping lines to create areas of light and dark or value Value Value is the relative lightness or darkness of an image o Achromatic value scale o Chromatic value scale o Shading is the manipulation of value to form volume and mass o Chiaroscuro is the use of value to create form and volume o Tenebrism is the dramatic use of light and dark value To give sense of 3d Chiaroscuro is the use of value to create volume Shape An object or form can be made Est figure Ground relationship test q Shape is 2 dimensional form defined by 1 or more of the elements of design The edges of a shape are often defined by line value color and or texture In design there are both positive and negative shapes which define a figure ground relationship within the composition A figure is any mark on the surface ground The figure is usually considered a neg shape though this is not always the case Fig ground Implied shapes Shapes are implied rather than actual Gestalt Figure Ground Relationships figure g round Reversal Color Characteristics of color Color is inverted not actual color Spectrum The Range of visible color created when light is passed through a prism Hue The actual color or name of the color Saturation The intensity or pureness of a color also called chroma Simultaneous Contrasts When two complements are next to each other they increase the visual brilliance of each other Afterimage effect Stare at a color long enough and when you look away you will see an afterimage of its complement Subtractive Color Systems Pigment Based In SCS the intensity or saturation of the hue decreases with The addition of another hue Chromatic Value Scale Hue White Tint Hue Black Shade White the absence of color Black the presence of all colors Additive Color Systems Light Secondary colors Cyan Magenta and Yellow September 13 2021 Principles of Composition Balance Rhythm Proportion and Scale Emphasis Unity and Variety

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GSU ART 1301 - Notes CH.1

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