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Rahul Senthamarai Kannan Professor Powel Art 1301 November 2 2021 Selfies Authenticity and Experience My family friends and I use digital photography to capture the moment or experience of that particular moment and we use social media to let people see the moments and visualize the experience When I mean by moments it is emotions behind the photograph For example a person takes a graduation photo it displays the sense of the accomplishment in the person s smile in the photo and the captures the what the person felt As Sarah Urist Green puts it sharing documentation with those who can t be there in person Posting images on social media provides the person a sense of self gratification for his or her efforts Nowadays photos are taken through the lens of cellphones rather than digital cameras because digital cameras cost are expensive and to an extent unnecessary The modern cellphone can take pictures with high quality compared to digital cameras that are on the market right now and digital cameras are not necessary excepts for special events like for weddings and such The selfies I take document my experiences I do not care how many likes it garnered by social media and I to be candid I do not care for it The memories and the experience behind the selfies I take is what I what I value most not having a high like count is not really that important in my opinion Although I do post on social media sites and get likes for the photos and videos I post and get form of gratification from it yet I feel that meaning experience emotion and the value I put behind what I post is the most important part of the experience I believe When I first see an image that I took the first thing that comes to mind is the experience and memories of that moment and also to some extent the experience of the place since I am remembering the past Cited Works Green Sarah Urist and John Green Is Instagram Changing Art YouTube YouTube 19 Dec 2019 https www youtube com watch v eb0i070d3fA Accessed 3 Nov 2021

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GSU ART 1301 - Selfies, Authenticity, and Experience

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