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Rahul Senthamarai Kannan Professor Powell Art 1301 December 1 2021 A Museum for the Post Colonial Future Museums outside of Africa and the Pacific showcasing African and Pacific art should be returned to where they originated Or at least some of it but with the permission of the countries the art was stolen from The art the Europeans took did not buy or traded with them but rather took them by force I believe future museums in Africa and the Pacific should not only have the stolen art and the culture of past be displayed but also how they were taken The museums should exhibit the culture and artwork of the time they want to represent When people look at the artwork and artifacts they should be able to see the history of how it was taken out of the country They should tell people how the African and Pacific land have been looted and ravaged by the European powers According to the article This Art Was Looted 123 Years Ago Will it Ever be Returned Alex Marsh Reports the British Army took Benin City in a violent raid and the artifacts were given to museums or sold at auction or kept by soldiers for their mantelpieces 6 The Museum should recognize and tell the harsh truth to accurately represent history But the main focus of the museums should be to exhibit the artwork and culture they wish to represent I also think the museum should be interactive to have some immersion into the culture in order to have a higher sense of apperception for the artifacts and culture Works Cited Marshall Alex This Art Was Looted 123 Years Ago Will It Ever Be Returned The New York Times 29 Oct 2021 www nytimes com 2020 01 23 arts design benin bronzes html

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GSU ART 1301 - A Museum for the Post-Colonial Future

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