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Chemistry 1A Fall 2022 3 semester credits version 8 20 2022 Course Description Welcome to Chem 1A In this course we will learn about chemical reactions bonding stoichiometry orbitals the periodic table real and ideal gases acid base chemistry introductory thermodynamics oxidation reduction equilibrium solutions and bCourses has more course information https bcourses berkeley edu Unless noted otherwise times are specified for the Pacific Time zone None but a year of high school chemistry is highly recommended Prerequisites Course Objectives After successfully completing this course you will be able to Use the periodic table to predict elements interactions Balance chemical reactions and use stoichiometry Use basic thermodynamic and gas laws Recognize and predict bonding and intermolecular interactions Quantify acid base and oxidation reduction equilibria Analyze molecules in terms of orbitals and their interactions Instructor and Contact Information Office Hours Communication Course E Mail chem1a berkeley edu For most correspondence writing to this address will help get the email to the person best placed to help you as quickly as possible Email directed elsewhere could result in long delays Faculty Instructors Prof Eric Neuscamman Prof Kristie Boering Page 1 Head Graduate Student Instructors Head GSIs Christina Brancel Harrison Tuckman Office Hours Office hours are times that instructors have set aside for drop in assistance with course material and other course matters Try them you ll like them Mondays Prof Neuscamman s office hours 1 00pm 2 00pm Thursdays 11 00am 12 00pm Prof Boering s office hours Mondays 5 10pm 7 00pm Location 433 Latimer GSI office hours Location 425 Latimer Hall Location 425 Latimer Hall In person GSI office hours will be held in Bixby North which is located on the north side of Latimer Hall on the ground floor and close to the entrance to the Pimentel lecture hall Many Chem 1A office hours will be available between 8 am and 7 pm on weekdays Check bCourses under the Office Hours navigation link for specific times Note that students may attend the office hours of any GSI not just those of the GSI who runs the discussion section in which they are enrolled Some GSIs will also hold some virtual office hours via Zoom Consult the Office Hours navigation link on bCourses for specific days times and zoom links Ed Discussion Question Answer Platform This course will make use of the Ed Discussion question and answer platform using a link provided on bCourses Ed Discussion is a wiki style platform that allows questions to be asked at any time of the day or night and then answered as quickly as possible by both student peers and instructors and from which all students can benefit from seeing the answers Something you ll find in your time at Berkeley is that if you have a question then chances are very high that many other students in the class have the same question This is true even for questions that you are worried might sound like dumb questions In this course no question is a dumb question the point is for you to know the material by the time you walk into the room to take an exam If everyone knew the answer to everything already we d just give the exams the first day of classes Rather like office hours and discussion sections Ed Discussion is intended to help you understand the material by the time you take the exam Page 2 Course Materials and Technical Requirements Access to the Textbook Online Learning System iClicker Participation app and Discussion Worksheets IMPORTANT NOTE ON TEXTBOOK PURCHASING This course uses an online textbook homework and student response or iClicker system that will be automatically made available to students enrolled in the course through Berkeley s Inclusive Access Program Inclusive Access works to ensure all students have access to course materials on Day One Payment occurs later through automatic billing at which point financial aid that covers textbooks should apply but please check with your financial aid advisor ASAP to make sure your aid source works correctly with the Inclusive Access Program Students will have the option to opt out but doing so would prevent access to the homework and iClicker systems which are also required for the course In short DO NOT go out and purchase the textbook as access and billing will happen automatically If you prefer to have a physical copy in addition to the electronic access you may purchase one but you will end up paying for both Also note that once you download the textbook into Vitalsource see bCourses for how to do this you will retain access to it through Vitalsource for four years With this important information in hand we can now reveal that the Chem 1A textbook is Chemical Principles The Quest for Insight 7th Edition by Atkins et al the associated online learning system is ACHIEVE and the student response system for getting credit for live participation in lectures is the iClicker app For the ACHIEVE homework system DO NOT GO DIRECTLY TO ACHIEVE online Instead follow the getting started instructions on bCourses to register for ACHIEVE via the link on bCourses and then complete the Achieve Orientation assignment and get 8 points The third part of the online learning system is iClicker which allows us to poll you during lecture This is how you will earn your lecture participation credit Instructions for setting up your iClicker account and linking it to ACHIEVE are included in the getting started section on bCourses Please do this ASAP A printed and bound booklet containing all the semester s Discussion Worksheets which are required for use in discussion sections can be purchased from Copy Central starting on Monday August 22nd see below OR students can print out their own hardcopies of the Discussion Worksheets from the pdf files available on bCourses Students may also use an electronic copy of the discussion worksheets by downloading the pdf files to their computer or tablet For students who want the printed booklet stop by the Copy Central store at 2411 Telegraph Avenue two blocks from Sather Gate or it can be ordered on their website https copycentral redshelf com and shipped Page 3 Technical Requirements This course is built on a learning management system called Canvas UC Berkeley s version of this system is called bCourses You will need to meet these computer specifications to make use of bCourses Technical Support For technical support with bCourses click on the Help button

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