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TEAM MEMBERS Unit 3 Lesson 6 In Class Question Sheet 3 6 Order v Liberty INSTRUCTIONS Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton articulated different views of the new nation its future and its citizens Construct a chart that compares their philosophies Be prepared to explain why including the logic behind their viewpoints Areas of Tension Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton Who should govern How powerful the federal government should be How the U S should interact with England and France HIS 315K 1 TEAM MEMBERS What the economic foundation of the nation should be What classes or groups of people would most likely join a faction in support of each philosophy factions of the time Federalists and Anti Federalists Crash Course video refers to them as Elitist Federalists and Republicans Step One Indicate with an X what your team considers the two most serious tensions that required a resolution an attempt to resolve the tensions Step Two The Federalists political philosophies were based on the principles of ORDER that political social and economic order are necessary to seriously build a new nation The Anti Federalists political philosophies were based on the principles of LIBERTY that freedom and democratic ideals such as freedom of speech were essential to the founding of the new republic Were the principles of ORDER or LIBERTY most evident in the resolution of tension 1 ORDER LIBERTY Explain tension 2 ORDER LIBERTY Explain HIS 315K 2 TEAM MEMBERS HIS 315K 3

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